哈利非要告诉奥普拉这么回事儿,又说得闪烁其词,他们家里的主要成员是不是种族歧视,他从小到大自己心里不清楚么? 真心觉得哈利自己就是又当又立,又要走,又要走得有好处,这也贯彻在了他的择偶选择上。 王室趁此机会downsize一下也挺好的,本来英国纳税人就不应该养那么多人,既然把事情闹到国际舞台了,就自己赚钱去吧。 "He did not share the identity with me but he wanted to make sure I knew, and if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother or grandfather that were part of those conversations," Winfrey said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56323906
哈利非要告诉奥普拉这么回事儿,又说得闪烁其词,他们家里的主要成员是不是种族歧视,他从小到大自己心里不清楚么? 真心觉得哈利自己就是又当又立,又要走,又要走得有好处,这也贯彻在了他的择偶选择上。 王室趁此机会downsize一下也挺好的,本来英国纳税人就不应该养那么多人,既然把事情闹到国际舞台了,就自己赚钱去吧。 "He did not share the identity with me but he wanted to make sure I knew, and if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother or grandfather that were part of those conversations," Winfrey said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56323906
哈里梅根skin tone这个事情两口子的说法也不一致。哈里说是婚前某人问他的。梅根说是怀孕的时候别人问的。 我现在看了访谈。你们可以去看看。是梅根先单独和Oprah说了skin tone的事情。 然后哈里访谈部分。Oprah问skin tone的conversation. 哈里说不想share details. 然后强调这是在happen at the beginning. Ask what the kids will be like. when梅根还没有security, 家人建议梅根婚后继续做演员因为there won''t be enough money to pay for her,etc. 显然这说的是同一件事。 所以只有两个可能 1婚前就怀了 2 哈里和梅根说的是发生了两次的事情 有人问了两次
哈利非要告诉奥普拉这么回事儿,又说得闪烁其词,他们家里的主要成员是不是种族歧视,他从小到大自己心里不清楚么? 真心觉得哈利自己就是又当又立,又要走,又要走得有好处,这也贯彻在了他的择偶选择上。 王室趁此机会downsize一下也挺好的,本来英国纳税人就不应该养那么多人,既然把事情闹到国际舞台了,就自己赚钱去吧。 "He did not share the identity with me but he wanted to make sure I knew, and if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother or grandfather that were part of those conversations," Winfrey said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56323906
"This morning, I woke up earlier than H, and saw a note from someone on our team in the U.K. saying that the Duke of Edinburgh had gone to the hospital," Meghan, 39, told Oprah. "But I just picked up the phone and I called the Queen just to check in." "That''s what we do," she explained, "being able to default to not having to every moment go, ''Is that appropriate?'' " 这作风太美式了,也深谙自己的受众的心理。听说老爷子入院,拎起电话就打给女王,还特骄傲(that''s what we do),至于王室本身什么传统什么礼数(is that appropriate),不重要的。
"This morning, I woke up earlier than H, and saw a note from someone on our team in the U.K. saying that the Duke of Edinburgh had gone to the hospital," Meghan, 39, told Oprah. "But I just picked up the phone and I called the Queen just to check in." "That''''s what we do," she explained, "being able to default to not having to every moment go, ''''Is that appropriate?'''' " 这作风太美式了,也深谙自己的受众的心理。听说老爷子入院,拎起电话就打给女王,还特骄傲(that''''s what we do),至于王室本身什么传统什么礼数(is that appropriate),不重要的。
回复 71楼梅干茶泡饭的帖子 这个节目选择在commonwealth day播出,本来就是很精心策划的时机。harry就是个二世祖,怎么appear to跟普通老百姓共情都没学会,想当什么平民王子路还很长。twitter上竟然有人说他是什么prince in every way,简直晕死。 退一万步说,如果真的是因为racism,王室失去了harry这一支,也算是colonizer的因果循环,普罗大众似乎真的不必为他俩的孩子的特权真情实感地申诉。 少一个王子/公主就是少一份支出啊,对于民众来说是大大的好事。
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2021/03/09/harry-meghan-oprah-interview-racism-reaction-markle-prince-updates/ Poll results - 86pc do not believe Harry and Meghan's account Throughout the day we have been asking you for your feedback on the Harry and Meghan interview. The response has been enormous, with more than 30,000 votes cast. Here are the results: Do you think the interview was appropriate? Yes (12pc) | No (88pc) How should Buckingham Palace respond? Say nothing (55pc) | Racism inquiry (18pc) | Hit back (27pc) Who did you feel most sorry for?Queen and Philip (59pc) | Meghan and Harry (7pc) | Kate and William (15pc) | Archie (5pc) | Charles (7pc) | None (7pc) Do you believe Harry and Meghan's side of the story? Yes (14pc) | No (86pc) Was Oprah Winfrey the right choice of interviewer? Yes (20pc) | No (80pc)
