哈哈,BREAKING: 国会这是要就GameStop的问题听证质询了

楼主 (北美华人网)
BREAKING: Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, the incoming Senate Banking Chairman, said he plans to hold a hearing on the “current state of the stock market,” as Reddit-fueled trades cause shares of companies like GameStop to spike
Breaking News Senate Panel to Hold Hearing Amid GameStop Frenzy, Brown Says Bloomberg News January 28, 2021, 3:00 PM EST
Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, the incoming Senate Banking Chairman, said he plans to hold a hearing on the “current state of the stock market,” as Reddit-fueled trades cause shares of companies like GameStop Corp. to spike, Bloomberg News reports.
“People on Wall Street only care about the rules when they’re the ones getting hurt. American workers have known for years the Wall Street system is broken – they’ve been paying the price,” Brown said in a statement. “It’s time for the SEC and Congress to make the economy work for everyone not just Wall Street. That’s why, as incoming Chair of the Senate Banking and Housing Committee I plan to hold a hearing to do that important work.”
More information is available on the Bloomberg Terminal.
Potentially more rules on Wall Street. The new SEC chair nominee isn’t liked by Wall Street either.