is there any older chest ct for comparison? preferably something older than 2 years? if your dad has no other cancer and this is an incidental finding, being that it is so small, and there is no significant change between the current CT and the prior CT in April. a ground glass nodule that small in size, its better to continue follow up in 6, 12 and 24 months to document its stability and if its unchanged in size in 2 years, it should be benign. if your dad has other cancer and they are worried about pulmonary metastases, then you should consider getting a pet ct.
更新: 小结节5mm. 大小一直没有变化
还没有做,刚刚做的CT。 PET做了就可以去确诊了吗?
谢谢。好难。。。 他们有10年签,现在还能用吗?
PET 确诊不了。确诊还是要看病理结果。
但肿瘤标志物检查结果结合 pet 结果,心里会有数,可能性多高,有没有转移可能等等。 现在能做的还是定期随访,注意饮食,锻炼身体。
if your dad has no other cancer and this is an incidental finding, being that it is so small, and there is no significant change between the current CT and the prior CT in April. a ground glass nodule that small in size, its better to continue follow up in 6, 12 and 24 months to document its stability and if its unchanged in size in 2 years, it should be benign.
if your dad has other cancer and they are worried about pulmonary metastases, then you should consider getting a pet ct.
现在基本都是微创。 如果CT,肿标和其他检查结果都指向肺癌,那么手术切除是首选方案。 当然也可以考虑做穿刺活检,再决定是不是手术。
Thank you
第一次知道“好大夫在线” 谢谢
给你看个肺结核片子。是不是很像? 只能说,你爸看的医院太水了,肯定杀人无数。建议赶紧换医生。
基本5mm 又没大小变化 医生多会推荐随诊继续观察