这是 allLaw 网站的回答: Were Your Traffic Violations Committed While You Were Behind the Wheel? If your only tickets were for parking violations -- that is, things like staying too long at a parking meter or parking your car in a red zone -- you don't even need to mention these on Form N-400. But for any violation where you were behind the wheel, or your motor was running, your best bet is to mention it. If you were cited for a relatively minor moving violation, your naturalization application still stands a good chance of success. You can also improve your chances by waiting longer to file Form N-400, so that you can show a longer stretch of time during which you received no traffic tickets. (Take the bus, if you have to!)
这是 allLaw 网站的回答:
Were Your Traffic Violations Committed While You Were Behind the Wheel? If your only tickets were for parking violations -- that is, things like staying too long at a parking meter or parking your car in a red zone -- you don't even need to mention these on Form N-400. But for any violation where you were behind the wheel, or your motor was running, your best bet is to mention it. If you were cited for a relatively minor moving violation, your naturalization application still stands a good chance of success. You can also improve your chances by waiting longer to file Form N-400, so that you can show a longer stretch of time during which you received no traffic tickets. (Take the bus, if you have to!)
有一项是traffic violation,打算如实回答yes了
面试已经通过, oath ceremany排队的时候要问一堆yes/no问题
Well, it might delay your oath, better prepare the court document to show the ticket is paid.
你跑这里说是问道于盲了。一论坛的廊坊五毛,法拉盛政痞,欧洲大妈,美国下室琐男,都是在骗你。你家附近图书馆办护照的大妈可能都比这里的人懂的多。 我的一点浅见,楼主您这个情况可能会很严重,不过也是可大可小的事情。有没有打个911问问能不能注销案底?