头一次开主题,请多多指教。 “Can a person with Aspergers feel love?” ----- 第39樓 有一个link是很好的开始了解 比较具体实例case “Asperger''''s and Marriage: He''''s Always Looking for Debate” ----- 第40樓 有一个link “5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome” ----- 第59樓 有一个link "Are you yelling?" Asperger''''s, NLD, and Tone ----- 第72樓 有一个link How Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works for us ------- 第75-79樓 實踐心得 本人是 边缘 aspergers, 已经够我前夫和几个娃受的了。前夫曾经多次说:如果他再也受不了我,会另找地方带着几个娃搬走。 我回答:他们不用找地方搬,要搬,我自己找,我一个人搬,这方案比较实际划算。 五类 裏,我的征状居这两类最多: Studious (aka Wedgie) The prototypical Asperger. These people are usually smart, well-read, and mild-mannered.They’re the most noticeably intelligent of all types and they have the least awareness. They get taken advantage of easily. But they’re more adaptable than other types. Likely to work in tech. But they may also be found in teaching or helping professions. They have patience, discipline, and a drive towards mastery. Usually loyal to a fault. They were made fun of when they were younger, but now people like having them around.They make friends through either special interests or sheer wholesomeness. May have a good sense of humor. Common misdiagnoses include ADHD, OCD, and major depression. Methodical (aka Patrick Bateman) These aspies study the social world long and hard. They’re generally pretty touchy, having very specific ideas about what’s good and what isn’t. The most outwardly adept of the bunch, they can hold jobs and sustain friendships longer than other types. High IQs. High intensity. Repetitive behaviors. Wry conversationalists. Like to control their environment. Their sperg finally shows when you notice the studied aspect of their interactions. Plus their obsessive special interests, which they’re among the most likely to have. May be misdiagnosed with OCD or a personality disorder. I think these aspies are mostly men. 资料来自:https://www.psychcentral.com/blog/not-robot/2016/09/the-five-types-of-aspergers?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#1
"People with autism also might have trouble understanding what others are saying, whether the message is verbal (they may take figures of speech literally and fail to recognize sarcasm) or in the form of body language." ... "So different are the styles of communication in marriages where one person has autism that “it’s as if they’re speaking different languages,” said Grace Myhill, director of The Peter M. Friedman Neurodiverse Couples Institute, a Massachusetts program that trains therapists on working with people with autism." 以上內容引用:https://www.healthline.com/health-news/how-to-live-with-a-spouse-who-has-autism#Taking-a-toll 我现任先生明知道我有 Asperger,仍然选择做我终身伴侣。 我问他: in our marriage, 他是怎么能打破我两个不同的语言沟通方式这障碍的呢? 他回答我,因为他能用我的语言来与我沟通。
回复 5楼的帖子 You know Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca (you can Google search the exact name), in one sense, he may just want to save the church, save the belief.
回复 6楼MeekSarah的帖子 Just say sorry if I offended you. tidewater 发表于 2021-01-01 00:33
No, you did not offended me. No one offended me in this forum yet. But I think sooner or later, my unbiased comments would make people feel uncomfortable.
No, you did not offended me. No one offended me in this forum yet. But I think sooner or later, my unbiased comments would make people feel uncomfortable.
MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-01 01:31
No worry. I don’t think anyone need be unbiased. No one in that movie is unbiased.
我的心思意念出发点是处处与人为善,处处选择站在别人面对的困难做我的观点取向,可是因为我应用语言方面比较弱,措辞不当,增加了机会给别人误会 我想道出的point 。 举例今早,看见我先生把一杯热咖啡放在杂志上面,把杂志当Mug Pad, 我思维就只有瞩目在杂志封面的油印墨会沾到杯底,不好处理 这个问题上需要给解决。我马上给它换了一个杯垫。他说:「You know that I don't like this mug pad.」 我回应:「It doesn't matter.」 我先生很聪明,马上认出我的这话带有两刃的作用: 从非Asperger思维来分解,会伤心因为 I don't care his like or dislike, 感觉我这人怎么这么没有爱心。 从Asperger思维来分解,就能辨认我这样回应因为我的思想仍然停留在【杯底油印墨不好处理】这问题上要解决。 我想表达的point 是 无论他喜欢不喜欢这杯垫,也改变不了【杯底油印墨不好处理】的状态,还是必须先解决掉。换成杯垫,buy some time to 再想想其他方案用另外一些没油墨又是他喜欢的垫杯法。 他的情商对我很能包容,会温馨的「捉弄」我,装出他以非Asperger思维来理解 我那句 「It doesn't matter.」,一副心灵受到了我伤害的卖相:「噢!That hurts」 跟着又引发了我另一个Asperger症的特色,我没有能力分辨他是装假跟我开玩笑的还是來真的受到了伤害。结果我马上很不好意思的道谢赔罪,替自己平反,其实据我经验,我知道我只会越描越黑。还好最后他以疼爱小女孩的卖相圆场,双手捧着我脸蛋,一副觉得我好可爱的样子,用嘴轻吻我嘴唇,用逗小孩子别哭的方式告诉我:「I know what you mean. 我是故意在戏弄你的,想要看你这可爱的反应。」
谢谢阐明,这正是我开此主题的目标。 我过去有个经历,一位太太一直以为她的丈夫很难相处,问题在于她丈夫。 我以代身在他丈夫的角色approach她。我说:我前夫看我 和 她看她丈夫一样,连用的形容词也一样。我前夫受不了我,可是我先生受得了我。同样的一个我,不同的互动方式,有不同的效果。这打开了她想更多了解我和我先生的互动,我和我前夫的互动。最后motivated她与他丈夫一同做个成人autism,Asperger的测试。结果初乎她意料之外,测试结果是她自己有Asperger症。 One of every 59 children has autism, according to 2018 estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTrusted Source . The condition affects four times as many boys as girls.
我的心思意念出发点是处处与人为善,处处选择站在别人面对的困难做我的观点取向,可是因为我应用语言方面比较弱,措辞不当,增加了机会给别人误会 我想道出的point 。 举例今早,看见我先生把一杯热咖啡放在杂志上面,把杂志当Mug Pad, 我思维就只有瞩目在杂志封面的油印墨会沾到杯底,不好处理 这个问题上需要给解决。我马上给它换了一个杯垫。他说:「You know that I don''''t like this mug pad.」 我回应:「It doesn''''t matter.」 我先生很聪明,马上认出我的这话带有两刃的作用: 从非Asperger思维来分解,会伤心因为 I don''''t care his like or dislike, 感觉我这人怎么这么没有爱心。 从Asperger思维来分解,就能辨认我这样回应因为我的思想仍然停留在【杯底油印墨不好处理】这问题上要解决。 我想表达的point 是 无论他喜欢不喜欢这杯垫,也改变不了【杯底油印墨不好处理】的状态,还是必须先解决掉。换成杯垫,buy some time to 再想想其他方案用另外一些没油墨又是他喜欢的垫杯法。 他的情商对我很能包容,会温馨的「捉弄」我,装出他以非Asperger思维来理解 我那句 「It doesn''''t matter.」,一副心灵受到了我伤害的卖相:「噢!That hurts」 跟着又引发了我另一个Asperger症的特色,我没有能力分辨他是装假跟我开玩笑的还是來真的受到了伤害。结果我马上很不好意思的道谢赔罪,替自己平反,其实据我经验,我知道我只会越描越黑。还好最后他以疼爱小女孩的卖相圆场,双手捧着我脸蛋,一副觉得我好可爱的样子,用嘴轻吻我嘴唇,用逗小孩子别哭的方式告诉我:「I know what you mean. 我是故意在戏弄你的,想要看你这可爱的反应。」 MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-01 14:05
除了Sheldon 在职场上的成就 我没有他那么高之外,我的思维 和 阿斯伯格 症状跟他的很相似。我完全理解他与人互动,做事背后考虑到的因素。我不用努力去学也自然和他有同理心,与他有相同的思维方向,和面对的人际关系上的挑战. Our brains are so alike that I can predict what his thinking and response next in most of situation.
