I am not an AWS user but working in the area of Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), which is the same space AWS belongs to. As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. For an IT professional, AWS or IaaS allows massive automation in provisioning basic infrastructure (creating, installing, and configuring servers and applications) to meet the demands in a timely fashion as required. At an enterprise level, using AWS or any IaaS service means incorporating external infrastructure into the existing on-prem enterprise infrastructure. This can be very complicated. Commons issues I have seen are in areas such as security and networking. Hope this will get you started in learning more about AWS or IaaS.
I am not an AWS user but working in the area of Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), which is the same space AWS belongs to. As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. For an IT professional, AWS or IaaS allows massive automation in provisioning basic infrastructure (creating, installing, and configuring servers and applications) to meet the demands in a timely fashion as required. At an enterprise level, using AWS or any IaaS service means incorporating external infrastructure into the existing on-prem enterprise infrastructure. This can be very complicated. Commons issues I have seen are in areas such as security and networking. Hope this will get you started in learning more about AWS or IaaS. wqguy 发表于 2020-12-28 11:36
As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. 非常感谢。
I am not an AWS user but working in the area of Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), which is the same space AWS belongs to. As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. For an IT professional, AWS or IaaS allows massive automation in provisioning basic infrastructure (creating, installing, and configuring servers and applications) to meet the demands in a timely fashion as required. At an enterprise level, using AWS or any IaaS service means incorporating external infrastructure into the existing on-prem enterprise infrastructure. This can be very complicated. Commons issues I have seen are in areas such as security and networking. Hope this will get you started in learning more about AWS or IaaS. wqguy 发表于 2020-12-28 11:36
云平台有个规模效应。 主要优势有这么几个: reliability. 人家整个高科技云团队在背后服务。就算一个data center挂了,数据还能自动roll over到附近的data center。不会丢失数据。 security. 现在数据安全复杂性特别高,很多时候一个公司很难应对了。 scalability.就像你说的,能轻松自如的scale up or scale down。用句广告词就是,only pay for what you need. 此外,因为规模效应,能享受到云团队开发出来的额外功能,比如自动简单高效的机器学习之类的。 未来五年是云的。 粗浅的理解。欢迎指正。
据他说,AWS EC2的主机托管服务,从普通用户的角度来说,和on-premise server farm并没有本质的区别。 AWS当然是技术含量很高的东西,但技术是在AWS infrostructure这边。 使用AWS,其实是很简单的东西。这也正是AWS的高明之处,把复杂的实现细节都隐藏了。
AWS对于新兴企业的吸引力在于,避免了初期部署server farm的巨大开支,“按实际使用量付费“。 传统on-premise server farm的问题在于,如果一上来就是高配置,而用户量很小,造成巨大资源浪费;如果开始低配置,用户一旦多起来,系统性能瓶颈就会影响用户体验。而升级server farm的过程,又耗时耗力。 某些极端情况下,on-premise server farm是无解的。例如购物网站的高峰期(双11,boxing day, thanksgiving ,etc). 平时就保有能处理极端高峰期的server farm是非常不合算的,但是配置不够,极端高峰期的用户体验必然下降。 而云服务平台的”按需使用,按实际使用量付费“就解决了这个问题。
这里说AWS EC2只是举个例子,国内的阿里云什么的,也是同样原理。
,AWS, Azure
不想说啥,我不懂on-premise server farm和云服务的区别,就是想问问他的理解对不对。
这就是说,作为用户,使用AWS是没有什么技术含量的,是吧? 那么问题来了,很多简历把会使用AWS作为一种skill,是什么道理?
说的是对的,而且背后的技术并不简单。使用普通服务器,做大规模并行,包括自己弄文件服务器阵列。。真的不容易。 特别是a家和g家是从0开始趟路的。
里面有很多配置和know how的问题,会的不难,没做过的不知道还有这些鬼。
I am not an AWS user but working in the area of Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS), which is the same space AWS belongs to.
As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. For an IT professional, AWS or IaaS allows massive automation in provisioning basic infrastructure (creating, installing, and configuring servers and applications) to meet the demands in a timely fashion as required.
At an enterprise level, using AWS or any IaaS service means incorporating external infrastructure into the existing on-prem enterprise infrastructure. This can be very complicated. Commons issues I have seen are in areas such as security and networking.
Hope this will get you started in learning more about AWS or IaaS.
As an AWS end user, there is very little difference between using an AWS terminal and an on-prem terminal. 非常感谢。
有一点我不同意,系统管理员并不贵。 最主要的原因是,为了迎合股市,公司管理层把减员本身作为了目标。
十几年前看到过一个有关IBM的数据,美国本土减员,外包,节省下来的钱,平均到每个裁员上面,少得可怜。 记不太清了,好像是,美国本土丢掉一个工作职位,去掉外包成本,一年不过节约一万美元出头(或者还不到)左右。