系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/h8FWpAsMIhQ Casual sex is sexual activity that takes place outside a romantic relationship and implies an absence of commitment, emotional attachment, or familiarity between sexual partners.
回复 15楼trudily的帖子 发帖的目的就是觉得这个是比较有争议的话题。只是想分享一个对于我来说比较有启发的观点。 结合自己的经验, 我个人觉得如果你想要和某个人develop serious relationship 即使在dating的阶段 也需要treat那个人 with respect and be the person you want to be with. Dating 阶段就是在考量那个人是不是值得你想invest your time and emotions. 我个人的标准是 如果我知道我想serious date的那个还在casually date other people, it is a red flag and big turn off. Also that is a sign the I am not attractive enough to him to make him stop looking around. 还有一个观点是 你在约会的人或者是你的mirrors 或者是你的tests。 如果你的目标是找到你的mirror,你需要了解自己最深的内心需要,heal yourself first and date consciously。
回复 15楼trudily的帖子 发帖的目的就是觉得这个是比较有争议的话题。只是想分享一个对于我来说比较有启发的观点。 结合自己的经验, 我个人觉得如果你想要和某个人develop serious relationship 即使在dating的阶段 也需要treat那个人 with respect and be the person you want to be with. Dating 阶段就是在考量那个人是不是值得你想invest your time and emotions. 我个人的标准是 如果我知道我想serious date的那个还在casually date other people, it is a red flag and big turn off. Also that is a sign the I am not attractive enough to him to make him stop looking around. 还有一个观点是 你在约会的人或者是你的mirrors 或者是你的tests。 如果你的目标是找到你的mirror,你需要了解自己最深的内心需要,heal yourself first and date consciously。
mdxxdm 发表于 2021-03-12 10:04
欣赏楼主大大方方地分享 有争议的话题 和个人 被启发的观点。旨在「百花齐放,百花争鸣」的平等和谐交流,而不旨在 take side to defense non debate which one is better idea than other. Just seems a better fit for one person, not the other. Each adult has his/her own way to choose how to play the game or "play game". 我个人的观点取向是 如此 sort out this information: 假設:我知道了我想serious date的那个还在 casually date other people,我需要了解ta 们有没有性行为,怎样的性行为,我好用这些数据把我自己的身体健康,情緒健康,精神健康保护好。我能理解有些人在一个 资源有限的 条件下,同时进行 serious 了解多个后选人才落到选择哪一位更为适合 和 兼容。我个人只需要 平等机会,玩游戏我都需要玩得公平。我需要明战,非暗斗。
Casual sex is sexual activity that takes place outside a romantic relationship and implies an absence of commitment, emotional attachment, or familiarity between sexual partners.
如此解析了为何我先生就算单身的时候,亦从来没有选择casual sex.
因为他只享受 sex 中的 「romantic relationship 和 emotional attachment 和 familiarity between sexual partners。」 而Casual sex 完全不达以上这几个标。
我的看法是,你面对别人或许可以展现不同的一面。但是你自己内心想要的不太可能同时是casual 和 serious。 我试了casual sex但是发现我觉得没什么意思,所以就不玩了。还是正正经经的约会更有意思,有满足感。
当然可以同时有了, 为什么不能? 对高帅肌肉男想睡, 对成熟睿智男想serious
没有互相欺骗,互相伤害的话, 我觉得跟karma无关
每个人与人相处互动的style (虐心策略)不一样。
例如(但not limit to...)
有人会用瞒着的策略先把心虐住。各人瞒的数据不一样,有瞒岁数的,有瞒体重的,有瞒胸部size的,有瞒职业成就的 等等、、、、
能理解:许多导人向善的经书都有正面地说到 人际关系 中存在 的大爱。
这个不是在讨论单身的时候要不要有casual sex么?如果有serious relationship就不叫单身了啊
发帖的目的就是觉得这个是比较有争议的话题。只是想分享一个对于我来说比较有启发的观点。 结合自己的经验, 我个人觉得如果你想要和某个人develop serious relationship 即使在dating的阶段 也需要treat那个人 with respect and be the person you want to be with. Dating 阶段就是在考量那个人是不是值得你想invest your time and emotions. 我个人的标准是 如果我知道我想serious date的那个还在casually date other people, it is a red flag and big turn off. Also that is a sign the I am not attractive enough to him to make him stop looking around. 还有一个观点是 你在约会的人或者是你的mirrors 或者是你的tests。 如果你的目标是找到你的mirror,你需要了解自己最深的内心需要,heal yourself first and date consciously。
We are talking about dating and casual sex. Dating someone seriously doesn't mean you are in a relationship with that person.
欣赏楼主大大方方地分享 有争议的话题 和个人 被启发的观点。旨在「百花齐放,百花争鸣」的平等和谐交流,而不旨在 take side to defense non debate which one is better idea than other. Just seems a better fit for one person, not the other. Each adult has his/her own way to choose how to play the game or "play game". 我个人的观点取向是 如此 sort out this information: 假設:我知道了我想serious date的那个还在 casually date other people,我需要了解ta 们有没有性行为,怎样的性行为,我好用这些数据把我自己的身体健康,情緒健康,精神健康保护好。我能理解有些人在一个 资源有限的 条件下,同时进行 serious 了解多个后选人才落到选择哪一位更为适合 和 兼容。我个人只需要 平等机会,玩游戏我都需要玩得公平。我需要明战,非暗斗。