别因为钱而去区划你的职业、去做一份你不喜欢或不适合的工作. 你将电工想得太简单了. Electricians are responsible for inspecting, testing, repairing, installing, and modifying electrical components and systems. Electricians general work at homes, businesses, and construction sites, and generally work as contractors. Electricians have usually completed an electrician program at a trade school or technical institute, finished a lengthy apprenticeship, and passed a licensing exam. While requirements to become a licensed electrician vary by state, most involve passing an exam and having proof of a certain number of classroom and practical hours. ELECTRICIANS - PHYSICAL DEMANDS ELECTRICIANS FREQUENTLY: Stand for long periods of time. Use their hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls. Bend or twist their body. Repeat the same movements. Climb ladders, scaffolds, or poles. Walk or run for long periods of time. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR ELECTRICIANS TO BE ABLE TO: See details of objects that are less than a few feet away. See differences between colors, shades, and brightness. Hold the arm and hand in one position or hold the hand steady while moving the arm. Use fingers to grasp, move, or assemble very small objects. Use one or two hands to grasp, move, or assemble objects. Use stomach and lower back muscles to support the body for long periods without getting tired. Bend, stretch, twist, or reach out. See details of objects that are more than a few feet away. Speak clearly so listeners can understand. Move two or more limbs together (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while remaining in place. Make quick, precise adjustments to machine controls. React quickly using hands, fingers, or feet. Understand the speech of another person. Determine the distance between objects. Keep or regain the body''s balance or stay upright when in an unstable position. IT IS NOT AS IMPORTANT, BUT STILL NECESSARY, FOR ELECTRICIANS TO BE ABLE TO: Use muscles to lift, push, pull, or carry heavy objects. Be physically active for long periods without getting tired or out of breath. Focus on one source of sound and ignore others. Hear sounds and recognize the difference between them. Choose quickly and correctly among various movements when responding to different signals. Use muscles for extended periods without getting tired. Make fast, repeated movements of fingers, hands, and wrists. Move arms and legs quickly. See objects in very bright or glaring light. Coordinate movement of several parts of the body, such as arms and legs, while the body is moving. Determine from which direction a sound came. Adjust body movements or equipment controls to keep pace with speed changes of moving objects.
亚洲女生 那个小胳膊。那个小骨架
目前 还从来没有碰到过一个亚洲男生做电工的.
卡车司机里 有个别的白女,
估计 CNN , BBC 等媒体 要采访 第一个亚洲女生电工了.
另外水管工 怎么也很少见女生啊
装厨房的炉子 和灯具等等
中国的女生从小太少培养 修理汽车, 修理水管,
感觉 中国女生对 电工, 卡车司机, 火车司机, 水管修理, 汽车修理, 还有工匠等 方面 ,
中国缺少 对应的职业培训学校.
凤姐这种农村出来的, 感觉比较适合做电工和卡车司机吧?
你厂的电工可能是从小就跟着大人耳濡目染学的, 就像很多美国人从没学过系统地学过修车, 但很多人却10来岁就能捣鼓修车一样. 楼主一个亚裔移民女性, 很大可能除了换个电灯泡, 从来没做过电工有关的事, 即说零基础, 那她还真的需要物理中的电力学知识. 她除了要学regulations, 更多的是实际操作以及体力能否配合得了....体力这一样可不是想就能做到的.
楼主若只看到电工的时薪高, 就觉得自己应该也能成为其中一份子, 赚高薪. 那就太不成年人的想法了.
凤姐大妈 学习学习 电工 和 卡车司机吧!!
别因为钱而去区划你的职业、去做一份你不喜欢或不适合的工作. 你将电工想得太简单了.
Electricians are responsible for inspecting, testing, repairing, installing, and modifying electrical components and systems. Electricians general work at homes, businesses, and construction sites, and generally work as contractors.
