well said. I have a son and 2 daughters, all of them still very young. I don't want to impose the same kind of harsh restrictions that lead to my own emotional distance and rebellion against my parents. As long as they can maintain their grades and practice safe sex, there is no harm in letting them explore the inevitable male/female relationships under some supervision. That's better than letting them go down the same path that led me to rebel against them and move as far away as possible for undergrad.
well said. I have a son and 2 daughters, all of them still very young. I don''t want to impose the same kind of harsh restrictions that lead to my own emotional distance and rebellion against my parents. As long as they can maintain their grades and practice safe sex, there is no harm in letting them explore the inevitable male/female relationships under some supervision. That''s better than letting them go down the same path that led me to rebel against them and move as far away as possible for undergrad. drugdealer 发表于 2021-02-12 21:09
装的一手好x,led me 再说一遍,男孩女孩不一样,别自己傻x,坑了自己闺女 你不是那个1.5代吗,呵呵,难怪了
well said. I have a son and 2 daughters, all of them still very young. I don't want to impose the same kind of harsh restrictions that lead to my own emotional distance and rebellion against my parents. As long as they can maintain their grades and practice safe sex, there is no harm in letting them explore the inevitable male/female relationships under some supervision. That's better than letting them go down the same path that led me to rebel against them and move as far away as possible for undergrad. drugdealer 发表于 2021-02-12 21:09
Do you have any idea what sex mean in highschool? Lol, you do not have any sense how to be a good parent, no wonder you left your sick child home and go to work.
我自己父母对1不能接受,对2可以接受 我和我认识的ABC对12都可以接受,但必须做好防护措施。
你这个思想真的需要改变一下了 我虽然不鼓励高中性行为 不是因为传统的贞操观 而是高中大学期间都还是应该专注于自身成长阶段 过早性行为 如果自制力差 容易耽误自身学业发展 但是男女在性关系中都有获得快乐的权利 只要做好安全措施 不要最后闹出人命 男生溜了 需要女生独自承担后果就好 我家女儿 我还是会在她一定年纪后 鼓励她多交男朋友 对感情负责任 学会独立有担当 也要学会体会不同的性幸福 而不是像以前一样 追求所谓的“从一而终”
well said. I have a son and 2 daughters, all of them still very young. I don't want to impose the same kind of harsh restrictions that lead to my own emotional distance and rebellion against my parents. As long as they can maintain their grades and practice safe sex, there is no harm in letting them explore the inevitable male/female relationships under some supervision. That's better than letting them go down the same path that led me to rebel against them and move as far away as possible for undergrad.
装的一手好x,led me
Do you have any idea what sex mean in highschool? Lol, you do not have any sense how to be a good parent, no wonder you left your sick child home and go to work.