目前我们这里只打65+ and Health care workers!有疾病的不可以打! 然后看到脸书上两个认识的老美30岁左右的打到了,不是health care workers,都是在家上班的(汽车公司市场部的),在那里炫耀🦚。我就说恭喜然后问他们怎么能打到?但没回音... 二百三十几个不同人的comments 全是老美,都恭喜他们打到了,怎么就没人问一下他们是如何打到的呀?他们是插队!但所有人都恭喜恭喜的,看上去真的好辛福就像自己打上了似的。我觉得至少了解一下他们是如何打到的呢?因为我也想打呀。难道老美就不急着打吗?
目前我们这里只打65+ and Health care workers!有疾病的不可以打! 然后看到脸书上两个认识的老美30岁左右的打到了,不是health care workers,都是在家上班的(汽车公司市场部的),在那里炫耀🦚。我就说恭喜然后问他们怎么能打到?但没回音... 二百三十几个不同人的comments 全是老美,都恭喜他们打到了,怎么就没人问一下他们是如何打到的呀?他们是插队!但所有人都恭喜恭喜的,看上去真的好辛福就像自己打上了似的。我觉得至少了解一下他们是如何打到的呢?因为我也想打呀。难道老美就不急着打吗?
加州One Medical clinic加199就可以让不符合条件的人插队打,导致老人医护人员打不上。Forbes 福布斯放出风声,准备要写一篇,关于此次 One Medical 疫苗插队事件的长篇报导,One Medical 的管理人员迅速给出反应,警告全体员工不要泄露内部信息,如果泄露将会面临纪律处分,甚至被开除。旧金山卫生官员2月24日表示,已经暂停向旧金山这家医疗机构,供应新冠疫苗,并要求One Medical机构返还1600多剂疫苗。 楼主你的质疑是对的。
楼主你们符合标准打的人很多很多。也许人家有符合要求的副业也许家里有小孩可以让他们打。又或者有人刚刚好在打针site 附近 工作人员不想浪费了疫苗就offer给其他人了。Colorado有个律师买菜时就是这样打上的,这个事情还上了新闻。特别是像 Pfizer拿出来两小时就会作废的疫苗肯定是给最快到现场的人打的。我自己符合各种条件第一批打 但是我以往对疫苗反应过大就等到第一批完成了第二针后才开始打。符合条件但是不愿意打的人很多很多。楼主可以注册然后等通知也可以。这样就不会猜测别人了。 Phase 1a mission-critical workers and individuals include: 70+ year olds, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions 65+ year olds, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions (Beginning Feb. 8) Anesthesiology assistants, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, and operating room staff Athletic Trainers American Sign Language (ASL) and other interpreters in healthcare facilities Autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids Chiropractors Dentists and dental hygienists and technicians Dietary and food services staff in healthcare facilities Environmental services staff in healthcare facilities Harbor pilots Home caregivers for children who have a tracheostomy, are ventilator-dependent or who have a Medically Complex Children''''s Waiver. The Medically Complex Children’s Waiver (MCC) is a statewide program to serve children who meet either Nursing Facility or Intermediate Care Facility-Intellectually Disabled level of care and medical criteria. Requires a medical provider’s signed attestation to confirm caregiver meets criteria. Home health and hospice workers Hospital transport personnel Hospital inpatients 65 and older Laboratory personnel and phlebotomists Licensed dietitians Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) residents and staff Medical assistants Medical first responders (paid and volunteer): EMS; fire department and law enforcement personnel who provide emergency medical care Nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse’s aides/ assistants Opticians and optometrists and assistants/ technicians Persons providing medical care in correctional facilities and correctional officers Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians Physical and occupational therapists and assistants Physicians, including medical house staff (i.e., interns, residents, fellows), and physician assistants Podiatrists Public health healthcare workers who are frequently interacting with persons with potential COVID-19 infection Radiology technicians Respiratory care practitioners, such as respiratory therapists Speech language pathologists and assistants and audiologists State/local government employees and their contractors who are mission-critical for maintaining operations of COVID-19 vaccinations and testing in SC Students and interns of the above categories Estimated Population of Phase 1a: 1,296,246
目前我们这里只打65+ and Health care workers!有疾病的不可以打! 然后看到脸书上两个认识的老美30岁左右的打到了,不是health care workers,都是在家上班的(汽车公司市场部的),在那里炫耀🦚。我就说恭喜然后问他们怎么能打到?但没回音... 二百三十几个不同人的comments 全是老美,都恭喜他们打到了,怎么就没人问一下他们是如何打到的呀?他们是插队!但所有人都恭喜恭喜的,看上去真的好辛福就像自己打上了似的。我觉得至少了解一下他们是如何打到的呢?因为我也想打呀。难道老美就不急着打吗?
