回复 15楼floridapalmtree的帖子 估计没用了 For a Traditional IRA, for 2020 full deductibility of a contribution is available to active participants whose 2020 Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is $104,000 or less (joint) and $65,000 or less (single)
对于traditional IRA的限制,Married filing jointly (spouse covered by retirement plan at work) income limit is $196000 or less. 十万的限制是夫妻双方都有退休账户的情况。 Married filing jointly (and covered by retirement plan at work) limits is $104000. 所以楼主符合自己开traditional IRA, 老公符合Roth IRA
对于traditional IRA的限制,Married filing jointly (spouse covered by retirement plan at work) income limit is $196000 or less. 十万的限制是夫妻双方都有退休账户的情况。 Married filing jointly (and covered by retirement plan at work) limits is $104000. 所以楼主符合自己开traditional IRA, 老公符合Roth IRA TeddybearBB 发表于 2021-03-17 20:04
Traditional 401(k) contributions effectively reduce both adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). A Roth 401(k), similarly to a Roth IRA, is funded through after-tax dollars and offers no immediate tax deduction. ...
Traditional 401(k) contributions effectively reduce both adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). A Roth 401(k), similarly to a Roth IRA, is funded through after-tax dollars and offers no immediate tax deduction. ... TeddybearBB 发表于 2021-03-17 20:12
回复 15楼floridapalmtree的帖子 看见你这个帖子,正好我问一下,我一直以为是一个house hold 6000K,现在才知道可以两个人都有。但是我看这个网站,说两人不能超过10000。有点糊涂了。到底是12000还是10000 https://finance.zacks.com/much-can-married-couple-put-ira-year-2218.html When both partners in a marriage contribute to IRAs, they can contribute $5,000 to each spouse’s IRA for a combined total of $10,000 per year. If one spouse is at least 50, the combined maximum is $11,000. When both spouses reach age 50 the maximum rises to $12,000.
回复 15楼floridapalmtree的帖子 看见你这个帖子,正好我问一下,我一直以为是一个house hold 6000K,现在才知道可以两个人都有。但是我看这个网站,说两人不能超过10000。有点糊涂了。到底是12000还是10000 https://finance.zacks.com/much-can-married-couple-put-ira-year-2218.html When both partners in a marriage contribute to IRAs, they can contribute $5,000 to each spouse’s IRA for a combined total of $10,000 per year. If one spouse is at least 50, the combined maximum is $11,000. When both spouses reach age 50 the maximum rises to $12,000. littleprayer 发表于 2021-03-17 22:49
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有些人有IRA, other self employment tax deduction, carried over loss etc,那么他的total income 到AGI 之间会不同,如果没有中间的这些减项,tax return上面的total income基本会和AGI 一样。
No, 那里的总收入已经去除了401,HSA之类的了。我之前就说了W2的数字已经减掉401了。那么你turbo tax 根据W2之类的出来的总收入自然也不包括401。
Turbotax 有个 summary report, 列出来总收入, AGI, taxable income, 总收入包括了W2 + 股票 + 利息之类的吧。我的总收入是16w 多一点,那理论上 - 401k 和 HSA才是AGI? 但是我的AGI 和总收入的数字一样。。。
你报税难道不是用W2数字报的吗?W2已经给你减掉401 之类的了啊。你所谓报税总收入数字哪里来的。
我没说明白,之前写错了。是报税的总收入是16万多一点,然后AGI 也是同样的数字,因为AGI 应该 = 总收入- 401 - HSA,所以我怀疑我是不是报错了。 我看了一下这几年的tubortax的final form,貌似每一年我的总收入和AGI一模一样,难道我这几年都报错了...