原来Meghan是个自封的傻白甜公主。 What Meghan misunderstood about the monarchy Of the many shocking statements made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in their full-scale assault on the monarchy during their two-hour interview with Oprah Winfrey, the most peculiar was surely Meghan's claim to know nothing about the British monarchy when she first met Harry. She was so incurious that she didn’t bother to read a volume of history or biography. She said she didn’t even do an internet search to learn the basics. Her knowledge of the Royal Family, she said, was based only on what Harry "was sharing with me." Astonishingly, as a graduate of well-regarded Northwestern University, she said her sense of Royal life was based on "fairytales."
划重点:whilst some recollection may vary...taken seriously and addressed privately. 这才是低调要privacy的样子。Meghan那套向全世界付费观众公开我们家的dirty laundry 是像个要privacy的样子吗? Buckingham Palace has released a statement on behalf of the Queen in reaction to the Duke and Duchess of Sussexes’ Oprah Winfrey interview. It said: "The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. "The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. Whilst some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. "Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members."
原来Meghan是个自封的傻白甜公主。 What Meghan misunderstood about the monarchy Of the many shocking statements made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in their full-scale assault on the monarchy during their two-hour interview with Oprah Winfrey, the most peculiar was surely Meghan's claim to know nothing about the British monarchy when she first met Harry. She was so incurious that she didn’t bother to read a volume of history or biography. She said she didn’t even do an internet search to learn the basics. Her knowledge of the Royal Family, she said, was based only on what Harry "was sharing with me." Astonishingly, as a graduate of well-regarded Northwestern University, she said her sense of Royal life was based on "fairytales." ahqi 发表于 2021-03-09 12:57
Come on, 靠她爸关系她还在国务院实习过呢进国务院都要通过基本世界政治地理历史考试的。霉根确实有精神病,就一chronic lier and can’t tell delusion from reality
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2021/03/09/harry-meghan-oprah-interview-racism-reaction-markle-prince-updates/ Poll results - 86pc do not believe Harry and Meghan's account Throughout the day we have been asking you for your feedback on the Harry and Meghan interview. The response has been enormous, with more than 30,000 votes cast. Here are the results: Do you think the interview was appropriate? Yes (12pc) | No (88pc) How should Buckingham Palace respond? Say nothing (55pc) | Racism inquiry (18pc) | Hit back (27pc) Who did you feel most sorry for?Queen and Philip (59pc) | Meghan and Harry (7pc) | Kate and William (15pc) | Archie (5pc) | Charles (7pc) | None (7pc) Do you believe Harry and Meghan's side of the story? Yes (14pc) | No (86pc) Was Oprah Winfrey the right choice of interviewer? Yes (20pc) | No (80pc)
看一个mixed race母亲,家庭一份子而非activist对类似事情的share 她的 perspective。本来这个东西就是要放在context里面,要听full story,而不是二手传话武断下结论。而且王室回应recollection may vary看出来事情没那么简单。这两夫妻这么着急没有沟通就打race card把亲人放火上烤给全球付费观众看。啧啧,果然是manipulate media的好手,就是不知道会不会backfire. As a mixed-race mother, I feel for Meghan – but the comments about Archie were curiosity, not racism’ I feel huge sympathy for the Duchess of Sussex, suffering such poor mental health during her first pregnancy and feeling that no one was there to support her. What an awful position to be in as an expectant mum. But when she said that an (unnamed) royal had questioned “how dark [Archie’s] skin might be,” it brought back some memories for me. Read Linden Kemkaran's full story here
真心觉得哈利自己就是又当又立,又要走,又要走得有好处,这也贯彻在了他的择偶选择上。 王室趁此机会downsize一下也挺好的,本来英国纳税人就不应该养那么多人,既然把事情闹到国际舞台了,就自己赚钱去吧。
"He did not share the identity with me but he wanted to make sure I knew, and if I had an opportunity to share it, that it was not his grandmother or grandfather that were part of those conversations," Winfrey said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56323906
🔥 最新回帖
这个drama风是有点那么个意思。 可惜她并没有戴安娜的天真,也没有戴安娜的善心。
什么叫做很幸运孩子很白??!! 一些华人种族歧视真的是刻在骨子里了。舔白人添成啥样了?
