就是opportunity zone的房产,把gain投入到ozone investment,按投入时间长短可以defer税,减税,甚至完全免税。具体的可以搜一下。除了各种投资的fund,还有ETF。这个对于short term和long term capital gain都apply。今年三月底就截止了,有需求的可以考虑。
你这个 carry over 的只能每年报三千loss。如果是同一年盈亏的才可以抵掉。这种早晚会被audit. 到时候会罚不少钱 ReachMoon 发表于 2021-03-15 20:24
why? 这就是税法规定的操作: For example, Frank realized a capital gain of $10,000 in 2013. He also realized a loss of $30,000. He will be able to net $10,000 of his loss against his gain, but can only deduct an additional $3,000 of loss against his other income for that year. He can deduct the remaining $17,000 of loss in $3,000 increments every year from then on until the entire amount has been deducted. However, if he realizes a capital gain in a future year before he has exhausted this amount, then he can deduct the remaining loss against the gain. So if he deducts $3,000 of loss for the next two years and then realizes a $20,000 gain, he can deduct the remaining $11,000 of loss against that gain, leaving a taxable gain of only $9,000.
*补充下 LD是去年四月初入场的,本金十几万,出来五十万,本来拿到现在也差不多算long-term investments了,但是二月底的时候,都说第二腿要来了,加上那几天跌的太恐怖了,没忍住就跑了,(被LD骂死了。。。)当时没想着关于税的问题,因为是第一次在股市赚到这么多钱,没经验。现在算了下,发现好像要交一半的税,有什么省税的方法吗,还是只能硬着头皮交了?
老老实实交税, 不要想着跟IRS 耍花招, 最会得不偿失
请教,又不是一年,你怎么抵。 倒是可以roll到第三年,问题第三年不赚钱也只算3000
没细看 不是一个1099,急啥 再说,为省税故意亏钱?啥人出这种主意
降低今年的其他收入,比如尽可能放401K,研究一下back-door 401K,或者今年继续投资,尽可能整出一些realized loss来,好像没有其他办法避免交税了。
为省税故意卖掉一些你觉得短时间之内没有复苏可能的股票, 拿到loss 来抵消你的gain,这本来就是普遍的手段啊?
比方说你长期看好一个股票 但是这一年它一直走低, 你loss了不少, 你为啥不能把它卖掉来抵消别的gain. 这样你交税就少了, 然后过段时间你再买回来如果你对它有信心的话, 对吗?
Bingo. 今年内再亏50万就不用交税了。
no, 如果今年股市没有赚钱,no capital gain, capital loss只能一年抵3000。
楼主今年有50万capital gain。所以capital loss可以最多抵50万z 多的loss,以后一年抵税3000
属实,日子还长,钱有的挣! 耍心眼,会后悔的!
已经卖掉了就没办法了。不管怎样,股市赚了钱缴税总比亏钱好。如果你需要给学校或其他可免税的非盈利组织捐款的话,可以直接捐增值的股票,这样可以省掉卖股票的capital gain
如果只是short term capital gain多的话可以考虑ozone investment。把gain投入到ozone investment,至少可以把税defer到明年,放得久的话可以waive一部分或者全部的税。今年3月底是最后投资期限。
你确定? 我怎么看到的是说Carrying losses forward is not restricted to the following tax year. Losses can be carried forward into future years until exhausted。
什么是ozone investment?能具体解释吗?
you are correct.
去年亏了十万,报税3000抵W2收入,9万7 Carryover 资本利得亏损。 今年赚了十万去掉9万7 剩下3000交税
就是opportunity zone的房产,把gain投入到ozone investment,按投入时间长短可以defer税,减税,甚至完全免税。具体的可以搜一下。除了各种投资的fund,还有ETF。这个对于short term和long term capital gain都apply。今年三月底就截止了,有需求的可以考虑。
roth ira 里的gain和loss都和irs没关系。赚了不交税,亏了不抵税。这种账户最好了。
印花税是千一,楼主卖了50万,只收了 500块而已,比irs良心太多
熬过一年也省不了多少税。好多州 long-term gain 和 short-term gain 税率一样,州税加联邦税也差不多 50%了
今年没怎么做短线,realized gain只有小几千块钱也需要预交税吗?
为什么这么多赞? 据我所知并非如此。 亏损递延每年只能抵扣3000直到抵完 奥巴马当总统前曾经有一年亏了很多,结果花了很多年才抵完
wash sale针对的是亏损不是盈利
Long term 是15%啊。
你后来从股市赚的钱只能抵3000? 应该可以用之前的capital loss抵税啊。当然你都抵完了那也没亏什么。
why short-term earning must pay 50% tax?
How about earning from high frequency trading?
是啊,毕竟是easy money,irs又不是吃素的
你这个 carry over 的只能每年报三千loss。如果是同一年盈亏的才可以抵掉。这种早晚会被audit. 到时候会罚不少钱
why? 这就是税法规定的操作: For example, Frank realized a capital gain of $10,000 in 2013. He also realized a loss of $30,000. He will be able to net $10,000 of his loss against his gain, but can only deduct an additional $3,000 of loss against his other income for that year. He can deduct the remaining $17,000 of loss in $3,000 increments every year from then on until the entire amount has been deducted. However, if he realizes a capital gain in a future year before he has exhausted this amount, then he can deduct the remaining loss against the gain. So if he deducts $3,000 of loss for the next two years and then realizes a $20,000 gain, he can deduct the remaining $11,000 of loss against that gain, leaving a taxable gain of only $9,000.
收入超过40万没有child tax credit
同问,unrealized gain是不是就不需要报第一季度的税