回复 95楼drugdealer的帖子 You can feel however you want. Your wife is also free to feel however she feel. In terms of right and wrong, yes, your wife was in the wrong, for violating a rule. But jay walking, smoking weed, are also wrong. So we can agree the term "wrong" can cover a broad range of things, from what your wife did to steal fentanyl patch from nursing home patients to sale on the internet, for example. What you could have said to your wife instead could be "Hey, thanks for testing the kid, it really helps. But this makes me uncomfortable, kind of iffy. Let''''''''s just go to CVS next time for something similar" Instead, you have to go and involve her background (like wft?) Such character assassination), and imply her value system is flawed? Some behaviors are very concerning in terms of personal value system. If a guy beats his wife, very concerning. If a guy kicks animals not in self defense - very concerning would stay away from that person. But like you said, you feel this is fairly out of character for your wife, and every else is fine, so please don''''''''t make this nothing burger into a big deal. People occasionally have lapses in judgement, it happens. Being extremely stringent, critical, and unforgiving towards your spouse gets your nothing good in return. it also sounds like you love to throw stones because you live in a glasshouse as an upstanding citizen. But I would be weary, you cannot guarantee that life will not put your in an ethical quandary in the future. Your wife feels hurt, you huurted her -- regardless what happened, who was right or wrong, she feels like shit. So, what are you going to do? Are you gong to say "well, it''''s your own fault for feeling like shit?" Or do something to make it better. Also, please don''''''''t elevate this to some 1.5 generation fob vs. 1st generation fob stuff. You and your wife had a small tiff in your marriage, that''''''''s it.
回复 158楼的帖子 对啊。这么点儿事情至于上升到这些么。 感觉两口子感情好的啥都是小事儿。 感情不好的整体啥都是个大事儿。 楼主,你看大家感觉你字里行间居高临下的感觉。你是不是抿着心问问自己,到底喜不喜欢你老婆?like truly honestly ask yourself if you really think that she is awesome and beautiful and smart and amazing? How come the first thought you had was not "damn, she had to use a testing kit from work because she is home with three kids and I didn''''''''t offer to take the kid to CVS myself. My fault.". Instead your first throught was "my wife made a lapse in judgement, this reflects poorly on her background and of her as an individual. I must tell the internet about it". Giving benefit of the doubt and having empathy for your spouse is really important in a marriage. I think what your wife really wanted to say before she slammed the door was"shut the f up. You effing asshole". 反正从我一个1.5 generation FOB lady的角度 看起来是这样的。
You can feel however you want. Your wife is also free to feel however she feel. In terms of right and wrong, yes, your wife was in the wrong, for violating a rule. But jay walking, smoking weed, are also wrong. So we can agree the term "wrong" can cover a broad range of things, from what your wife did to steal fentanyl patch from nursing home patients to sale on the internet, for example.
What you could have said to your wife instead could be "Hey, thanks for testing the kid, it really helps. But this makes me uncomfortable, kind of iffy. Let''''''''s just go to CVS next time for something similar"
Instead, you have to go and involve her background (like wft?) Such character assassination), and imply her value system is flawed? Some behaviors are very concerning in terms of personal value system. If a guy beats his wife, very concerning. If a guy kicks animals not in self defense - very concerning would stay away from that person. But like you said, you feel this is fairly out of character for your wife, and every else is fine, so please don''''''''t make this nothing burger into a big deal. People occasionally have lapses in judgement, it happens. Being extremely stringent, critical, and unforgiving towards your spouse gets your nothing good in return. it also sounds like you love to throw stones because you live in a glasshouse as an upstanding citizen. But I would be weary, you cannot guarantee that life will not put your in an ethical quandary in the future. Your wife feels hurt, you huurted her -- regardless what happened, who was right or wrong, she feels like shit. So, what are you going to do? Are you gong to say "well, it''''s your own fault for feeling like shit?" Or do something to make it better.
Also, please don''''''''t elevate this to some 1.5 generation fob vs. 1st generation fob stuff. You and your wife had a small tiff in your marriage, that''''''''s it.
妈耶,为什么人类要这样不断的贴标签 分类分类分类 将人分为三六九等
你内心绝对鄙视你老婆 以及第一代移民 在国内下等人不配上桌 在这里下等人不配在美国
我见过12岁出来的,家里是知名教授。他说他后来的中文,是靠看金庸小说学的。 日常中英文都说,但是稍微正式一点的事,都是英文。让他打汉字,基本上别想。
我好像听懂你的意思了。。。 小心 上海宁要组团来揍你了
他有屏蔽大法. 哈哈.
