这是我一直(小额捐赠)的一个收养弃婴的机构 叫newhope 是美国医生夫妇办的 里面的孩子多数是残障 孤儿院除了要养他们 还要给他们筹钱治病 2年前他们在北京的孤儿院关掉 全部搬到河南了 去年疫情初期 一直帮他们的美国机构不继续提供资助了 好在他们找到了另一家 今年又出现问题了 说慈善组织希望把钱用在帮助偏远儿童教育 他们现在求助sponsor child(as little as 10美金)华人善良姐妹多 看看能不能帮他们求到更多善缘 这是孤儿院的网站 https://newhope.foundation/ 2楼贴了求助信部分 谢谢善良的姐妹们帮顶 如果不能捐赠 帮顶顶也很感谢 因为疫情 很久没有孩子被领养了 这是孤儿院的月刊 https://newhope.foundation/news/ 部分孩子的介绍 照片 https://newhope.foundation/our-children/ 下面是他们email的求助信 不知道大家能看到不 https://mailchi.mp/newhope.foundation/bnv4wjergu-2529345?e=933a9e14d3 节选一点 As we joyfully care for the children, I come to you with an urgent need for prayer and provision. New Hope Foundation is in real risk of closing down in the spring due to lack of financial support. Will you please pray for the staff and children and consider ways that you might be able to help? Three main factors have come together to have brought NHF financially to where we are today. 1. The pandemic has disrupted non-profit organizations worldwide, and we are no exception. We have understood that the pandemic would generally affect people’s ability to give, and with different funding challenges a year ago, we have taken drastic steps to decrease expenses while still prioritizing the children’s care. Our expenses last year were 80% of the year before. We have done our best to be responsible with the funds that have been given. Decreasing expenses allowed us to be able to continue through the pandemic so far, but it does not make us immune from the full effects of such a challenging world-wide event. 2. The major funding organization that helped provide a large part last year’s funding will not be able to support again this year. A year ago when we heard that funding for NHF would significantly change during 2020, hundreds of generous donors gave so that we could continue. A large foundation heard of our need and contacted us during that time. They were directly familiar with our work and anticipated years of supporting NHF in the range of 2 million US dollars or more a year. They gave generously to the work in 2020. After an extended season of hoping for an agreement for 2021, we received their answer last week that they would not be able to continue supporting NHF. The foundation’s leadership felt it necessary to strengthen their primary goals of helping with rural education and providing assistance to families who have a child in need of medical car
回复 1楼zao87luan的帖子 As we joyfully care for the children, I come to you with an urgent need for prayer and provision. New Hope Foundation is in real risk of closing down in the spring due to lack of financial support. Will you please pray for the staff and children and consider ways that you might be able to help?
Three main factors have come together to have brought NHF financially to where we are today. 1. The pandemic has disrupted non-profit organizations worldwide, and we are no exception. We have understood that the pandemic would generally affect people’s ability to give, and with different funding challenges a year ago, we have taken drastic steps to decrease expenses while still prioritizing the children’s care. Our expenses last year were 80% of the year before. We have done our best to be responsible with the funds that have been given. Decreasing expenses allowed us to be able to continue through the pandemic so far, but it does not make us immune from the full effects of such a challenging world-wide event.
2. The major funding organization that helped provide a large part last year’s funding will not be able to support again this year. A year ago when we heard that funding for NHF would significantly change during 2020, hundreds of generous donors gave so that we could continue. A large foundation heard of our need and contacted us during that time. They were directly familiar with our work and anticipated years of supporting NHF in the range of 2 million US dollars or more a year. They gave generously to the work in 2020. After an extended season of hoping for an agreement for 2021, we received their answer last week that they would not be able to continue supporting NHF. The foundation’s leadership felt it necessary to strengthen their primary goals of helping with rural education and providing assistance to families who have a child in need of medical care. While their answer gives new financial challenges to the work, we are deeply grateful for their support last year and for their gift of a million Chinese Yuan this week to help NHF with current needs.
