回复 1楼greenishwampi的帖子 I wonder why all these incidences took place in BLUE states....so called the most anti-racism states?!! Stop being brainwashed by the left media and libtard politicians. Without law and order, no one is safe unless you have bodyguards like most elites.
回复 1楼greenishwampi的帖子 I wonder why all these incidences took place in BLUE states....so called the most anti-racism states?!! Stop being brainwashed by the left media and libtard politicians. Without law and order, no one is safe unless you have bodyguards like most elites. commonsenser 发表于 2021-02-11 10:56
回复 1楼greenishwampi的帖子 I wonder why all these incidences took place in BLUE states....so called the most anti-racism states?!! Stop being brainwashed by the left media and libtard politicians. Without law and order, no one is safe unless you have bodyguards like most elites. commonsenser 发表于 2021-02-11 10:56
你是真蠢还是甲醇?都说了几遍了那个所谓偷漏税是回应前面那个店里一定要Cash only的帖子的,你非要往什么自恨头上拉是傻呢还是因为踩到你的尾巴了呢
现在就是这个情况 国有法却不能执行 别说受害人 连警察都怕抓流氓政治不正确丢饭碗 文革2.0 : 上层精英打种族牌 煽动底层打劫中产 搞乱法制 才是一切乱象之源
I wonder why all these incidences took place in BLUE states....so called the most anti-racism states?!! Stop being brainwashed by the left media and libtard politicians. Without law and order, no one is safe unless you have bodyguards like most elites.
Bling Empire relaly should STOP filming and playing.
Chauncey Alcorn who wrote Asian-Americans' disposable income was up 314% before Covid-19, study finds is also responsible for this.
不要争了,那个Sunny988 看着华人就恨,什么东西她都能最后批判华人。
在底层人里面最歧视亚洲人的就是黑人,而这个歧视现在变成了赤裸裸的仇恨。 我孩子小的时候有几次我和我妈带他去一个非公益机构办的playgroup,遇到一个黑人小孩,两岁,走过来面对我妈用两只手指挑起眼角。如果不是耳濡目染这么小的孩子知道比这个?我都气呆了,过一会稳了下情绪找当天带课的老师反应,她借口她是白人,而我们都是有色人种不方便调解。 亚裔醒醒吧,我们的孩子正在失去入学资格,正在失去各种机会,当有一天黑人抢走了你孩子饭碗的时候,除了敢于冒天下大不韪政治不正确的人,没人会出面帮我们的。