“I have Asperger's. It is very easy to mistake our actions as that of a narcissist, when we simply had no idea we did something rude according to human social rules. Then we feel VERY bad about offending others. Fortunately, we have the capacity to learn and mimic for better interactions. It's similar to a blindness.” ~Hannah Cunningham commented in the following Youtube video: Sheldon Cooper has Asperger's
我的心思意念出发点是处处与人为善,处处选择站在别人面对的困难做我的观点取向,可是因为我应用语言方面比较弱,措辞不当,增加了机会给别人误会 我想道出的point 。 举例今早,看见我先生把一杯热咖啡放在杂志上面,把杂志当Mug Pad, 我思维就只有瞩目在杂志封面的油印墨会沾到杯底,不好处理 这个问题上需要给解决。我马上给它换了一个杯垫。他说:「You know that I don't like this mug pad.」 我回应:「It doesn't matter.」 我先生很聪明,马上认出我的这话带有两刃的作用: 从非Asperger思维来分解,会伤心因为 I don't care his like or dislike, 感觉我这人怎么这么没有爱心。 从Asperger思维来分解,就能辨认我这样回应因为我的思想仍然停留在【杯底油印墨不好处理】这问题上要解决。 我想表达的point 是 无论他喜欢不喜欢这杯垫,也改变不了【杯底油印墨不好处理】的状态,还是必须先解决掉。换成杯垫,buy some time to 再想想其他方案用另外一些没油墨又是他喜欢的垫杯法。 他的情商对我很能包容,会温馨的「捉弄」我,装出他以非Asperger思维来理解 我那句 「It doesn't matter.」,一副心灵受到了我伤害的卖相:「噢!That hurts」 跟着又引发了我另一个Asperger症的特色,我没有能力分辨他是装假跟我开玩笑的还是來真的受到了伤害。结果我马上很不好意思的道谢赔罪,替自己平反,其实据我经验,我知道我只会越描越黑。还好最后他以疼爱小女孩的卖相圆场,双手捧着我脸蛋,一副觉得我好可爱的样子,用嘴轻吻我嘴唇,用逗小孩子别哭的方式告诉我:「I know what you mean. 我是故意在戏弄你的,想要看你这可爱的反应。」 MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-01 14:05
另外这个描述不一定准确。就事论事。也不排除男生边缘型 abusive language 俗称 PUA。
回复 35楼SMT的帖子 Can a person with Aspergers feel love? https://psychcentral.com/lib/romance-love-and-asperger-syndrome/ “The answer is simple: Aspies and NTs (neurotypical — someone not on the autism spectrum) choose partners just like everyone else. We’re attracted physically, intellectually and emotionally. We enjoy the similarities for the comfort and the differences for the spice.“ (在这楼之后,我会用 neurotypical 来代表不是 Autism 的人。) “We also unconsciously seek mates who have qualities we lack. Those with Asperger Syndrome are attracted to a strong, compassionate NT who can handle the social world for them. The NT is attracted to the unconventional nature and childlike charm of the AS adult. They may sense that the Aspie will allow the NT her independence. They find out later that the AS mate isn’t supporting independence — he’s simply unaware of the NT’s interests. The Aspie’s attention is narrowly focused on her or his own interests, not that of the mate. But it’s important to remember that Aspies do love. They just love in a different way. Just as all marriages face challenges, there are things that can be done to help this relationship. If you are in a marriage with someone with Asperger Syndrome and want that marriage to succeed, you must first learn how to understand your partner.” 想了解更多,请点击上面的连接。
在上第39楼有一个link是很好的开始。 以下这个比较具体实例case Asperger''''''''s and Marriage: He''''''''s Always Looking for Debate https://www.psychcentral.com/blog/aspie/2018/10/aspergers-and-marriage-hes-always-looking-for-debate?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#1 文中过来人的 Iris 故事 比较像我一些朋友的心路历程。Iris 生了个儿子后有产后抑郁症,发现阿斯伯格的丈夫没有情绪上的支持。儿子被诊断有阿斯伯格,才联系上其实原来自己丈夫都有阿斯伯格症。 文中解析为何阿斯伯格总与配偶辩论。而阿斯伯格的配偶 如何回应来减少情绪上的消耗。 例如这是一个阿斯伯格的配偶的心得分享: “Is that how you think about it?” or “Is that your opinion?” or stating “I can’t have this conversation right now,” has helped us reduce the number of upsets 我先生懂与我相处。他也会问我这些问题。他在多方面都能服我。我前夫就很多方面都服不了我。 我前夫没有那么幸运,他不断要我改变为 a neurotypical,总说我能改变。结果白白耗掉他的情绪,也逼迫到我压力很大很不开心。
回复 35楼SMT的帖子 Can a person with Aspergers feel love? https://psychcentral.com/lib/romance-love-and-asperger-syndrome/ “The answer is simple: Aspies and NTs (neurotypical — someone not on the autism spectrum) choose partners just like everyone else. We’re attracted physically, intellectually and emotionally. We enjoy the similarities for the comfort and the differences for the spice.“ (在这楼之后,我会用 neurotypical 来代表不是 Autism 的人。) “We also unconsciously seek mates who have qualities we lack. Those with Asperger Syndrome are attracted to a strong, compassionate NT who can handle the social world for them. The NT is attracted to the unconventional nature and childlike charm of the AS adult. They may sense that the Aspie will allow the NT her independence. They find out later that the AS mate isn’t supporting independence — he’s simply unaware of the NT’s interests. The Aspie’s attention is narrowly focused on her or his own interests, not that of the mate. But it’s important to remember that Aspies do love. They just love in a different way. Just as all marriages face challenges, there are things that can be done to help this relationship. If you are in a marriage with someone with Asperger Syndrome and want that marriage to succeed, you must first learn how to understand your partner.” 想了解更多,请点击上面的连接。 MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-02 00:28
回复 50楼的帖子 如果被认为的高智商那一方,stereo type 里通常会认为是阿斯伯格,但反而跟娃更容易交流,以及 guide 娃。 那么根据 simulation theory of empathy,更有可能是好比 “calibration” 的问题,而不是 inherently unable to empathy。 Simulation theory of empathy is a theory that holds that humans anticipate and make sense of the behavior of others by activating mental processes that, if carried into action, would produce similar behavior. ... The theory states that children use their own emotions to predict what others will do.
