I tend to trust law enforcement until I heard comments made by Capt. Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the Cherokee Sheriff's Office, who described Long having "a bad day" as part of the suspect's mindset. I feel his remark is completely inappropriate, showed his insensitivity towards victims' family, as well as his complete lack of judgement not grasping the gravity of this massacre again Asian community. I demand his immediate resignation and he should be barred from further employment under law enforcement.
真是被这个Bake恶心坏了,我只听到had a bad day血就直往脑门上涌,都没好好听他其他话。后来强忍不适听了他的全篇发言,但凡是有机会为凶手辩解的他就使劲说,还说了非常感谢凶手的家庭(大概是他们抓捕的时候家庭比较配合)。但有人问凶手是否显示remorse他就回答无可奉告。从头到尾没听到他谴责暴行,或者是对死者家属展示任何一点同情。 这种A-hole必须立刻被解雇啊!
已留言。 准备也给GA federal senator打电话 Demand Action from Your Representatives, DEMAND ACTION TO END POLICE VIOLENCE (给murder辩护就是对victim的精神violence) 要求撤职这个jay baker。 两senator 都是民主党 RAPHAEL WARNOCK 202-224-3643 JON OSSOFF 202-224-3521
For your reference posted below is the letter I sent to the Cherokee County's Board of Commissioners (https://www.cherokeega.com/_focus/contacting-cherokee-county.php) Dear Commissioners, I was shocked when I heard comments made by Capt. Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the Cherokee Sheriff's Office, in the aftermath of the mass murders committed by serial killer Long. Among other things, Baker casually described Long "having had a bad day" as part of the motives for the mass murders. Baker's remarks are absolutely inappropriate, showed his insensitivity towards the victims' families, as well as his complete lack of judgement or appreciation of the gravity of this massacre. His comments give the Asian American community across the country zero confidence that our experiences of hatred against Asian Americans and the pain and suffering that we are feeling are being taken seriously. Evidence has also surfaced that Baker promoted a T-shirt with racist language about China and the coronavirus in a Facebook post last year. I was deeply offended by Capt. Jay Baker's remarks and behavior and strongly feel that he is unfit for employment with law enforcement. I demand his immediate removal from the Cherokee Sheriff's Office. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Regards, ______
回复 1楼0526arap的帖子 谢谢各位,他是在被调查中,等着被fire Georgia sheriff official under fire for anti-Asian social media post Ali Gostanian and Suzanne CiechalskiWed, March 17, 2021, 11:49 PM·2 min read A Georgia sheriff''''s spokesperson who came under fire Wednesday for statements he made about the suspect in the Atlanta-area spa shootings, which killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, previously shared an anti-Asian post on Facebook.
回复 1楼0526arap的帖子 求证这个是真的吗? yahoo 的新闻。 他正式被开除了吗? Georgia sheriff official under fire for anti-Asian social media post Ali Gostanian and Suzanne CiechalskiWed, March 17, 2021, 11:49 PM·2 min read A Georgia sheriff''s spokesperson who came under fire Wednesday for statements he made about the suspect in the Atlanta-area spa shootings, which killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, previously shared an anti-Asian post on Facebook. 冬日暖阳1 发表于 2021-03-18 17:11
留言了, I tend to trust law enforcement until I heard comments made by Capt. Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the Cherokee Sheriff's Office, who described Long having "a bad day" as part of the suspect's mindset. I feel his remark is completely inappropriate, showed his insensitivity towards victims' family, as well as his complete lack of judgement not grasping the gravity of this massacre again Asian community. I demand his immediate resignation and he should be barred from further employment under law enforcement. celielee 发表于 2021-03-17 20:05
