Congradulation! Of course, Deerfield! DA is the one of boarding school ivy, the acceptance rate of class25 for DA and MA is less than 10%. Your kid is really excellent! Don't be bothered by the negative noise on this board, I bet most of them never visited the top elite boarding schools, it is a great opportunity for your kid and she will fully enjoy, appreciate it whole life. Actually, every year there are about 10+ Chinese kids joining DA, some of them are super super rich. 恭喜!
回复 9楼joncc的帖子 Thank you. She is actually the daughter of a friend. She is leaning on Deerfield as well. In any case I can understand their anxiety, not only have to choose one from a few offers for the next four years but also have to send a child away from her family.
DA has lots of international students and thus knows how to take care of them. DA campus is good, the roads can be heated during snow day (my kids really admire this feature!), the food is good too. The only problem is the school is in middle of nowhere, very boring, but kids can go do farm job.
你还是讲讲Emory自杀 击剑被强奸自杀 等故事 也算朋友一场。
一个娃送美国,现在这情况 父母是傻逼。
check you message
Thank you. She is actually the daughter of a friend. She is leaning on Deerfield as well. In any case I can understand their anxiety, not only have to choose one from a few offers for the next four years but also have to send a child away from her family.
冲前五,觉得在美高会相对有利。你说的对,一些美高的的top本科的录取,确实被legacy distorted了,所以还得考虑到这一点。
Deerfield Academy, 刚刚上市的韩国电商ceo 就是这个学校毕业的
只考虑名气, 排名, 当然是 Deerfield Academy。
适不适合小女孩, 只有上完了学才知道了。
不过要注意的是,最好不要找host family, boarding school 有宿舍的话还是去宿舍,而且最好不要去Florida的学校,那边白人的culture还是很排外的,我有在Florida读高中的朋友给我share过。Host family如果能够找的好自然是好,但是很不容易而且看运气,因为在美国很多host family是因为经济原因才做host family了,所以你可能住的时候用水用电都会给你掐时间,很难受的,而且如果host family没找好,然后就得换,又加上一个人在海外读书,心理上会有一种很难受被别人赶来赶去的感觉,所以我不推荐host family。
我个人觉得,比较idea的出国时间其实是9年级。这时候出来中文的文化背景100%没有问题了。10年级也可以但是9年级时间会更加充分。如果11年级出来的话,直接得准备SAT和college application了时间会很赶有些措手不及,而且英文可能还没得到足够的锻炼。
Concord 这么高? DEERFIELD 是 HADES 里的一个, 就像大学的 HYPS 一样, 有 PRESTIGE。
像 女校 WINSOR, 排名一点不高, 就是拽。POLARIS LIST 里人均上 HPM 的人数 排第一。
Winsor 是harvard feeder school 可以理解
多谢sharing你的经验。小朋友是去念九年级,三个学校都是boarding schools, 所以不会有host family的问题。看来大多数朋友都选Deerfield。