回复 56楼xinchina的帖子 我没有科学根据的猜想 但挺适合对号入座你阐明的夫妻相处之道的反面例子、、、 我先生的前妻可能就是在沟通技巧方面缺乏心理学的知识下 惯性就犯了沟通上和互动上的暴力方法,语言暴力 或 冷暴力 对一段关系带来的拆毁程度 难分彼此。如果遇上一位很有自我保护力的 又会花资源寻根 寻找改善关系 方案的 配偶 如我先生这种人,既然不断的理过,还乱,会给离婚分居设一个定期,期限一满就把这对他本人不健康的夫妻关系斩断。就算后来前妻主动要求复合,他也婉拒了。因为这么多年的数据证明她改不了,就算她成功改了,但会对她的情绪带来不健康的影响。这样衡量,两个人在一齐生活,总有一方要牺牲情绪健康的,这样的生活素质还值得继续下去吗?既然儿女已经成人独立,不需要父母同住一屋檐下表面和睦相处,内裏「困兽之斗」的,他俩继续同住的价值大大降低了,低于值得牺牲自己情绪健康的成本。 我先生之所以选择我做他后半生的生活伴侣,如果从情绪健康这方面评估,he said I am good for him and he is good for me. It is different than what is comfortable for us. What feel comfortable in a relationship doesn't mean it is good for us. 他前妻与家人相处像他父亲,但他父亲对于我先生来说是很难相处的搭配。年轻时还没弄懂这两者之别。实践过,做了 分析,retrospective 才衡量到甚么选择是对他,对大局都是利多于弊的。 他的分析结果使我更进一步想了解为何我和他would works,我是有阿斯伯格「性格」的,起码他前妻是个 neurotypical 她能融入社会职场,独力生存,生活上能自理。 Why a neurotypical person like my Sir would live with me and what he see in me and our relationship would work for long term? 我在楼下会继续拆开这个「谜」、、、回到主題上,how my Sir husband makes our Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works and keep each other healthy?
回复 53楼Ethangirl的帖子 我与妳在这出发点,方向一致,谢谢妳用这么精湛简洁的内容表达出来,让我多读不腻。欣赏妳的语言表达能力,和能用无恐惧心态来接受异者。 “这么多神经/精神学家分析归纳这些“disorder”的目的不是把人类通通定义成神经病从而自我否定,而是定义方法论,研究出有针对性的strategy 实现与各种disorder 共存,提高生活质量,改进人际关系。所以我觉得不要怕贴标签,贴上标签了也不代表不正常。” 5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome https://psychcentral.com/blog/5-tips-for-loving-someone-with-aspergers-syndrome?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#11. Don’t put the blame solely on your partner.2. Learn as much as you can about AS.3. Reframe your partner’s behavior.4. Be specific about your needs.5. Talk about how you’d like to connect with each other. 我自身经历,我观察到我先生在以上5点全做到了。而我前夫以上五点,只有第四点做到百分之50分。 我前夫的应对是个很好用的反面例子。就算他告诉我 他需要我做什么,他的approach沟通法也挺让我费解而且有压迫感的。他问我:「{Do you,You might...} want to {do this, talk to so and so about......}?」 It take me almost 20 year to figure out this is the way he communicates to me about his needs in a specific way. I completed the task because... I interpreted as he is incapable or unwilling to do it himself. Negative result: I don''t respect his ability. I better do it, otherwise, he would get angry. Negative result: I would blame myself being Aspie. I cannot deal with people who express his/her anger outwardly. Negative reinforcement works on me. Negative result: it consumes too much of my E.Q. Why take me 20 years to find out? 巧合,我受够了他问我想不想做,我没有一次想做的,但是我不能回答说我不想做。只能照着去做。这是因为我天生,后天cultivate出来的 submissive 性格。结果有一次,我问他,「你为什么问我想不想,以后不用问我想不想,直接叫我做就行了。By default, 你就认知到我不想做的。」他那才解答给我听,其实他希望我来做,但在 他的neurotypical social world 裏,这是需要别人帮忙的沟通语言。但在我的 Aspie 脑袋裏理解的是:他需要我做就要口裏承认需要我来帮嘛,不要硬给我盖帽子说成是我想做,所以去做嘛。让我觉得我的努力奉献付出没有得到公平的acknowledgement。這對我有負面的情緒影響,結果我又多了一樁自己內在疏導情緒的思想工作要做,这样的沟通方法多没效率呢。 在以下的楼层裏,我会post我先生分享的正面实践例子 that works well for us。
回复 61楼tidewater的帖子 「{Do you,You might...} want to {do this, talk to so and so about......}?」 1. The messages my ex needs me to communicate to someone are not anything about "Happy Birthday and here is 10K 红包 as your gift." It is about touchy topic 例如:生活上他无能灵活性地安照邻居的停车方法来与他们共用一个停车场。物业保险,管理费应该买甚么类型的,能不能抽烟,养宠物,那一根树不许斩等等 具有 争议性的主题。这种主题,只要缺乏一点social skill,措词缺乏一点人情味的,缺乏看人眉头眼额能力的 如我这种Aspie 来沟通,只会得罪人多,称呼人少,而且结果一定不如他愿而成。人家达不到他想要的,他就挑剔我的沟通不行,要求我按照他的neuro-typical style再去跟人家讲,我不是他,就是这么也无能以他的neuro-typical style。 he just can't accept my incapability of neuro-typical type of communication, keep push me to be the person who he needs. 邻居讲中文和草根阶层移民来的英文能力,他不能用中文沟通又认为邻居英文能力不够用来明白他讲的。 2. The tasks to do within my content are not anything about sex non any entertainment activity we do it together. It is about 生活上必须要做的工作,例如,洗碗,煮饭,给小娃洗澡,换尿片,喂娃吃饭。我不想做不是其工种,而是我当时的资源能力有限,我没有足够的能力同时兼顾一个人赚钱养起两、三个独立开支的家庭(我父母,我前夫和我们的子女,我前夫的妈妈,曾经一度支撑住我刚移民来的大哥一家),还要兼顾要以他的运行系统来做家务。例如:厨房,我早已经判给他这住家宅男管理,是他的天地。可是水盆裏总是满满的肮脏碗碟,隔夜到今天的也有。他每次需要我来煮饭,我连洗菜的水盆空间也没有得用。我有要求如果要我来煮饭就不要等到煮饭时间来清洗碗碟。他还认为不是问题,我小题大作,只需要给他5分钟,他就可以洗好碗碟,空出洗手盆给我洗菜用。实际上他前后花上了起码半个小时才可以轮到我来煮饭。后来我衡量利弊效率,我干脆不用他,自己找个够大的汤碗,一小撮菜,一小撮菜的来洗。肮脏碗碟照样让它留在水盆裏。我还没有描述我如何work with厨房counter位都是满满的等着给处理和清理的厨具呢。拜托!我这Aspie 是有洁癖,有O.C.D.要克服的。我难以与他共用一个管理系统来有效率的完成他需要我做的household task。 认识我的人,见过我管理的生活空间系统的人都看出我是对生活家具管理有讲究的人。他们都说我生活在我前夫的家裏这么多年没有完全崩毁已經算好了。举例:看我管理自己的内裤,袜子,就如图书馆的index cards,安款式,资料,用场,功能性,使用的频率来分门别类,如何折叠,如何放置也有规则。可是我前夫管理的系统是,在他管理的家裏全都是物品满地,满柜面,台面。久而久之,我在他的家裏只有四个地方活动:A、我吃饭的座位。B、我洗澡清洁自己用的地方 C、我睡的床 D、我换鞋子和WFH坐的一进门旁边的木板凳。
回复 63楼MeekSarah的帖子 续上、、、、 我在某方面的记忆力比较强。我前夫自己全权管理的家居,连他自己也找不到东西,常常问我在哪裏,我有印象上次我见到那样东西放在哪裏,都能指出一个准确的位置给他找回失去的东西。 但是另外一方面因为他管理的系统与我的是两个极端,如果我不记得把用过的东西放回我拿起来的位置,几分钟后,我很难找回那样东西回来。会消失在「万」物裏。后来避免这种情况在发生,我为自己整理一个公事用的手提包,裏面从给娃的纸尿片,到我工作用的手提电脑,到剪指甲 都有它的home base 在那手提包裏。 有一次,前夫需要租旅行车一家出去附近的公园住上几天。预备功夫是他全权负责管理的范围。一到营地,前夫才发现他没有预备垃圾袋,没有带备纸尿片,没有带baby wipes,放水垫子 等等换尿片用的工具。我的公事包裏都齐备了够24小时用的数量。连垃圾袋都有。这可以buy us some time for him drive our regular car back home and get what is missing in the trip. 有一年,他非要带着三个娃,其中一位是有与生俱来严重脑瘫的,坐几个小时飞机后,在开车两小时去探亲,他母亲。我看情况,凭他的能力,必须我同去帮他。结果飞机上经济位,分开坐,只有我一个人有能力独立照顾好严重脑瘫的9岁大小的小人儿。她就是个大娃,照顾她像三个月的婴儿。我全程飞机抱着她,我连喝水也不能放松警惕。她把我的水倒湿了我满裤子。又是我的公事包起作用,我放了一条左右重叠设计的长裙子,方便我只用一只手,不用去洗手间也有私隐的把裤子换成长裙。整个过程,我可以寸步不离对娃的安全照顾。
不知从人生甚么时候开始,我发现自己在human behavior 或 思维各方面都consistently属于outlier。自己也装不了合群的style。我现任先生偶然笑着告诉我是在 the most outer one on the six standard deviations. 有几次我哭着对他说:「I am a defected one.」他每次都很慈祥,觉得我很可爱的捧着我脸蛋看着我说:「I still love you. I love you the way you are...」总会让我知道 my weirdness doesn''t bother him.