公用马甲3 发表于 2021-02-28 08:42
看到最多点赞回复发现华人对老美迷思还真不少啊。。我们本地有个老美论坛 parenting forum 有个帖子专门讨论为什么有人能cut vaccine line的
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
我说了这里目前只有65岁以上和医护人员! 有疾病还不可以打呢。
我说了目前只能65+ 和医护人员。他们不是任何的。 现在这里不是65+,不是医护是不可以注册的,打疫苗都要ID的。还要工作牌的(看是不是医护)
我们这里essential workers就可以打啊。
但是我们这里不到65+,不是医护连个等机都不行。没登机怎么知道你号码打你的呀? 这两个人在家上班都是做marketing的,和我同行
我的点是我想知道为什么老美都不好奇他们怎么打的?我觉得华人上问如何早点打上的帖子多了去了,是真实想法啊!为什么老美不问呢? 还有我想知道如何也可以这样早早的打上。我有机会插队也会的。是真实想法。
明明已经有人报名了,为啥要自己去做extra works一个一个问的浪费时间和精力呢
注册志愿者去现场帮忙就可以先打。另外如果有make appointment但是当天没来的人,现场志愿者工作人员会给住在周围的朋友打电话去补缺。所以楼主你想先打,可以要不去当志愿者,要不好朋友去当志愿者。
我们这边是托儿所、学校志愿者,可以作为教育行业优先打,于是很多家长都可以。 不过作弊是一定有的,一个朋友说他们高尔夫俱乐部(入会费10万那种)去年十二月会员就可以随便打
Phase 1a mission-critical workers and individuals include: 70+ year olds, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions 65+ year olds, regardless of health status or preexisting conditions (Beginning Feb. 8) Anesthesiology assistants, registered cardiovascular invasive specialists, and operating room staff Athletic Trainers American Sign Language (ASL) and other interpreters in healthcare facilities Autopsy room staff, coroners, embalmers, and funeral home staff at risk of exposure to bodily fluids Chiropractors Dentists and dental hygienists and technicians Dietary and food services staff in healthcare facilities Environmental services staff in healthcare facilities Harbor pilots Home caregivers for children who have a tracheostomy, are ventilator-dependent or who have a Medically Complex Children''''s Waiver. The Medically Complex Children’s Waiver (MCC) is a statewide program to serve children who meet either Nursing Facility or Intermediate Care Facility-Intellectually Disabled level of care and medical criteria. Requires a medical provider’s signed attestation to confirm caregiver meets criteria. Home health and hospice workers Hospital transport personnel Hospital inpatients 65 and older Laboratory personnel and phlebotomists Licensed dietitians Long-Term Care Facility (LTCF) residents and staff Medical assistants Medical first responders (paid and volunteer): EMS; fire department and law enforcement personnel who provide emergency medical care Nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse’s aides/ assistants Opticians and optometrists and assistants/ technicians Persons providing medical care in correctional facilities and correctional officers Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians Physical and occupational therapists and assistants Physicians, including medical house staff (i.e., interns, residents, fellows), and physician assistants Podiatrists Public health healthcare workers who are frequently interacting with persons with potential COVID-19 infection Radiology technicians Respiratory care practitioners, such as respiratory therapists Speech language pathologists and assistants and audiologists State/local government employees and their contractors who are mission-critical for maintaining operations of COVID-19 vaccinations and testing in SC Students and interns of the above categories Estimated Population of Phase 1a: 1,296,246
看到最多点赞回复发现华人对老美迷思还真不少啊。。我们本地有个老美论坛 parenting forum 有个帖子专门讨论为什么有人能cut vaccine line的
正解 哈哈
Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Vaccinations - NC DHHS COVID-19
我们这儿家里有老人同住的是可以打的,而且有些诊所是可以walk in先来先得的。微信上有人谴责跟老人同住但不想早起去排队打疫苗的