其实他俩就是铁了心留好莱坞捞钱了 接受采访就是博能博到的同情(主要来自美国)顺便恶心下英国皇室:看你还敢不给老子钱花!
🛋️ 沙发板凳
哈哈,祖母祖父是撼动不了的,碰不得。其他的亲戚无关痛痒。 而老爸一直为他们付钱,说他歧视也说不过去。风向这样一带,剩下的不就那几个人了么。
我现在看了访谈。你们可以去看看。是梅根先单独和Oprah说了skin tone的事情。
然后哈里访谈部分。Oprah问skin tone的conversation. 哈里说不想share details. 然后强调这是在happen at the beginning. Ask what the kids will be like. when梅根还没有security, 家人建议梅根婚后继续做演员因为there won''t be enough money to pay for her,etc. 显然这说的是同一件事。
所以只有两个可能 1婚前就怀了 2 哈里和梅根说的是发生了两次的事情 有人问了两次
这一对真是一丘之貉!!! 这俩吐槽的伎俩真是一模一样,都是非要扯出来这码事,然后又不给你说清楚,说个蛛丝马迹的,然后又把女王威廉各种虚伪的作为家人夸一顿,然后不说细节、不说实据,但是自己装个可怜兮兮、委屈巴拉的,然后表示理解、表示过去了,狗屁!!!
多新鲜,1986年,菲利普亲王访华,就跟英国留学生说,你在这儿呆久了要变眯眯眼了。1997年,黛安娜去世,王室迫于民众压力才举办祭奠。 英国王室是freak show但是也是属于英国人的freak show,哪天他们自己的nationhood不需要王室了,自然就会退出历史舞台,而不会是因为丑闻,因为丑闻也从来没停过。
突然发现后妈现在也爽了哎,这把火烧不到她那里 🤣
两个narc, 一旦得不到想要的,马上翻脸,要destroy对方
她儿子为啥被永久剥夺prince title
感觉美国 这些装 黑人的 白人 真恶心,
这作风太美式了,也深谙自己的受众的心理。听说老爷子入院,拎起电话就打给女王,还特骄傲(that''s what we do),至于王室本身什么传统什么礼数(is that appropriate),不重要的。
还有那个印地安大妈, 明显的白人, 非说自己是印地安人.
谁跟你说她儿子从来没有过的。只要查尔斯登基,她儿子顺理成章称prince,现在皇室在她怀孕时候改变百年规则,就算查尔斯登基,也不让她儿子一辈子有prince title。搞清楚事实再来发言
你点出了这事的关键,威廉要是失去了王位继承权,王位是不是落哈里头上啦,那她儿子的title何止是prince啊。 欧洲王室历史上也不是没有过先例,挪威公主当年硬要嫁的驸马爷有种族歧视言论,挪威议会干脆利落地剥夺了公主的王位继承权,当然公主本来也不是第一王位继承人,不是挪威王储后来娶的妻子,挪威王室也只能硬着头皮接受了,因为再剥夺了这位的继承权,就得往远亲里找继承人了。 不过挪威驸马爷的言论有他的写的书为证,白纸黑字。哈里这扳倒亲哥的下一步有啥实锤呢?看好梅根把英国王室作倒台了,她儿子就啥title都没有了,是永远都没有啦。 我要是英国人就支持女王去世后,干脆共和得了。何必花钱养这么一群人呢。
哪个挪威驸马?Ari Behn?他有racism言论吗?
