
楼主 (北美华人网)
目前英国禁止red list countries的旅客来英,但是仍然允许有阴性核算证明的英国公民/居民/或者有正当必须理由前往的人员入境。 今日卫生大臣宣布了对待这些人的强制隔离政策,学习了澳大利亚和新西兰的经验模式。 每人必须支付1750英镑的强制隔离费用,以及预先在网上预约好隔离点。 不遵守隔离政策的会被罚款五千至一万英镑。 情节恶劣,隐瞒旅行历史的,将面对最高十年的刑期。 我觉得1750英镑的费用还算挺合理的 = = 对于所有入境人员,不论出发地在哪里,等级要求提供72小时内PCR阴性测试结果。落地后要求再自费检测两次PCR核酸。如果来自低风险地区,两次阴性后可以解除隔离。如果来此高风险地区,阴性后仍然要在旅店强制隔离到10日满。

Hancock: UK arrivals must pay £1,750 for hotel quarantine UK arrivals from "red list countries" must pay £1,750 for their own hotel quarantine, transport and testing, Matt Hancock has announced. "Any returning residents from these countries have to quarantine in an assigned hotel room for 10 days," he says. These will be booked online in advance at the cost of £1,750 per person, he says. The government has secured 4,600 hotel rooms and are working on getting more, he says. Sixteen hotels have been contracted for the enforced quarantine measures in England from 15 February, he said.
Jail time and fines of up to £10,000 threatened The health secretary sets out "tough fines" for people who do not comply with quarantine rules: £1,000 fine for any international arrival who fails to take a mandatory coronavirus test £2,000 fine for failing to take a second test and quarantine is automatically extended to 14 days Fines of between £5,000 and £10,000 for failing to quarantine in a designated hotel Anyone who lies on their passenger locator form about having been in a country on the red list will face a prison sentence of up to 10 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-55992464
Kate Nicholls, the chief executive of the UK Hospitality trade body, has been telling BBC Radio 4’s World at One what those staying in hotel quarantine can expect for the £1,750 fee. She says hotels are responsible for "kitchens, food and cleaning, reception, processing people through, the delivery of food to the rooms”. There will be a basic provision of food - three meals a day - and drink - tea, coffee and water - but not alcohol, Nicholls says. She explains people will be able to supplement these through room service “at their own cost”.