今年不幸失业了,现在拿着失业补助金,原本拿到5月的。现在刚接到一个part time job offer,如果1月份开始这个工作的话,失业金还会继续有吗?而且现在每周要多300刀的政府失业补助也是1月份要开始了是吗?这样算下来,失业金和我做part time的钱几乎没啥区别了。这个part time job也没意义了呀。 我在德州的,诚心请教大家。
If you turn down a job offer, you are not qualified to get unemployment. It is one of the questions you have to answer biweekly to claim your unemployment payment.
If you turn down a job offer, you are not qualified to get unemployment. It is one of the questions you have to answer biweekly to claim your unemployment payment. Widered 发表于 2020-12-28 17:30