天哪 你这要是被告诉对方 以后就不要相处了。。。
就從這一點,霉根就是利用傻孩子Harry消費戴妃。 希望Harry早點醒來,霉根就是一個既要好處又不願意付出盡責任好吃懶做的gold digger.
哈利已经无路可退了,本来也就是个没本事的寄生虫,和皇室翻了脸再没梅更帮他谋划他要怎么继续过royal lifestyle。
豪宅15M,贷款10M,还要返还之前装修Windsor cottage的钱好像3M,还要24小时security。黛安娜给他的10几个M很快就会花完,王室那边又断了炊。所以上个这个7.5M的采访,接下来Netflix deal100m, Netflix 因为the crown 火所以签了他们,免不了要继续爆料。有本事就不要靠皇室赚钱。又当又立怪不得大家觉得他们烦。
表面上说是没钱,但是Oprah 和Meghan要有商业合作的,私底下的好处少不了的,7.5M不能全CBS和Oprah吞。
只要不是特权阶级,他们要白人至上就白人至上 把
我只想看到梅根让 英国皇室彻底平民化
我猜是卡米拉 哈哈哈哈哈哈
采访里面 大意啊 梅根说:啊 我天天困在Palace里面非常孤独难过。不能出去和朋友吃午饭。大家经过现在covid lockdown,理解我了吧!
奥帕:哈里,你觉得过去一年在加州什么事情比较开心呢。 哈里:户外生活不错哦!covid的时候我可以在海边尽情和儿子玩,可以去hiking,超级大的space超级开心!
这个节目选择在commonwealth day播出,本来就是很精心策划的时机。harry就是个二世祖,怎么appear to跟普通老百姓共情都没学会,想当什么平民王子路还很长。twitter上竟然有人说他是什么prince in every way,简直晕死。
退一万步说,如果真的是因为racism,王室失去了harry这一支,也算是colonizer的因果循环,普罗大众似乎真的不必为他俩的孩子的特权真情实感地申诉。 少一个王子/公主就是少一份支出啊,对于民众来说是大大的好事。
Poll results - 86pc do not believe Harry and Meghan's account Throughout the day we have been asking you for your feedback on the Harry and Meghan interview. The response has been enormous, with more than 30,000 votes cast. Here are the results: Do you think the interview was appropriate? Yes (12pc) | No (88pc) How should Buckingham Palace respond? Say nothing (55pc) | Racism inquiry (18pc) | Hit back (27pc) Who did you feel most sorry for?Queen and Philip (59pc) | Meghan and Harry (7pc) | Kate and William (15pc) | Archie (5pc) | Charles (7pc) | None (7pc) Do you believe Harry and Meghan's side of the story? Yes (14pc) | No (86pc) Was Oprah Winfrey the right choice of interviewer? Yes (20pc) | No (80pc)
或者说harry潜意识里想要recreate他母亲经历的风波,relive and change it,以作为一种自我疗愈。
Come on, 靠她爸关系她还在国务院实习过呢进国务院都要通过基本世界政治地理历史考试的。霉根确实有精神病,就一chronic lier and can’t tell delusion from reality
因为王室的存在才有United Kingdom。没了王室,加拿大和澳洲这些就不是一个整体。你以为英国老百姓傻啊。除非没收王室资产,否则王室自己的资产足够他们现在几辈人开销的,更别说带动英国旅游业和纪念品什么的,也给英国带来了收入,并不是白吃税款。
肯定能挣钱的!而且是大笔! 这种有噱头的故事都是媒体争相要抢的
As a mixed-race mother, I feel for Meghan – but the comments about Archie were curiosity, not racism’ I feel huge sympathy for the Duchess of Sussex, suffering such poor mental health during her first pregnancy and feeling that no one was there to support her. What an awful position to be in as an expectant mum. But when she said that an (unnamed) royal had questioned “how dark [Archie’s] skin might be,” it brought back some memories for me. Read Linden Kemkaran's full story here