The White House says President Joe Biden is using the Defence Production Act to help bolster vaccine production, at-home coronavirus testing kits and surgical gloves.
Tim Manning, the White House’s COVID-19 supply co-ordinator says the U.S. is also investing in six manufacturers to develop at-home and point-of-care tests for the coronavirus, with the goal of producing 60 million tests by the end of the summer.
On Friday, the administration announced it plans to use the law in three key areas: equipment and supplies for Pfizer vaccine production, an increase in at-home or point of care testing, and personal protective equipment, particularly gloves, for front-line workers. 所以是帮助Pfizer提高产量。。。。
Tim Manning, the White House’s COVID-19 supply co-ordinator says the U.S. is also investing in six manufacturers to develop at-home and point-of-care tests for the coronavirus, with the goal of producing 60 million tests by the end of the summer.
先看看再说。这也没有一个具体目标,就说国防法帮助疫苗生产,但是怎么帮助法没有具体说法。比如说砍掉哪些red tape,准备几个生产工厂? 喊喊口号没啥大用啊。 以色列已经打了40%的人了,美国不知道啥时候能到以色列的水平。
这是当然的,睡舅就算躺着啥也不干也比只会添乱的bunker baby强了,何况还干点正事。