Roth is after tax contribution you will never had to pay tax (unless the law is changed down the road and yes they can) and there is no RMDs. Traditional IRA and 401K you will need to pay tax when you start to withdraw as income, same with social security. You can''t have an account that is both Roth and Traditional 401K, i.e. they don''''t mix.
Roth is after tax contribution you will never had to pay tax (unless the law is changed down the road and yes they can) and there is no RMDs. Traditional IRA and 401K you will need to pay tax when you start to withdraw as income, same with social security. You can''t have an account that is both Roth and Traditional 401K, i.e. they don''''t mix.
你叽里呱啦讲了一堆也没回答LZ问题。401k取的时候你可以选择取出pretax 还是Roth, 然后pretax部分 交税就行了,不用按照原先比例。
Your answer might mislead some readers to think it the same account but in reality they are two different accounts.
IRA 账号是traditional 和 roth 分开的,但401K 只是 contribution分开列出。买的基金和收益没有分开,至少用户看不出来。
---“我的也都在vanguard,traditional ira 和roth是分开两个账户,每个账户的收益也都是分开显示的,虽然首页上显示的是汇总的数据,分开查每个账户都是不一样的”
IRA 账号是traditional 和 roth 分开的,但401K 只是 contribution分开列出。买的基金和收益没有分开,至少用户看不出来。
有些公司401k plan有pre tax 401k,roth 401k,和after tax 401k。虽然contribution是分开,但是都在一个账户里,的确看不出比例是多少。
这个就够了,有after tax contribution 数目就行了,其它都是pretax.