多米尼投票机起诉Sidney Powell律师后,几个星期找不到她,无法送达诉状。她是德州执照律师,在达拉斯有个办公室,但在田纳西和北卡有房产。多米尼雇了私人侦探,找了近20天,终于打探到她某天要回北卡的家,派诉状递送员提前在门口等着。 Sidney Powell的车到家后,递送员履行职责,被她的随行阻拦,而且有人提前报警。警察问明来意,说是属于合法递送行为。递送员要把诉状和2000多页文件交给怪律,但她躲车里不出来。递送员无奈,只好诉状和文件留在她车旁边,并请两名警察和她的随行做“已送达”的证人。 https://www.thedailybeast.com/even-for-the-trumpist-conspiracy-peddler-sidney-powell-this-was-weird-as-shit There was a time when Sidney Powell, the former Donald Trump attorney, welcomed a confrontation with Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology firm demonized by the Trumpist right. But when the moment came for her to be served with a defamation lawsuit, Powell wouldn’t even get out of her car.
Sidney Powell的车到家后,递送员履行职责,被她的随行阻拦,而且有人提前报警。警察问明来意,说是属于合法递送行为。递送员要把诉状和2000多页文件交给怪律,但她躲车里不出来。递送员无奈,只好诉状和文件留在她车旁边,并请两名警察和她的随行做“已送达”的证人。
There was a time when Sidney Powell, the former Donald Trump attorney, welcomed a confrontation with Dominion Voting Systems, the election technology firm demonized by the Trumpist right. But when the moment came for her to be served with a defamation lawsuit, Powell wouldn’t even get out of her car.