分开报税 (1)你按照married filing separately报税,税率会比married filing jointly高很多 (2)你老公按照non resident报税,只需要交美国收入的税 合起来报税 (1)你按照married filing jointly可以享受较低税率 (2)你老公的全球收入都要报税,而且日本交的税不能在美国抵扣 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-alien-spouse Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect. However, the exception to the saving clause of a tax treaty might allow a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income.(因为你们主动选择non resident spouse treated as a resident,IRS觉得你是为了享受较低税率和双重抵扣?) 如果你老公本身就是tax resident,那日本交的税可以按照treaty抵扣~ 这两种情况到底哪种交的税少一点取决于你们的收入水平。建议在turbo tax里面两种都报一遍(不提交),再决定用那种方式报税,交1040X~
分开报税 (1)你按照married filing separately报税,税率会比married filing jointly高很多 (2)你老公按照non resident报税,只需要交美国收入的税 合起来报税 (1)你按照married filing jointly可以享受较低税率 (2)你老公的全球收入都要报税,而且日本交的税不能在美国抵扣 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-alien-spouse Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect. However, the exception to the saving clause of a tax treaty might allow a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income.(因为你们主动选择non resident spouse treated as a resident,IRS觉得你是为了享受较低税率和双重抵扣?) 如果你老公本身就是tax resident,那日本交的税可以按照treaty抵扣~ 这两种情况到底哪种交的税少一点取决于你们的收入水平。建议在turbo tax里面两种都报一遍(不提交),再决定用那种方式报税,交1040X~ violetmemory 发表于 2021-02-12 23:04
分开报税 (1)你按照married filing separately报税,税率会比married filing jointly高很多 (2)你老公按照non resident报税,只需要交美国收入的税 合起来报税 (1)你按照married filing jointly可以享受较低税率 (2)你老公的全球收入都要报税,而且日本交的税不能在美国抵扣 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-alien-spouse Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect. However, the exception to the saving clause of a tax treaty might allow a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income.(因为你们主动选择non resident spouse treated as a resident,IRS觉得你是为了享受较低税率和双重抵扣?) 如果你老公本身就是tax resident,那日本交的税可以按照treaty抵扣~ 这两种情况到底哪种交的税少一点取决于你们的收入水平。建议在turbo tax里面两种都报一遍(不提交),再决定用那种方式报税,交1040X~ violetmemory 发表于 2021-02-12 23:04
分开报税 (1)你按照married filing separately报税,税率会比married filing jointly高很多 (2)你老公按照non resident报税,只需要交美国收入的税 合起来报税 (1)你按照married filing jointly可以享受较低税率 (2)你老公的全球收入都要报税,而且日本交的税不能在美国抵扣 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-alien-spouse Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect. However, the exception to the saving clause of a tax treaty might allow a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income.(因为你们主动选择non resident spouse treated as a resident,IRS觉得你是为了享受较低税率和双重抵扣?) 如果你老公本身就是tax resident,那日本交的税可以按照treaty抵扣~ 这两种情况到底哪种交的税少一点取决于你们的收入水平。建议在turbo tax里面两种都报一遍(不提交),再决定用那种方式报税,交1040X~ violetmemory 发表于 2021-02-12 23:04
合起来报税 (1)你按照married filing jointly可以享受较低税率 (2)你老公的全球收入都要报税,而且日本交的税不能在美国抵扣 https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-alien-spouse Generally, neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect. However, the exception to the saving clause of a tax treaty might allow a tax treaty benefit on certain specified income.(因为你们主动选择non resident spouse treated as a resident,IRS觉得你是为了享受较低税率和双重抵扣?) 如果你老公本身就是tax resident,那日本交的税可以按照treaty抵扣~
这两种情况到底哪种交的税少一点取决于你们的收入水平。建议在turbo tax里面两种都报一遍(不提交),再决定用那种方式报税,交1040X~
个人经验 仅供参考。如果联合报,有foreign income 填2555 1116 最后算税时,tax(taxable income +2555 deducted foreign income)- tax(2555 deducted foreign income ) 税率会高 交税多 也复杂 很坑的 看你们收入比例,不是单纯的联报或者分报更省税。 省事的话 看看能不能分开报?
日本交的税当然可以抵扣 foreign tax credit 依据的是美国国内法 跟treaty没有任何关系
谢谢,treaty我理解应该是non resident alien student tax treaty这种
Costco 有一种袋装茶叫 伊藤 园😅
如果要MFJ , 你老公报日本收入, 一年有10万多的 exemption。 第一年在国外日期如果没满330天,那就 会 prorate。 国外收入的自动延到6月15。超过 十多万多的部分可以 credit 日本的已经交的税(这个按比例 credit,比如日本effective 税率30%, 你收入12万,那就超过exemption 部分按30% 税率 credit)
是不是 MFS, 要看哪个税少,还有你怕不怕麻烦报这个税。
我真的是懂婚姻门当户对的道理的,也明白这种婚姻风险挺大的,心一横,不昏就不会婚吧,就算之前看着各种般配的人最后也可能以离婚收场,我先好好经营自己的生活,万一哪一天不能work out了,再说吧。。
我们的婚姻有好多埋好的雷,但是想到不结婚失去他,我又(一时?)很难过 (大家之前都劝说不会难过多久)。
妹子好可爱 报税不懂帮你顶个帖