Electricians have usually completed an electrician program at a trade school or technical institute, finished a lengthy apprenticeship, and passed a licensing exam. While requirements to become a licensed electrician vary by state, most involve passing an exam and having proof of a certain number of classroom and practical hours.
ELECTRICIANS - PHYSICAL DEMANDS ELECTRICIANS FREQUENTLY: Stand for long periods of time. Use their hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls. Bend or twist their body. Repeat the same movements. Climb ladders, scaffolds, or poles. Walk or run for long periods of time. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR ELECTRICIANS TO BE ABLE TO: See details of objects that are less than a few feet away. See differences between colors, shades, and brightness. Hold the arm and hand in one position or hold the hand steady while moving the arm. Use fingers to grasp, move, or assemble very small objects. Use one or two hands to grasp, move, or assemble objects. Use stomach and lower back muscles to support the body for long periods without getting tired. Bend, stretch, twist, or reach out. See details of objects that are more than a few feet away. Speak clearly so listeners can understand. Move two or more limbs together (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while remaining in place. Make quick, precise adjustments to machine controls. React quickly using hands, fingers, or feet. Understand the speech of another person. Determine the distance between objects. Keep or regain the body''s balance or stay upright when in an unstable position. IT IS NOT AS IMPORTANT, BUT STILL NECESSARY, FOR ELECTRICIANS TO BE ABLE TO: Use muscles to lift, push, pull, or carry heavy objects. Be physically active for long periods without getting tired or out of breath. Focus on one source of sound and ignore others. Hear sounds and recognize the difference between them. Choose quickly and correctly among various movements when responding to different signals. Use muscles for extended periods without getting tired. Make fast, repeated movements of fingers, hands, and wrists. Move arms and legs quickly. See objects in very bright or glaring light. Coordinate movement of several parts of the body, such as arms and legs, while the body is moving. Determine from which direction a sound came. Adjust body movements or equipment controls to keep pace with speed changes of moving objects.
你把业余选手水平当可以吃饭的本事? 你自己干,肯定可以挑这些轻松的活干。你当学徒能挑三拣四? 我反复说了很多次了,考牌需要各种不同电工范围的经验才可以去考试。跟护士一样,我毕业考牌以后 可以选儿科,妇产科,诊所干,但是学习考试的时候,都要学都要考。 我可以肯定的告诉你,当电工学徒很多人一开始是从dig the ditches 开始的。你去拿个锹挖一天看看。 而且很多人有误解,觉得亚洲女性这行混得不行。实话说,你真有本事考的到牌,你绝对是香馍馍,女性,少数民族,很多公司就是你水平差点都会请你的,这叫满足diversity。跟男护士吃香一个道理,物以希为贵。 但是现实就是真的不适合女性的职业。 这行,就是男性去干,人雇主都要看你是不是体格健壮。 再说了,现实一点,你就是去干service 电工,pay最差那种,你也不可能天天就是面板开关这些吧。安个抽油机,oven什么要干吧,您自己去扛着看看。 有很多工作,真的不是性别歧视,男性女性真的是有别。 这贴很多人举例自己在家怎么怎么handy,我也不想多说,您卖房的时候就知道了,您改造这些pull 了permit吗?inspection 做了吗?改造电路是要符合code的。
卡车司机 和建筑工地的工人呢?
凤姐 1米4 的个头
我觉得可以拍个电视剧 — 凤姐学电工
楼主你说你在美国没亲戚没朋友, 你的孩子还在中国, 而你没有正式职业, 所以你是黑在美国有些年头的「跳飞机客」? geez!
是这样,电工那点专业知识对于一个有中国理工科本科背景的大多数女生非常简单,尤其是学物理自动化EE这些的。电工要求的那些regulation仔细看一遍也没什么难的。很多人主要是害怕,心里有女生不适合的先入为主的偏见。只要不是拼体力的职业,我不觉得有什么女生不合适的。 楼主的学历情况不清楚,但我觉得那么多没有本科学历的越南人能做你只要肯努力也没什么不能做的。