"Are you yelling?" Asperger''s, NLD, and Tone https://blogs.psychcentral.com/a ... li_medium=popular17 疑似有这文章裏形容的阿斯伯格症的家父常被母亲那边娘家人说他脾气不好。我有一个没有科学证据的 顾虑:自己会不会「遗传了」家父的发脾气style? 我工作后,认知了自己的缺陷,所以,我会先对同事朋友备个案,跟他们说 如果他们见到我发脾气,有生气的表现,要知道我不是在生他们的气,或生任何人的气,我是对我自己工作成绩结果不满而已或对件坏事不满而已。Don''t take it personal. So far, 20年来,出奇地每一位我有这么告诉他们的人, 都give me feedback 一致性认同 和 赞我脾气好,EQ高,善良温柔。
回复 57楼MeekSarah的帖子 背景: 我不知 情为何物。我是一位 阿斯伯格老婆 加上 小女人。 我从小,在我不知 情为何物 之前,就知道自己想要的是甚么样的婚姻生活。所以我不用 感情 或者 爱情 去择偶。从来没有人教我爱情是甚么,怎么界定。头一位向我解析的是圣经裏爱的真谛:「爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈,爱是不嫉妒,不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理」。我就不断照此方向磨练自己去爱人。 我嫁我前夫之前,我有跟他谈到了学多婚姻生活上的细节。我要求他给我的婚姻生活包括:养我父母过世,经济担保我哥哥们一家新移民。我要做个相夫教子女,如萨拉顺服阿伯拉罕 那般的顺服丈夫,称他为主 的全职家庭主妇。前夫都一一认为是好的,也以我提出的婚姻生活为目标。只是我当时还不懂审核结婚对象的他是否有能力达到我要的。结果,反而我给了他我自己的理性婚姻生活。我能夠付出来这些,因为我能坚持那 爱的真谛。 我对我 1. 前度未婚夫,2. 我前夫 和 3.我现任先生 都一样的提出我对婚姻生活的要求,一事同人,不偏心,我也不要求他们在性事上只与我一个。只要求他们持守安全性行为,对我坦白什麼時候和谁有性事,有法律保障我一生婚姻生活,经济上不离弃我就行。 我没有机会跟我前度未婚夫讲这些婚姻生活要求,他就已经向我退婚。 我前夫听到就认为我不爱他。 我问我现任先生为何他平心接受到我这样而且照样接我过门(结为夫妻)。 His analysis of why it works for him as having an Asperger me as his submissive wife: --- to be continue 待續 ----
回复 75楼MeekSarah的帖子 ---續上 --- “how my Sir husband makes our Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works and keep each other healthy?” My neurotypical husband (現任先生)wrote the following: Being in any long term relationship is hard work. Many married couples who are both are neurotypical complain of not receiving what they need from their partner. It may be lack of romance, lack of understanding, lack of respect for their partner’s feelings. Having a partner with Aspergers does have challenges but they are not that different than other relationships. -------- to be continued -----
---續上 --- (Our Romantic aspects ) In our relationship, I am romantic and she is not. I do romantic things and she does not understand that they are romantic. In previous relationships when I try to discuss this with my partner, she would be upset and respond in a negative way. With my Aspergers partner, she accepts what I say without negative emotion. This makes it easier for us to discuss the situation and find ways to improve it. In our case I have found that, while she is not romantic, there are things I do that bring her great joy and excitement. So I focus my romantic actions in those areas. She loves to eat and be by my side, so I take her on business trips with me. This way she gets to stay near me and we have the opportunity to try new restaurants and new foods in whatever city my business takes me. It is a little different than the romance I normally enjoy, but seeing her enjoyment brings me great happiness. We have also discussed the possibility of me taking on another partner to fulfill my romantic needs. She is comfortable with that as long as I am open from the start, keep her involved in the relationship and continue to care for her. As long as I do not leave her, she is not concern with me finding romance with someone else. That is part of the Aspergers. She has very specific criteria for her happiness. As long as I meet those, I have the freedom to do what ever I want. ------ to be continued --------
---續上 --- (Our Dominate-submissive aspects) In relations with Aspergers partner, the neurotypical is usually the one who takes care of the Aspergers partner. In my relationship I am a dominant, so taking care of my partner is natural for me. But being dominant all the time and always being the one in control is exhausting. Having spoken with other dominant / submissive couples, I have heard other dominants complain about the same thing. Being a dominant is a little different than being a care giver though. I can order my submissive to leave me be, let me rest, give me a back rub or make me dinner. That helps me to unwind. With an Aspergers partner you are dominant but also the care giver. I do not know if you have the option to make a restful place for your self or order your partner to help you make a restful place. But it is something you can talk to your partner about. With my Aspergers partner, she want to ensure I stay and take care of her forever, so she is willing to do many things for me to make sure I stay. ------- to be continued ----------
---續上 --- (Aspergers aspects ) That is another aspect of having a Aspergers partner that I like. She has a very specific set of criteria she needs from me. As long as I meet those criteria she is happy. For her, this is love. She needs to have a man who will provide for her, give her a place to live, sleep and eat. She needs a man who will promise to stay forever and care for her. From my experience with relationships I have had with other women, I find my Aspergers is very easy for me to love, because it is very easy to understand what will make her happy. There is no guessing. There are no emotional game. We hardly ever fight because what each of us wants from the other is honest and simple which makes it easy to fulfill. There is a downside too. She has said that if she find a man who is willing to marry her without dating and give her $5M USD so she can use it to care for her family, she will leave me and take the man with the money. I think she would really do this if the opportunity came up. Does that mean she does not love me? I do not think so. Does that mean she would chose me over the man with the money, probably not. It is a downside of Aspergers that the logical criteria for the relationship will overpower any emotions the person has underneath. I am not worried though. The chances of her meeting such a man are very low. ----------- that is it for now -----------
「撒謊」是你告訴我的。如果你沒有告訴我,我也不知道自己在「撒謊」。 甚麼是【真愛】?我既然統感不到,也未能理解。單是【愛】已經夠花我資源去學習理解和實踐的,還要加上【真】,it will require me much more resource to figure out and I don't see、、、 the benefit is worth for me to figure it out. 無論他是用「真愛」或「智慧」來征服我,I don't need to care which one it is because it is irrelevant to、、、 what I want to get out from this relationship. More important thing for me to figure out is、、、 what he wants from me in order to keep him in this relationship deal. 如果他需要我的【真愛】來留住他的話,那我才去好好學習如何讓他認為我給了他【真愛】。 他提到:我的內在美,我的intelligent, 我的性味,我的體味,我的外表 等等,就是沒有提到【真愛】。This information are good enough for me to stop spending my resource to learn about "true love".
