It’s possible that vaccines won’t stop or significantly lessen the chances of infection. But jabs might make infected people less able to pass the virus on, or make them less infectious, and so reduce transmission. Several research groups in Israel are measuring ‘viral load’ — the concentration of viral particles in vaccinated people who later test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Researchers have found that viral load is a good proxy for infectiousness1. In preliminary work, one team observed a significant drop in viral load in a small number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the two to four weeks after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared with those who caught the virus in the first two weeks after the injection2. “The data is certainly intriguing and suggestive that vaccination may reduce the infectiousness of COVID-19 cases, even if it does not prevent infection altogether,” says Virginia Pitzer, an infectious-diseases modeller at Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut. The Oxford–AstraZeneca trial also observed a larger reduction in viral load in a small group of vaccinated participants than in the unvaccinated group. 动动手指就能找到相关研究,这个叫谷歌,请问楼主懂不懂? It’s possible that vaccines won’t stop or significantly lessen the chances of infection. But jabs might make infected people less able to pass the virus on, or make them less infectious, and so reduce transmission. Several research groups in Israel are measuring ‘viral load’ — the concentration of viral particles in vaccinated people who later test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Researchers have found that viral load is a good proxy for infectiousness1. In preliminary work, one team observed a significant drop in viral load in a small number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the two to four weeks after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared with those who caught the virus in the first two weeks after the injection2. “The data is certainly intriguing and suggestive that vaccination may reduce the infectiousness of COVID-19 cases, even if it does not prevent infection altogether,” says Virginia Pitzer, an infectious-diseases modeller at Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut. The Oxford–AstraZeneca trial also observed a larger reduction in viral load in a small group of vaccinated participants than in the unvaccinated group. 动动手指就能找到相关研究,这个叫谷歌,请问楼主懂不懂? welkin25 发表于 2021-03-16 11:00
之前不是一直说,“打疫苗是每个人对社会应尽的义务吗?” 既然打了疫苗1)既不能防止阳性,2)又不能停止传播给他人,那么难道不应该是 -----谁特么想打,谁自己就打了保护自己,不就完了吗?
更何况现有的疑问是: 1)哪里证明不打疫苗,这个人就不是轻症了?轻症人数占大多数,你这种说法如何证明? 2)因为打疫苗而出现严重反应,甚至死了的,到现在为止不是一个两个了吧?是因为这些人“死得快”,不占用医疗资源,所以就无所谓了吗?对一种第一次应用在人身上的mRNA疫苗,别人有顾虑不是很正常吗?
不用看,马上又会有一堆人跳出来说:楼主你要是没打疫苗,万一阳性,重症了呢?我们不负责。 那我还问你,我要是打了疫苗,血小板出现问题、大出血,我又找谁负责去?
你急什么。 大家才不在乎你打不打疫苗,进化论的道理大家基本是知道的。
It’s possible that vaccines won’t stop or significantly lessen the chances of infection. But jabs might make infected people less able to pass the virus on, or make them less infectious, and so reduce transmission. Several research groups in Israel are measuring ‘viral load’ — the concentration of viral particles in vaccinated people who later test positive for SARS-CoV-2. Researchers have found that viral load is a good proxy for infectiousness1. In preliminary work, one team observed a significant drop in viral load in a small number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the two to four weeks after receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, compared with those who caught the virus in the first two weeks after the injection2. “The data is certainly intriguing and suggestive that vaccination may reduce the infectiousness of COVID-19 cases, even if it does not prevent infection altogether,” says Virginia Pitzer, an infectious-diseases modeller at Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut. The Oxford–AstraZeneca trial also observed a larger reduction in viral load in a small group of vaccinated participants than in the unvaccinated group.
reduce viral load 翻译成通俗易懂的中文就是,感染了但是症状减轻。对于一个号称无症状都能传播的病毒来说,轻症是赵传不误的