希望大家都要仔细读写一下啊: https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2021-02-04%20ECP%20Baby%20Food%20Staff%20Report.pdf According to internal company documents and test results obtained by the Subcommittee, commercial baby foods are tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children.
LEAD was present in baby foods made by all responding companies. • Nurture (HappyBABY) sold finished baby food products that tested as high as 641 ppb lead. Almost 20% of the finished baby food products that Nurture tested contained over 10 ppb lead. • Beech-Nut used ingredients containing as much as 886.9 ppb lead. It used many ingredients with high lead content, including 483 that contained over 5 ppb lead, 89 that contained over 15 ppb lead, and 57 that contained over 20 ppb lead. • Hain (Earth’s Best Organic) used ingredients containing as much as 352 ppb lead. Hain used many ingredients with high lead content, including 88 that tested over 20 ppb lead and six that tested over 200 ppb lead. • Gerber used ingredients that tested as high as 48 ppb lead; and used many ingredients containing over 20 ppb lead
MERCURY was detected in baby food of the only responding company that tested for it. • Nurture (HappyBABY) sold finished baby food products containing as much as 10 ppb mercury. • Beech-Nut and Hain (Earth’s Best Organic) do not even test for mercury in baby food. • Gerber rarely tests for mercury in its baby foods.
These results are multiples higher than allowed under existing regulations for other products. For example, the Food and Drug Administration has set the maximum allowable levels in bottled water at 10 ppb inorganic arsenic, 5 ppb lead, and 5 ppb cadmium, and the Environmental Protection Agency has capped the allowable level of mercury in drinking water at 2 ppb. The test results of baby foods and their ingredients eclipse those levels: including results up to 91 times the arsenic level, up to 177 times the lead level, up to 69 times the cadmium level, and up to 5 times the mercury level.
According to internal company documents and test results obtained by the Subcommittee, commercial baby foods are tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children.
对啊,娃很小的时候我就没给吃米粉米饭,1岁前都是用pearl barley、oats之类的自己磨成粉代替。老大到2岁多才开始吃一点米饭。老二早一点,1岁多就喜欢上米饭了,但也不是当主食天天吃,一周最多吃几次。
看报告问题最多的就是米制品, 米糊首当其冲
美国产的大米就不能吃, 你没听说过吗?
我没买过米糊,不知道是咋样的。我家也没电饭锅,我就用一口普通的锅,把oats/ barley用水煮熟,然后用blender打成purée,冻成块状。然后吃的时候解冻1-3块,再加几块其它解冻好的调味品,比如自己做的apple sauce,鸡肉purée,等等。
娃大点就不用打成purée了,煮成oatmeal / bean and barley soup(网上搜食谱),加maple syrup / 盐直接吃。