“Can a person with Aspergers feel love?” ----- 第39樓 有一个link是很好的开始了解
比较具体实例case “Asperger''''s and Marriage: He''''s Always Looking for Debate” ----- 第40樓 有一个link
“5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome” ----- 第59樓 有一个link
"Are you yelling?" Asperger''''s, NLD, and Tone ----- 第72樓 有一个link
How Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works for us ------- 第75-79樓 實踐心得 本人是 边缘 aspergers, 已经够我前夫和几个娃受的了。前夫曾经多次说:如果他再也受不了我,会另找地方带着几个娃搬走。
五类 裏,我的征状居这两类最多: Studious (aka Wedgie) The prototypical Asperger. These people are usually smart, well-read, and mild-mannered.They’re the most noticeably intelligent of all types and they have the least awareness. They get taken advantage of easily. But they’re more adaptable than other types. Likely to work in tech. But they may also be found in teaching or helping professions. They have patience, discipline, and a drive towards mastery. Usually loyal to a fault. They were made fun of when they were younger, but now people like having them around.They make friends through either special interests or sheer wholesomeness. May have a good sense of humor. Common misdiagnoses include ADHD, OCD, and major depression.
Methodical (aka Patrick Bateman) These aspies study the social world long and hard. They’re generally pretty touchy, having very specific ideas about what’s good and what isn’t. The most outwardly adept of the bunch, they can hold jobs and sustain friendships longer than other types. High IQs. High intensity. Repetitive behaviors. Wry conversationalists. Like to control their environment. Their sperg finally shows when you notice the studied aspect of their interactions. Plus their obsessive special interests, which they’re among the most likely to have. May be misdiagnosed with OCD or a personality disorder. I think these aspies are mostly men. 资料来自:https://www.psychcentral.com/blog/not-robot/2016/09/the-five-types-of-aspergers?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#1
我现任先生明知道我有 Asperger,仍然选择做我终身伴侣。
我问他: in our marriage, 他是怎么能打破我两个不同的语言沟通方式这障碍的呢?
我分析我自己,我的 empathy 表现是靠学习和锻链出来的。人生第一次开始学习对人表现 empathy 是从大学心理学入门这课开始学的。记得当时的教授教我,有人告诉我ta的感受,经历故事,我都要尝试联系上自己经历过的有关联的经历,故事,然后表示我也曾经经历过,能理解ta的處境。
我在同理心这方面的进步, 因为我可以用我过去多元化的人生经历来体会,理解当事人。
在 另一个 【探讨 女性糟受 被物化】主题裏,我连同理心也近乎没有,因为我没有经历过 被物化 的事情, 我理解受害者的程度几乎零,我先生尝试给我一点 同理心的启发点,他说:「不是有人告诉你,“you are too pretty to be an engineer?” 」
谢谢点赞!我想這版迟早会有读者发现我 Asperger 沟通 style 的尾巴,总觉得无法明白我在说甚么。还是快快自己招供的好。
我发贴的 动力 motivation:
post 后
asperger ,这不是我的借口,是我缺乏能力 去辨析人性的 根(原因),是我一生要克服的障碍。
所以先声明:读者无须执着于我明,还是不明,或我自以为我自己是谁 怎样能让我丢脸 等等的方向 去分析我,若ta硬要这样看我, 结果只有ta自己生气,却气不到我使我做ta想做的事。因为 我的 asperger syndrome 是不可能真正使我明白的。是否特别 (special or not),有脸或没脸的, 对我而言一点也不在我的思维之内,我只能看果效而做。
Just say sorry if I offended you.
You know Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca (you can Google search the exact name), in one sense, he may just want to save the church, save the belief.
No, you did not offended me. No one offended me in this forum yet. But I think sooner or later, my unbiased comments would make people feel uncomfortable.
No worry. I don’t think anyone need be unbiased. No one in that movie is unbiased.
Would it be this one? https://danbrown.fandom.com/wiki/Camerlengo_Carlo_Ventresca
But it is just a good looking fictional character though ...
谢谢版主,总能措辞适当的正面形容非主流人的diversity. 你的脑袋作语言快又厚道,真的很适合当therapist这专业。
我在楼下会举今天早上,我刚起床,脑未热(别人热身,我要热脑,哈哈)对先生说错了一句话的 例子,如果换了别人会立刻误会我的出发点而当下就生气。
谢谢正面留言。我自从读大学后一直忙于生计,除了中文 和合本 圣经以外没有花多少资源去阅读中文。近年来有缘认识一位佛学的闺蜜才开始多谈起了金刚经,语耳目染了更多古意。 本身母语是广东话,原生家庭 是草根阶层的經濟生活模式,在加上Asperger的思维,结果不上不下的 格格不入大群。
我的心思意念出发点是处处与人为善,处处选择站在别人面对的困难做我的观点取向,可是因为我应用语言方面比较弱,措辞不当,增加了机会给别人误会 我想道出的point 。
举例今早,看见我先生把一杯热咖啡放在杂志上面,把杂志当Mug Pad, 我思维就只有瞩目在杂志封面的油印墨会沾到杯底,不好处理 这个问题上需要给解决。我马上给它换了一个杯垫。他说:「You know that I don't like this mug pad.」
我回应:「It doesn't matter.」
从非Asperger思维来分解,会伤心因为 I don't care his like or dislike, 感觉我这人怎么这么没有爱心。
从Asperger思维来分解,就能辨认我这样回应因为我的思想仍然停留在【杯底油印墨不好处理】这问题上要解决。 我想表达的point 是 无论他喜欢不喜欢这杯垫,也改变不了【杯底油印墨不好处理】的状态,还是必须先解决掉。换成杯垫,buy some time to 再想想其他方案用另外一些没油墨又是他喜欢的垫杯法。
他的情商对我很能包容,会温馨的「捉弄」我,装出他以非Asperger思维来理解 我那句 「It doesn't matter.」,一副心灵受到了我伤害的卖相:「噢!That hurts」
跟着又引发了我另一个Asperger症的特色,我没有能力分辨他是装假跟我开玩笑的还是來真的受到了伤害。结果我马上很不好意思的道谢赔罪,替自己平反,其实据我经验,我知道我只会越描越黑。还好最后他以疼爱小女孩的卖相圆场,双手捧着我脸蛋,一副觉得我好可爱的样子,用嘴轻吻我嘴唇,用逗小孩子别哭的方式告诉我:「I know what you mean. 我是故意在戏弄你的,想要看你这可爱的反应。」
我以代身在他丈夫的角色approach她。我说:我前夫看我 和 她看她丈夫一样,连用的形容词也一样。我前夫受不了我,可是我先生受得了我。同样的一个我,不同的互动方式,有不同的效果。这打开了她想更多了解我和我先生的互动,我和我前夫的互动。最后motivated她与他丈夫一同做个成人autism,Asperger的测试。结果初乎她意料之外,测试结果是她自己有Asperger症。
One of every 59 children has autism, according to 2018 estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionTrusted Source . The condition affects four times as many boys as girls.
