A single shot of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid jab reduces the chance of needing hospital treatment by more than 80%, an analysis in England shows. The Public Health England data showed the effect kicked in three to four weeks after vaccination. It was based on people over 80 who were the first to receive the jab. Government scientists hailed the result, saying vaccines would soon take the UK "into a very different world". Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the latest vaccine results were "very strong". He added: "They may also help to explain why the number of Covid admissions to intensive care units among people over 80 in the UK have dropped to single figures in the last couple of weeks." 80+高危人群是最先接种的,总体70%到80%的死亡人数在这个年龄段, 过去几周进ICU的掉到了个位数。 A single shot of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid jab reduces the chance of needing hospital treatment by more than 80%, an analysis in England shows. The Public Health England data showed the effect kicked in three to four weeks after vaccination. It was based on people over 80 who were the first to receive the jab. Government scientists hailed the result, saying vaccines would soon take the UK "into a very different world". Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the latest vaccine results were "very strong". He added: "They may also help to explain why the number of Covid admissions to intensive care units among people over 80 in the UK have dropped to single figures in the last couple of weeks." 80+高危人群是最先接种的,总体70%到80%的死亡人数在这个年龄段, 过去几周进ICU的掉到了个位数。 oceanseven 发表于 2021-03-01 14:54
A single shot of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid jab reduces the chance of needing hospital treatment by more than 80%, an analysis in England shows. The Public Health England data showed the effect kicked in three to four weeks after vaccination. It was based on people over 80 who were the first to receive the jab. Government scientists hailed the result, saying vaccines would soon take the UK "into a very different world".
Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the latest vaccine results were "very strong". He added: "They may also help to explain why the number of Covid admissions to intensive care units among people over 80 in the UK have dropped to single figures in the last couple of weeks."
80+高危人群是最先接种的,总体70%到80%的死亡人数在这个年龄段, 过去几周进ICU的掉到了个位数。
前段时间 德国一天死 1000 多人
今天才死了 60 多人
西方国家老年人太多太多了, 所以老年人得了就麻烦
中东和印度人 不到老年就死了
你说对了,现在就看 变种的 威力到底多大了!
你果然是。。。。 谁说巴西变种来了疫苗都白打了, 三个疫苗对变种都在不断做实验,数据都在这里,不要误导视听。 有哪个很厉害的大国不打疫苗?你是说中国和俄罗斯?。。。。。
因为国内疫苗没有在老人身上做实验,怕出事? 我猜的.
這個說的有點誇張 西方發達國家的老人比率是比較高沒錯 但像印度一樣很多老人 只是比率低(數目其實很大)就無所謂了?
有些人就是喜欢阴谋论,散播恐慌。恨人有,笑人无。 一副高深莫测的样子,下盘大棋,水很深,我呸。
很厉害不打疫苗的大国,是哪个?? 除了神奇的战狼之国,还有哪个大国?
re 不懂国内这是搞啥
灭活疫苗有效性且不论, 安全性还是可以的吧,国内反正控制得还行,打不打相差不大。 理论上国内年轻人打了就减少传播率,老年人不打也可以相对降低被感染机率。因为现在感染的是极少数。 我猜他们想法是: 如果老年人打了有一两个出事,哪怕不确定是不是疫苗引起的,各种自媒体,微信群朋友圈肯定加油添醋传的沸沸扬扬,年轻人也不敢打了。 不如年轻人先打了没事,等国外老年的实验数据出来了再给国内老年人打。
别啥啥都是中国不好, 国内那么少的感染人数, 给高危打了。搞不好潜在风险比感染风险都大。先给健康人群大 可以极大的阻隔病毒的流传。 跟欧美的情况完全不一样好不好