这个叫 Jay Baker 的警长 不仅在发布会上公开说这个杀了八个人的混蛋 was having “a really bad day.”而且 被八出来之前买过racist的T-shirt 这个是可以留言的网址 如果是亚特兰大本地的选民留言应该更有意义 https://www.cherokeega-sheriff.org/?page_id=302 这个是那个警长的报道 https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/spa-shooter-bad-day-racist-facebook 这个是楼里有同学推荐的 How to File Complaints against the Cherokee County Sheriff''s Office [url]https://openpolice.org/dept/GA-cherokee-county-sheriffs-office[/url] 也可以email Cherokee County Board of Commissioners county comissioner is the governing body of the county [url]https://www.cherokeega.com/_focus/contacting-cherokee-county.php[/url] [url]https://www.cherokeega.com/BOC/[/url]
回复 1楼0526arap的帖子 感觉大家的指责都没有到点子上。 这人zha发言的最大问题难道不是在没有任何证据的情况下暗示受害者是性工作者吗?defame the victims when their bodies were still warm, 不管有意无意还是只是转述。 WCatQ5 发表于 2021-03-18 19:48
给internal affair更靠谱啊,他们才是监督警察的,给sheriff office留言也许他就是那里的头,也许都被删了
这个Jay Baker是 Captain - Director of Communications & Community Relations 678-493-4117 也许就是管留言的。。。给他的上级或平级留言更有效
大家可以打678-493-4100留言,这个是他们的头Frank Reynolds/Sheriff 和 Ken Ball/Chief Deputy的电话
对,internal affair是管警察的
赞. 👍
两senator 都是民主党 RAPHAEL WARNOCK 202-224-3643 JON OSSOFF 202-224-3521
同意! Twitter上面也说应该给 Frank Reynolds 打电话: (678) 493-4200,因为他是头嘛。但是估计也是一丘之貉。我在他的facebook上面找到了他的视频:https://vimeo.com/164323907 自称conservative republican. 大概率racist。但是还是应该骚扰一下。 这是他的facebook:https://www.facebook.com/sherifffrankreynolds/
update: facebook 已经关了。行动好快!
顶 这个it’s just a bad day for him and this is what he did! 已经气了我一个早上了
Not resign
Fire Jay Baker!
Dear Commissioners,
I was shocked when I heard comments made by Capt. Jay Baker, a spokesperson for the Cherokee Sheriff's Office, in the aftermath of the mass murders committed by serial killer Long. Among other things, Baker casually described Long "having had a bad day" as part of the motives for the mass murders. Baker's remarks are absolutely inappropriate, showed his insensitivity towards the victims' families, as well as his complete lack of judgement or appreciation of the gravity of this massacre.
His comments give the Asian American community across the country zero confidence that our experiences of hatred against Asian Americans and the pain and suffering that we are feeling are being taken seriously.
Evidence has also surfaced that Baker promoted a T-shirt with racist language about China and the coronavirus in a Facebook post last year.
I was deeply offended by Capt. Jay Baker's remarks and behavior and strongly feel that he is unfit for employment with law enforcement. I demand his immediate removal from the Cherokee Sheriff's Office. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Regards, ______
Georgia sheriff official under fire for anti-Asian social media post Ali Gostanian and Suzanne Ciechalski Wed, March 17, 2021, 11:49 PM·2 min read
A Georgia sheriff''''s spokesperson who came under fire Wednesday for statements he made about the suspect in the Atlanta-area spa shootings, which killed eight people, including six women of Asian descent, previously shared an anti-Asian post on Facebook.
this is under fire, 并不是被fire的意思吧,我英文不好,请英文好的同学解读一下。
Lt. David Barone Office of Professional Standards Phone: 678-493-4116 这个也可以打 属于他们internal affair的
最有效的是找这个人,和首页链接里那几个coucil members:
好。 顶起来。
common sense, 1警察局没有定性仇恨犯罪的权力,2冷血杀人犯说的话没有credibility, 谢谢。
NOW THEY’RE SAYING CAPTAIN BAKER HAD A BAD DAY: “Captain Baker had a difficult task before him, and this was one of the hardest in his 28-years in law enforcement.“
是啊, 一定得给他们点颜色看看, 太可恶了
感觉大家的指责都没有到点子上。 这人zha发言的最大问题难道不是在没有任何证据的情况下暗示受害者是性工作者吗?defame the victims when their bodies were still warm, 不管有意无意还是只是转述。
建议大家多去twitter上借鉴一下那些powerful 的arugments,不然我们就是打一千个电话都一样骂他racist,人家一个PR说你曲解别人转述,或者图片造假,你马上哑巴。