From my limited knowledge the patient needs to be here in the U.S. Some of the biopsy samples can be brought in from China (hard to mail them as they contain human tissues). Yeah first step is to determin if it is small cell (15%) or non-small cell through biopsy, figuring out if surgery or chemo or other approaches should be taken then you need to do gene analysis(基因检测)which could determine if targeted therapy can be applied, then at the end there is an optional radiation therapy to prevent cancer from spreading to the brain. Keep in mind small cell lung cancer treatment hasn't been developed as quickly as the non-small cell and a lot of hospitals in China (likely in U.S. too) are still using chemo developed in 1960s. Not much progress made but the good news is those chemos are relatively long proven.
From my limited knowledge the patient needs to be here in the U.S. Some of the biopsy samples can be brought in from China (hard to mail them as they contain human tissues). Yeah first step is to determin if it is small cell (15%) or non-small cell through biopsy, figuring out if surgery or chemo or other approaches should be taken then you need to do gene analysis(基因检测)which could determine if targeted therapy can be applied, then at the end there is an optional radiation therapy to prevent cancer from spreading to the brain. Keep in mind small cell lung cancer treatment hasn't been developed as quickly as the non-small cell and a lot of hospitals in China (likely in U.S. too) are still using chemo developed in 1960s. Not much progress made but the good news is those chemos are relatively long proven.
请问MM, 如果找Anderson会诊需要本人在美国吗?还是可以远程会诊?具体怎么操作?谢谢 !
From my limited knowledge the patient needs to be here in the U.S. Some of the biopsy samples can be brought in from China (hard to mail them as they contain human tissues).
Yeah first step is to determin if it is small cell (15%) or non-small cell through biopsy, figuring out if surgery or chemo or other approaches should be taken then you need to do gene analysis(基因检测)which could determine if targeted therapy can be applied, then at the end there is an optional radiation therapy to prevent cancer from spreading to the brain. Keep in mind small cell lung cancer treatment hasn't been developed as quickly as the non-small cell and a lot of hospitals in China (likely in U.S. too) are still using chemo developed in 1960s. Not much progress made but the good news is those chemos are relatively long proven.
癌症也不相信眼泪 接受现实乐观对待 望共勉!
可以 只是自己不在身边 每月都要住院 随时观察病情 怕妈妈一个人搞不定 心理上也没依赖 希望病情可以用上keytruda
周一做活检 主要是母亲一人在身边 自己不在身边的话有心无力
这个建议很好 感激!
主要就是自己不在身边 母亲一个人怕她承受不了每月去医院和心理上的压力
周一做活检 心理上已经接受了 这个建议很关键 谢谢!