阿斯伯格按自闭谱系的定义,应该无法理解复杂结构的 figurative / metaphorical language 并且还 generate pictorial cue。
Maybe seek 2nd professional opinion?
阿斯伯格 的 spectrum 很多样化,也有深浅之分。我的在这方面比较上是不严重的,不是无法理解,而是只能理解一部份。
另外我学着根据文学家定下的诗词歌赋需要有的结构,押韵 来看你的诗词 是符合了规矩,所以,逻辑上我推论应该是首好诗。
再加上知道自己有 阿斯伯格,缺乏對感情世界的認知,所以會把自己的分析結果加倍估計實際上這作品對非阿斯伯格 人的震撼度。
让我用这样的比方把,比如小孩子在学习如何弹奏贝多芬的悲怆交响曲,孩子们都能精准地按老师的规矩,规定做到准确无误的演奏,却缺乏了 演绎 贝多芬写这交响曲背后的悲怆感情。我对这些需要感情来享受的事物像个小朋友,发展迟缓。
OK in theory that is possible. A prediction made by statistical analysis.
阿斯伯格,不一定成为 绩优学生,但会是 资优 学生。 5 Sheldon Cooper Autism Traits (Very Interesting)
Sheldon Has Asperger Syndrome - From "The Big Bang Theory"
“I have Asperger's. It is very easy to mistake our actions as that of a narcissist, when we simply had no idea we did something rude according to human social rules. Then we feel VERY bad about offending others. Fortunately, we have the capacity to learn and mimic for better interactions. It's similar to a blindness.” ~Hannah Cunningham commented in the following Youtube video:
Sheldon Cooper has Asperger's
因为还有另一个极端,阿斯伯格的反面。娃不喜欢 routines 或者 ordered fashion。也会造成成绩不好。
Survivorship bias,那些不一定有统计数据。
Yes, 成績不好有許多種因素。我在樓上的point 不在於 「判断阿斯伯格的依据」 而在於 in general, cover every one... 绩优 与 资优 是两个不同方向的评估
不过阿斯伯格在考试里也是有优势的地方的,耐枯燥和愿意 routine work。
个人不科学的认为,阿斯伯格进入社会,往往比在象牙塔考试,更麻烦。ADHD 反过来,工作和项目往往对 ADHD 更容忍一些,相对考试而言。开会时注意一下下。
虽然两者都是 math heavy。
当然这种 ADHD 亚型,或者阿斯伯格反面型,也会有社交问题比如 derail conversation 等等等等。
另外这个描述不一定准确。就事论事。也不排除男生边缘型 abusive language 俗称 PUA。
Can a person with Aspergers feel love? https://psychcentral.com/lib/romance-love-and-asperger-syndrome/
“The answer is simple: Aspies and NTs (neurotypical — someone not on the autism spectrum) choose partners just like everyone else. We’re attracted physically, intellectually and emotionally. We enjoy the similarities for the comfort and the differences for the spice.“ (在这楼之后,我会用 neurotypical 来代表不是 Autism 的人。) “We also unconsciously seek mates who have qualities we lack. Those with Asperger Syndrome are attracted to a strong, compassionate NT who can handle the social world for them. The NT is attracted to the unconventional nature and childlike charm of the AS adult. They may sense that the Aspie will allow the NT her independence. They find out later that the AS mate isn’t supporting independence — he’s simply unaware of the NT’s interests. The Aspie’s attention is narrowly focused on her or his own interests, not that of the mate. But it’s important to remember that Aspies do love. They just love in a different way. Just as all marriages face challenges, there are things that can be done to help this relationship. If you are in a marriage with someone with Asperger Syndrome and want that marriage to succeed, you must first learn how to understand your partner.” 想了解更多,请点击上面的连接。
在上第39楼有一个link是很好的开始。 以下这个比较具体实例case
Asperger''''''''s and Marriage: He''''''''s Always Looking for Debate https://www.psychcentral.com/blog/aspie/2018/10/aspergers-and-marriage-hes-always-looking-for-debate?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#1
文中过来人的 Iris 故事 比较像我一些朋友的心路历程。Iris 生了个儿子后有产后抑郁症,发现阿斯伯格的丈夫没有情绪上的支持。儿子被诊断有阿斯伯格,才联系上其实原来自己丈夫都有阿斯伯格症。
文中解析为何阿斯伯格总与配偶辩论。而阿斯伯格的配偶 如何回应来减少情绪上的消耗。 例如这是一个阿斯伯格的配偶的心得分享: “Is that how you think about it?” or “Is that your opinion?” or stating “I can’t have this conversation right now,” has helped us reduce the number of upsets
我前夫没有那么幸运,他不断要我改变为 a neurotypical,总说我能改变。结果白白耗掉他的情绪,也逼迫到我压力很大很不开心。
我在楼上提到了一位朋友,她以为自己老公是阿斯伯格,可能鼓励老公,和他一齐来做测验,结果报告出来是她有阿斯伯格。对她来说,是个很难接受的事实。这个 配偶 不愿接受ta自己有自闭症的情况很普遍。
我觉得这是个谱系,程度不同而已。有人比较严重,有人只是marginal。但是边缘型的不是说就不需要帮助不需要被理解,分析出某种行为的neurological 原因会帮助aspire 本人和家人朋友更有效地沟通和相处。
我觉得首先是最好有个 unbiased reference 。如果两人有个正常的小学娃,就可能让娃做 reference 看娃更能和父母哪一方交流。
在美国,娃轻度 ADHD 也是正常娃。我家小娃就有一个朋友,跟正常小孩几乎没区别。
如果被认为的高智商那一方,stereo type 里通常会认为是阿斯伯格,但反而跟娃更容易交流,以及 guide 娃。
那么根据 simulation theory of empathy,更有可能是好比 “calibration” 的问题,而不是 inherently unable to empathy。
Simulation theory of empathy is a theory that holds that humans anticipate and make sense of the behavior of others by activating mental processes that, if carried into action, would produce similar behavior. ... The theory states that children use their own emotions to predict what others will do.
