通过chase 给孩子姥姥的zelle 账户捐了款,但是收到chase的message Dear Customer: We've tried to notify Li Teng several times about your Chase QuickPay(R) with Zelle(SM) payment, but we didn't get a response. Please contact Li Teng to make sure we're sending it to his or her correct email address or mobile number. 想看看大家有没有遇到同样的问题,怎么能确保孩子的姥姥收到钱?
通过chase 给孩子姥姥的zelle 账户捐了款,但是收到chase的message Dear Customer: We've tried to notify Li Teng several times about your Chase QuickPay(R) with Zelle(SM) payment, but we didn't get a response. Please contact Li Teng to make sure we're sending it to his or her correct email address or mobile number. 想看看大家有没有遇到同样的问题,怎么能确保孩子的姥姥收到钱? ljstar2006 发表于 2021-02-15 13:47
通过chase 给孩子姥姥的zelle 账户捐了款,但是收到chase的message Dear Customer: We've tried to notify Li Teng several times about your Chase QuickPay(R) with Zelle(SM) payment, but we didn't get a response. Please contact Li Teng to make sure we're sending it to his or her correct email address or mobile number. 想看看大家有没有遇到同样的问题,怎么能确保孩子的姥姥收到钱? ljstar2006 发表于 2021-02-15 13:47
通过chase 给孩子姥姥的zelle 账户捐了款,但是收到chase的message Dear Customer: We've tried to notify Li Teng several times about your Chase QuickPay(R) with Zelle(SM) payment, but we didn't get a response. Please contact Li Teng to make sure we're sending it to his or her correct email address or mobile number. 想看看大家有没有遇到同样的问题,怎么能确保孩子的姥姥收到钱? ljstar2006 发表于 2021-02-15 13:47
我觉得可能是外婆注册的时候把姓写在前面了,如果你写Teng Li 而不是Li teng就没有问题。不过我觉得email对了应该就不会有问题,比如
It's too sad to see this type of post. as a mom, i can't imagine how desperate and devastating it could be. just donated on gofundme. I'm not sure how much this $$ could help but if there's a way to set up a long term fund - I'm happy to donate more in a more regular cadence to help this family. it might be easier for her mom and daughter to stay in the U.S. if they can get green card and health insurance. at least the kid will get a good education, her mom will have a decent health / medical support, and local church/communities might be able to help them in a more consistent way.
PayPal: [email protected]
这个也可以 她妈妈的zelle
领取social security是不是有工作年限和worker至少是permanent residents大要求?
是的。last name:teng, first name:li
我也收到同样的邮件,昨天转款的时候已经显示“delivered”, 应该钱能收到。
PayPal 也可以捐到Gmail的邮箱。
据我所知,82 国内没有亲近的家人。 她妈妈也是单亲妈妈, 她以前说过她爸爸的儿子。。。应该是父母很早离婚了。
我不劝捐,但82 这个人是真的存在的,她以前经常真人秀,看了最近的照片,很难过。。真的。
希望微薄的捐款可以帮助她的女儿, 希望她女儿可以留在美国, 姥姥家在国内五线城市。 希望善良的德州华人请姥姥去家里打工,她妈妈烧菜做家务可以的 希望懂法的人帮姥姥留在美国拿白卡(她家真的需要)....
要看姥姥在国内收入了。如果沒收人 。国内低保一个月一百元。肯定留美国啊,医疗生活费都没问题,应该也会有免费房孑,再和当地教会联系一下平时帮点忙
奶奶去打工怎么照顾孩子?不要把65+老人的体力跟年轻人比。况且还不会开车。 还是回国好一些,小地方肯定消费低,我们的捐款应该能足够姥姥养大孩子,然后孩子长大后过来读大学。这样姥姥可以专职带孩子,不需要为生活奔波。 就是希望捐款扣掉医药费和后续费用,还能剩一些够她们祖孙的生活费。
Dear Customer:
We've tried to notify Li Teng several times about your Chase QuickPay(R) with Zelle(SM) payment, but we didn't get a response. Please contact Li Teng to make sure we're sending it to his or her correct email address or mobile number.
我通过BofA的Zelle,就没有问题啊。 收款人:[email protected]
我觉得可能是外婆注册的时候把姓写在前面了,如果你写Teng Li 而不是Li teng就没有问题。不过我觉得email对了应该就不会有问题,比如
太不公平了,这么辛苦打拼,到头来连人家上海一个厕所都不如。。 人到中年,只能想开。。。都是命。
just donated on gofundme. I'm not sure how much this $$ could help but if there's a way to set up a long term fund - I'm happy to donate more in a more regular cadence to help this family.
it might be easier for her mom and daughter to stay in the U.S. if they can get green card and health insurance. at least the kid will get a good education, her mom will have a decent health / medical support, and local church/communities might be able to help them in a more consistent way.
当时就应该写清楚。last name all caps.
女儿是Ling LI,老母亲是Li TENG
前面有mm说paypal是这个:[email protected]
因为害怕GoFundMe取不出来钱,很多人直接Zelle了。(包括我) 所以实际捐款数,应该比GoFundMe上的大。当然,我也是希望实际捐款数额越大越好。