3. Our new child sponsorship program has not yet had the enrollment that we had hoped. I am so excited and thankful to have this child sponsorship program. It is relatively easy to sign up. It is so easy to administer on our end. Our system uses several professional platforms and can handle tens of thousands of donors. Development and implementation costs have been kept very low and have been only 0.1% of our overall expenses. (If you are pressed for time, feel free to skip to the "next step" below.)
下面是他们email的求助信 不知道大家能看到不 https://mailchi.mp/newhope.foundation/bnv4wjergu-2529345?e=933a9e14d3 节选一点
As we joyfully care for the children, I come to you with an urgent need for prayer and provision. New Hope Foundation is in real risk of closing down in the spring due to lack of financial support. Will you please pray for the staff and children and consider ways that you might be able to help? Three main factors have come together to have brought NHF financially to where we are today. 1. The pandemic has disrupted non-profit organizations worldwide, and we are no exception. We have understood that the pandemic would generally affect people’s ability to give, and with different funding challenges a year ago, we have taken drastic steps to decrease expenses while still prioritizing the children’s care. Our expenses last year were 80% of the year before. We have done our best to be responsible with the funds that have been given. Decreasing expenses allowed us to be able to continue through the pandemic so far, but it does not make us immune from the full effects of such a challenging world-wide event. 2. The major funding organization that helped provide a large part last year’s funding will not be able to support again this year. A year ago when we heard that funding for NHF would significantly change during 2020, hundreds of generous donors gave so that we could continue. A large foundation heard of our need and contacted us during that time. They were directly familiar with our work and anticipated years of supporting NHF in the range of 2 million US dollars or more a year. They gave generously to the work in 2020. After an extended season of hoping for an agreement for 2021, we received their answer last week that they would not be able to continue supporting NHF. The foundation’s leadership felt it necessary to strengthen their primary goals of helping with rural education and providing assistance to families who have a child in need of medical car
As we joyfully care for the children, I come to you with an urgent need for prayer and provision.
New Hope Foundation is in real risk of closing down in the spring due to lack of financial support. Will you please pray for the staff and children and consider ways that you might be able to help?
Three main factors have come together to have brought NHF financially to where we are today.
1. The pandemic has disrupted non-profit organizations worldwide, and we are no exception.
We have understood that the pandemic would generally affect people’s ability to give, and with different funding challenges a year ago, we have taken drastic steps to decrease expenses while still prioritizing the children’s care. Our expenses last year were 80% of the year before. We have done our best to be responsible with the funds that have been given. Decreasing expenses allowed us to be able to continue through the pandemic so far, but it does not make us immune from the full effects of such a challenging world-wide event.
2. The major funding organization that helped provide a large part last year’s funding will not be able to support again this year.
A year ago when we heard that funding for NHF would significantly change during 2020, hundreds of generous donors gave so that we could continue. A large foundation heard of our need and contacted us during that time. They were directly familiar with our work and anticipated years of supporting NHF in the range of 2 million US dollars or more a year. They gave generously to the work in 2020. After an extended season of hoping for an agreement for 2021, we received their answer last week that they would not be able to continue supporting NHF. The foundation’s leadership felt it necessary to strengthen their primary goals of helping with rural education and providing assistance to families who have a child in need of medical care. While their answer gives new financial challenges to the work, we are deeply grateful for their support last year and for their gift of a million Chinese Yuan this week to help NHF with current needs.
3. Our new child sponsorship program has not yet had the enrollment that we had hoped.
I am so excited and thankful to have this child sponsorship program. It is relatively easy to sign up. It is so easy to administer on our end. Our system uses several professional platforms and can handle tens of thousands of donors. Development and implementation costs have been kept very low and have been only 0.1% of our overall expenses.
(If you are pressed for time, feel free to skip to the "next step" below.)
也希望中国政府对那些因为孩子残疾就弃养的父母做出刑事惩罚,让越来越多对孩子不被放弃,说句实话挺丢人的,美国家庭收养了多少中国残障儿童你自己去搜。网上有报道。 也希望中国的小粉红在对美国疫情幸灾乐祸的时候,顺带着也收养几个被遗弃的儿童。不用收养美国的,收养自己国家的就行。