“calibration” 的问题,一个不恰当但通俗易懂的比方:
这就好比校花从小被男生们追,校草从小被女生们扑。他们/她们因为天生不同,导致后天经历不同,导致没有经过我等穷矮丑人生经历自然而然的 “calibration process”。
这样如果校花校草结婚了,那就得相互 “calibrate”。否则两个火爆脾气,吵架基本是锅碗瓢盆横飞,屋顶基本给掀了哈哈哈。
我小时候如果在今天的美国,有可能被贴 ADHD 的标签,当然也不一定。我小学时在国内看过是不是怀疑 ADHD,但没被贴上标签。
我没有科学根据的猜想 但挺适合对号入座你阐明的夫妻相处之道的反面例子、、、 我先生的前妻可能就是在沟通技巧方面缺乏心理学的知识下 惯性就犯了沟通上和互动上的暴力方法,语言暴力 或 冷暴力 对一段关系带来的拆毁程度 难分彼此。如果遇上一位很有自我保护力的 又会花资源寻根 寻找改善关系 方案的 配偶 如我先生这种人,既然不断的理过,还乱,会给离婚分居设一个定期,期限一满就把这对他本人不健康的夫妻关系斩断。就算后来前妻主动要求复合,他也婉拒了。因为这么多年的数据证明她改不了,就算她成功改了,但会对她的情绪带来不健康的影响。这样衡量,两个人在一齐生活,总有一方要牺牲情绪健康的,这样的生活素质还值得继续下去吗?既然儿女已经成人独立,不需要父母同住一屋檐下表面和睦相处,内裏「困兽之斗」的,他俩继续同住的价值大大降低了,低于值得牺牲自己情绪健康的成本。
我先生之所以选择我做他后半生的生活伴侣,如果从情绪健康这方面评估,he said I am good for him and he is good for me. It is different than what is comfortable for us. What feel comfortable in a relationship doesn't mean it is good for us. 他前妻与家人相处像他父亲,但他父亲对于我先生来说是很难相处的搭配。年轻时还没弄懂这两者之别。实践过,做了 分析,retrospective 才衡量到甚么选择是对他,对大局都是利多于弊的。
他的分析结果使我更进一步想了解为何我和他would works,我是有阿斯伯格「性格」的,起码他前妻是个 neurotypical 她能融入社会职场,独力生存,生活上能自理。 Why a neurotypical person like my Sir would live with me and what he see in me and our relationship would work for long term?
我在楼下会继续拆开这个「谜」、、、回到主題上,how my Sir husband makes our Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works and keep each other healthy?
Make sense. 层主继续。
我与妳在这出发点,方向一致,谢谢妳用这么精湛简洁的内容表达出来,让我多读不腻。欣赏妳的语言表达能力,和能用无恐惧心态来接受异者。 “这么多神经/精神学家分析归纳这些“disorder”的目的不是把人类通通定义成神经病从而自我否定,而是定义方法论,研究出有针对性的strategy 实现与各种disorder 共存,提高生活质量,改进人际关系。所以我觉得不要怕贴标签,贴上标签了也不代表不正常。”
5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome https://psychcentral.com/blog/5-tips-for-loving-someone-with-aspergers-syndrome?li_source=LI&li_medium=popular17#1 1. Don’t put the blame solely on your partner. 2. Learn as much as you can about AS. 3. Reframe your partner’s behavior. 4. Be specific about your needs. 5. Talk about how you’d like to connect with each other.
我前夫的应对是个很好用的反面例子。就算他告诉我 他需要我做什么,他的approach沟通法也挺让我费解而且有压迫感的。他问我:「{Do you,You might...} want to {do this, talk to so and so about......}?」 It take me almost 20 year to figure out this is the way he communicates to me about his needs in a specific way. I completed the task because... I interpreted as he is incapable or unwilling to do it himself. Negative result: I don''t respect his ability. I better do it, otherwise, he would get angry. Negative result: I would blame myself being Aspie. I cannot deal with people who express his/her anger outwardly. Negative reinforcement works on me. Negative result: it consumes too much of my E.Q. Why take me 20 years to find out? 巧合,我受够了他问我想不想做,我没有一次想做的,但是我不能回答说我不想做。只能照着去做。这是因为我天生,后天cultivate出来的 submissive 性格。结果有一次,我问他,「你为什么问我想不想,以后不用问我想不想,直接叫我做就行了。By default, 你就认知到我不想做的。」他那才解答给我听,其实他希望我来做,但在 他的neurotypical social world 裏,这是需要别人帮忙的沟通语言。但在我的 Aspie 脑袋裏理解的是:他需要我做就要口裏承认需要我来帮嘛,不要硬给我盖帽子说成是我想做,所以去做嘛。让我觉得我的努力奉献付出没有得到公平的acknowledgement。這對我有負面的情緒影響,結果我又多了一樁自己內在疏導情緒的思想工作要做,这样的沟通方法多没效率呢。 在以下的楼层裏,我会post我先生分享的正面实践例子 that works well for us。
「{Do you,You might...} want to {do this, talk to so and so about......}?」 1. The messages my ex needs me to communicate to someone are not anything about "Happy Birthday and here is 10K 红包 as your gift." It is about touchy topic 例如:生活上他无能灵活性地安照邻居的停车方法来与他们共用一个停车场。物业保险,管理费应该买甚么类型的,能不能抽烟,养宠物,那一根树不许斩等等 具有 争议性的主题。这种主题,只要缺乏一点social skill,措词缺乏一点人情味的,缺乏看人眉头眼额能力的 如我这种Aspie 来沟通,只会得罪人多,称呼人少,而且结果一定不如他愿而成。人家达不到他想要的,他就挑剔我的沟通不行,要求我按照他的neuro-typical style再去跟人家讲,我不是他,就是这么也无能以他的neuro-typical style。 he just can't accept my incapability of neuro-typical type of communication, keep push me to be the person who he needs. 邻居讲中文和草根阶层移民来的英文能力,他不能用中文沟通又认为邻居英文能力不够用来明白他讲的。 2. The tasks to do within my content are not anything about sex non any entertainment activity we do it together. It is about 生活上必须要做的工作,例如,洗碗,煮饭,给小娃洗澡,换尿片,喂娃吃饭。我不想做不是其工种,而是我当时的资源能力有限,我没有足够的能力同时兼顾一个人赚钱养起两、三个独立开支的家庭(我父母,我前夫和我们的子女,我前夫的妈妈,曾经一度支撑住我刚移民来的大哥一家),还要兼顾要以他的运行系统来做家务。例如:厨房,我早已经判给他这住家宅男管理,是他的天地。可是水盆裏总是满满的肮脏碗碟,隔夜到今天的也有。他每次需要我来煮饭,我连洗菜的水盆空间也没有得用。我有要求如果要我来煮饭就不要等到煮饭时间来清洗碗碟。他还认为不是问题,我小题大作,只需要给他5分钟,他就可以洗好碗碟,空出洗手盆给我洗菜用。实际上他前后花上了起码半个小时才可以轮到我来煮饭。后来我衡量利弊效率,我干脆不用他,自己找个够大的汤碗,一小撮菜,一小撮菜的来洗。肮脏碗碟照样让它留在水盆裏。我还没有描述我如何work with厨房counter位都是满满的等着给处理和清理的厨具呢。拜托!我这Aspie 是有洁癖,有O.C.D.要克服的。我难以与他共用一个管理系统来有效率的完成他需要我做的household task。
认识我的人,见过我管理的生活空间系统的人都看出我是对生活家具管理有讲究的人。他们都说我生活在我前夫的家裏这么多年没有完全崩毁已經算好了。举例:看我管理自己的内裤,袜子,就如图书馆的index cards,安款式,资料,用场,功能性,使用的频率来分门别类,如何折叠,如何放置也有规则。可是我前夫管理的系统是,在他管理的家裏全都是物品满地,满柜面,台面。久而久之,我在他的家裏只有四个地方活动:A、我吃饭的座位。B、我洗澡清洁自己用的地方 C、我睡的床 D、我换鞋子和WFH坐的一进门旁边的木板凳。
对于 1,我没能看懂你的中文。我猜你的意思是他没有灵活性?但如果他没有灵活性,你为啥认为他是 neurotypical?