🛋️ 沙发板凳
没工作能存traditional ira吗是不是对家庭收入有要求
对啊,standard deduction is 24000呢
存traditional IRA 他家的收入已经超了吧
哦 对,我忘了这茬了
估计没用了 For a Traditional IRA, for 2020 full deductibility of a contribution is available to active participants whose 2020 Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is $104,000 or less (joint) and $65,000 or less (single)
有401K的一方就不可以存traditional IRA, 但是可以存Roth IRA, 具体收入限制自己网上去查。没收入的一方可以存traditional IRA.
但是roth IRA 不抵税呀
简单搜了一下,好像是可以这么申报。我想想的确得对比一下了,我家今年情况特殊,我一个人去年多了一笔被动收入,agi大概30万出头,老婆没收入,三个孩子,不知道是不是分开报税更合适。现在看老婆单独申报,第三笔stimulus 已经发了还能单独去claim15万超线部分的phase out的钱吗?好像算上每个3600的child tax credit要差接近1800+4800,大概6600了
You can open a Roth IRA account and maybe save 10K as 529 funds for kids
Roth IRA是未来没有税,你在账户里赚的钱都不需要交税,好处大大滴,但是有收入限制。你么有401K,收入低于19万6,理论上可以存traditional IRA,你不是嫌弃他401K没存吗?现在弥补啊,traditional IRA账户帮你现在抵税,和401K一样功能,6000刀也是钱啊。
对于traditional IRA的限制,Married filing jointly (spouse covered by retirement plan at work) income limit is $196000 or less. 十万的限制是夫妻双方都有退休账户的情况。 Married filing jointly (and covered by retirement plan at work) limits is $104000. 所以楼主符合自己开traditional IRA, 老公符合Roth IRA
楼主老公算不算Covered by retirement plan呢?虽然没有存钱
和我理解一样 谢谢!
那么w2降低agi 只能够存401 hsa fsa之类的了
Traditional 401(k) contributions effectively reduce both adjusted gross income (AGI) and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). A Roth 401(k), similarly to a Roth IRA, is funded through after-tax dollars and offers no immediate tax deduction. ...
请仔细读,他老公属于covered by retirement plan,收入超过十万,所以不能存traditional IRA,楼主自己属于spouse cover by retirement plan,收入限制是19万6,所以就可以存
我Google irs的解析。没有说夫妻哪一方的。 而且traditional ira是agi之后了。应该不可行。
自己去银行问吧,人家开户会告诉你的,而且你报税的时候把收入写进去,软件自动告诉你是否符合traditional IRA contribution.
没收入的一方如果可以存traditional IRA, 但是就不能同时存ROTH IRA了。二取一,不知道理解对不对。
529 只对州税有用。 ROTH IRA 和 529是没法减低AGI的。
对,不可以同时存,但是没收入那方可以选择存Roth 还是traditional
是呀,应该是401K included吧,不过一般不是存满401K这样公司多match吗?根本不存是个什么操作
看见你这个帖子,正好我问一下,我一直以为是一个house hold 6000K,现在才知道可以两个人都有。但是我看这个网站,说两人不能超过10000。有点糊涂了。到底是12000还是10000 https://finance.zacks.com/much-can-married-couple-put-ira-year-2218.html When both partners in a marriage contribute to IRAs, they can contribute $5,000 to each spouse’s IRA for a combined total of $10,000 per year. If one spouse is at least 50, the combined maximum is $11,000. When both spouses reach age 50 the maximum rises to $12,000.
lz先算算,股票去年卖了多少钱,再加上w2,traditional ira存了够不够,agi是deduction之前的,要是拿不到stimulus就别折腾了,但是Roth ira考虑下吧
他们夫妻standard deduction 还可以扣除两万6, 可以拿到全额
你这是老信息了,这个上限时不时会调整,以后查的时候打上年份,例如ira contribution limit 2021这样,你说的每人六千是最新的规定,没错
如果是backdoor从traditional ira convert过去roth要多填一份8606
最简单的方法是看自己能不能供Traditional IRA.如果可以并能把AGI压倒15万以下就完美。不行的话分开报收入低于七万五的带着娃。