美国这里很多很多成功的华人二代都是餐馆,偷渡,农村的后代。 从没有美国人嫌弃过他们的出生。只有中国人,LZ 思想上还是第一代。
Mr White前来报道
我觉得如果说的是本人的差距可能有点好说的, 居然说的是上一代的差距, 人到中年在美国长大到还把你父母祖父母一辈子的事作为比较真是少见。
可能楼主人到中年觉得自己唯一拿得出手的就是 自己是1.5代FOB,有点同情他,这是心理多么扭曲
lz是觉得应该老婆拖着家里三娃去医生那边检查?万一是positive呢?车里其他两娃就有被传染的风险。最正确的不应该是你不去上班带着孩子去去医生那边来个rapid test吗?你还去上班了把娃留给妻子。一开始早上的时候你这个做丈夫的做了错误决定才导致后来妻子隐私用权给娃在家测试。
1.5代,不如说你是个杂种多好 12岁,要是你真的忘了中文,全部都是英文环境英文文化,我也就不说什么了,泡在这个论坛,你装个什么逼啊 坛子里那几个装逼狂都没有你能装逼 你是喜欢被骂是吗,你得到了
估计总把自己家是知识分子那点破事儿拿出来说 文革受迫害那段不是在诉苦而是在秀优越感
那时候知识分子是少 但是是社会原因 最怕这种祖辈出身好念了点书就莫名有优越感的人
几十年前文盲并不代表基因不行 是没机会 现在都是知识分子了 开始知识分子内卷了
上海男人 真的是小气 算计 出名的 上海男人 以找了有上海几套房子的老婆 炫耀的 小市民气息十足 12岁来美国的朋友 中文真不是lz这么差劲 lz应该是自恨 故意把中文忘掉了 就像abc跟爸妈故意说英文一样 美国国男 心态真惨
其实这事是可以就事论事来讨论的。你却偏要上升到1.5代,和1代的区别,并且叫1代凤凰女。那就用你的衡量体系来衡量你一下吧。你有着明显的1.5代的人格缺陷,就是,以为更多的judge 1代,可以帮你向1.75代靠拢。其实你还是个1.5
我朋友1.5, 中文和我一样好,英文和你一样好,是咋解释?
我知道的是89年后12岁移的Idaho, 完全不会说中文;同期留在纽约的父母是北方的说中文没口音,看/写水平不清楚
感觉两口子感情好的啥都是小事儿。 感情不好的整体啥都是个大事儿。
楼主,你看大家感觉你字里行间居高临下的感觉。你是不是抿着心问问自己,到底喜不喜欢你老婆?like truly honestly ask yourself if you really think that she is awesome and beautiful and smart and amazing?
How come the first thought you had was not "damn, she had to use a testing kit from work because she is home with three kids and I didn''''''''t offer to take the kid to CVS myself. My fault.".
Instead your first throught was "my wife made a lapse in judgement, this reflects poorly on her background and of her as an individual. I must tell the internet about it".
Giving benefit of the doubt and having empathy for your spouse is really important in a marriage.
I think what your wife really wanted to say before she slammed the door was"shut the f up. You effing asshole". 反正从我一个1.5 generation FOB lady的角度 看起来是这样的。
re.“只是有时就是1.5代和1代差别还是很大,甚至超过1.5代和土生土长美国人的距离”。 既然1.5代和1代差别这么大,为什么lz非要来1代的论坛吐槽,不是自找没趣吗?出门左转去reddit啊,该不会是怕被别人叫FOB吧。lz要不要放老婆一条生路,娶个老美当老婆,这样就不会觉得有代购了。
老美白富美看得上他 还能找心中的凤凰女?没准是个矮胖丑且一东.... 其实lz应该正视自己 也只配得上凤凰女 别跟我讲 是在做慈善哈 都是臭打工的 还区别什么1.5代 1.55代 真可笑了
re lz有点恶。我认识小学来的都没lz这么在家英文聊天。还judge老婆。我看lz老婆蛮好的
这优越感找的 不知道内心是有多匮乏 才能寄托在小数点上面哈哈哈 这是被白人土著歧视出精神分裂了
第一代是专指成年后来美国的,第二代是出生在美国的。 未成年时随父母移民,受过中美两国教育的都应该算1.5代移民。