但是另外一方面因为他管理的系统与我的是两个极端,如果我不记得把用过的东西放回我拿起来的位置,几分钟后,我很难找回那样东西回来。会消失在「万」物裏。后来避免这种情况在发生,我为自己整理一个公事用的手提包,裏面从给娃的纸尿片,到我工作用的手提电脑,到剪指甲 都有它的home base 在那手提包裏。
有一次,前夫需要租旅行车一家出去附近的公园住上几天。预备功夫是他全权负责管理的范围。一到营地,前夫才发现他没有预备垃圾袋,没有带备纸尿片,没有带baby wipes,放水垫子 等等换尿片用的工具。我的公事包裏都齐备了够24小时用的数量。连垃圾袋都有。这可以buy us some time for him drive our regular car back home and get what is missing in the trip.
包括他自己,沒有任何認識他的 neurotypical 人懷疑他是Autism。 不排除他有其他心理障礙,不代表他就有 Autism。在還沒有搞清楚他把他再從neurotypical 細分出來的時候,我只有用neurotypical來形容他比較適合。
不知从人生甚么时候开始,我发现自己在human behavior 或 思维各方面都consistently属于outlier。自己也装不了合群的style。我现任先生偶然笑着告诉我是在 the most outer one on the six standard deviations. 有几次我哭着对他说:「I am a defected one.」他每次都很慈祥,觉得我很可爱的捧着我脸蛋看着我说:「I still love you. I love you the way you are...」总会让我知道 my weirdness doesn''t bother him.
"Are you yelling?" Asperger''s, NLD, and Tone https://blogs.psychcentral.com/a ... li_medium=popular17
疑似有这文章裏形容的阿斯伯格症的家父常被母亲那边娘家人说他脾气不好。我有一个没有科学证据的 顾虑:自己会不会「遗传了」家父的发脾气style?
我工作后,认知了自己的缺陷,所以,我会先对同事朋友备个案,跟他们说 如果他们见到我发脾气,有生气的表现,要知道我不是在生他们的气,或生任何人的气,我是对我自己工作成绩结果不满而已或对件坏事不满而已。Don''t take it personal. So far, 20年来,出奇地每一位我有这么告诉他们的人, 都give me feedback 一致性认同 和 赞我脾气好,EQ高,善良温柔。
其实我觉得现实生活中,大家也都是 “见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话”,并不是都说真话大实话。
我觉得在现实世界里, being outliers 不是问题。detect 对方的 intention / motivation,以及在需要的时候恰到好处地隐藏自己真实想法,才是 neuro-typical 的处世哲学我个人觉得。
背景: 我不知 情为何物。我是一位 阿斯伯格老婆 加上 小女人。
我从小,在我不知 情为何物 之前,就知道自己想要的是甚么样的婚姻生活。所以我不用 感情 或者 爱情 去择偶。从来没有人教我爱情是甚么,怎么界定。头一位向我解析的是圣经裏爱的真谛:「爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈,爱是不嫉妒,不自夸,不张狂,不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理」。我就不断照此方向磨练自己去爱人。
我嫁我前夫之前,我有跟他谈到了学多婚姻生活上的细节。我要求他给我的婚姻生活包括:养我父母过世,经济担保我哥哥们一家新移民。我要做个相夫教子女,如萨拉顺服阿伯拉罕 那般的顺服丈夫,称他为主 的全职家庭主妇。前夫都一一认为是好的,也以我提出的婚姻生活为目标。只是我当时还不懂审核结婚对象的他是否有能力达到我要的。结果,反而我给了他我自己的理性婚姻生活。我能夠付出来这些,因为我能坚持那 爱的真谛。
我对我 1. 前度未婚夫,2. 我前夫 和 3.我现任先生 都一样的提出我对婚姻生活的要求,一事同人,不偏心,我也不要求他们在性事上只与我一个。只要求他们持守安全性行为,对我坦白什麼時候和谁有性事,有法律保障我一生婚姻生活,经济上不离弃我就行。
我没有机会跟我前度未婚夫讲这些婚姻生活要求,他就已经向我退婚。 我前夫听到就认为我不爱他。 我问我现任先生为何他平心接受到我这样而且照样接我过门(结为夫妻)。 His analysis of why it works for him as having an Asperger me as his submissive wife: --- to be continue 待續 ----
---續上 --- “how my Sir husband makes our Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works and keep each other healthy?” My neurotypical husband (現任先生)wrote the following: Being in any long term relationship is hard work. Many married couples who are both are neurotypical complain of not receiving what they need from their partner. It may be lack of romance, lack of understanding, lack of respect for their partner’s feelings. Having a partner with Aspergers does have challenges but they are not that different than other relationships.
-------- to be continued -----
In our relationship, I am romantic and she is not. I do romantic things and she does not understand that they are romantic. In previous relationships when I try to discuss this with my partner, she would be upset and respond in a negative way. With my Aspergers partner, she accepts what I say without negative emotion. This makes it easier for us to discuss the situation and find ways to improve it. In our case I have found that, while she is not romantic, there are things I do that bring her great joy and excitement. So I focus my romantic actions in those areas. She loves to eat and be by my side, so I take her on business trips with me. This way she gets to stay near me and we have the opportunity to try new restaurants and new foods in whatever city my business takes me. It is a little different than the romance I normally enjoy, but seeing her enjoyment brings me great happiness.
We have also discussed the possibility of me taking on another partner to fulfill my romantic needs. She is comfortable with that as long as I am open from the start, keep her involved in the relationship and continue to care for her. As long as I do not leave her, she is not concern with me finding romance with someone else. That is part of the Aspergers. She has very specific criteria for her happiness. As long as I meet those, I have the freedom to do what ever I want.
------ to be continued --------
------- to be continued ----------
There is a downside too. She has said that if she find a man who is willing to marry her without dating and give her $5M USD so she can use it to care for her family, she will leave me and take the man with the money. I think she would really do this if the opportunity came up. Does that mean she does not love me? I do not think so. Does that mean she would chose me over the man with the money, probably not. It is a downside of Aspergers that the logical criteria for the relationship will overpower any emotions the person has underneath. I am not worried though. The chances of her meeting such a man are very low.
----------- that is it for now -----------
不过楼主的描述,似乎阿斯伯格是既不能 empathy 也没有 emotion。
但理论上阿斯伯格是可以有 emotion 是不是?
在 star trek 里的虚构的 vulcan species,能 empathy 但没有 emotion,比如 Spock 或者 T’Pol 。
另外还有 seven of nine,不是 vulcan,但她的 emotion is restricted by prior Borg experience。
理论而言存在这个可能性。阿斯伯格并不自动就是 sapiosexual。
「撒謊」是你告訴我的。如果你沒有告訴我,我也不知道自己在「撒謊」。 甚麼是【真愛】?我既然統感不到,也未能理解。單是【愛】已經夠花我資源去學習理解和實踐的,還要加上【真】,it will require me much more resource to figure out and I don't see、、、 the benefit is worth for me to figure it out. 無論他是用「真愛」或「智慧」來征服我,I don't need to care which one it is because it is irrelevant to、、、 what I want to get out from this relationship. More important thing for me to figure out is、、、 what he wants from me in order to keep him in this relationship deal. 如果他需要我的【真愛】來留住他的話,那我才去好好學習如何讓他認為我給了他【真愛】。 他提到:我的內在美,我的intelligent, 我的性味,我的體味,我的外表 等等,就是沒有提到【真愛】。This information are good enough for me to stop spending my resource to learn about "true love".
謝謝你 能與我同樂!來之不易,也机会难逢啊!