回复 6楼artdong的帖子 Please note that the Common App explicitly states “beginning with ninth grade.” As spectacular as your 7th grade feats may be, do not include middle school awards. The statute of limitations for impressiveness has passed!
可能是各州不同,我们州的规定是这样: Board of Education allows local boards of education to grant graduation credit to middle school students who take high school courses in middle school. These courses must have the same expectations, curriculum and final exams as the equivalent courses taught in high school. Students who pass these courses and the final exam will automatically be granted high school credit. These grades will be reflected on the student’s high school transcript and included in cumulative GPA calculations.
唯一可能看的,就是初中时候赢了啥大奖的,或者有特别 impressive 的贡献啊啥的。
基本高中是 fresh start,再差的初中学生,只要高中奋发图强,照样可以进 top college。
Re 这个
Please note that the Common App explicitly states “beginning with ninth grade.” As spectacular as your 7th grade feats may be, do not include middle school awards. The statute of limitations for impressiveness has passed!
我们这里也是,某些advanced 课程,数学和中文,都标明了是算高中的credit.
Students who pass these courses and the final exam will automatically be granted high school credit. These grades will be reflected on the student’s high school transcript and included in cumulative GPA calculations.