Research 了一下,日抛的确实可能比两周抛的更可能引起眼干 Replaced either monthly or bi-weekly, these contact lenses are thicker than daily disposables. The thicker composition makes them more durable and long-lasting, and they are usually more resistant to drying out. However, they must be disinfected regularly in order to ensure healthy wearing
Research 了一下,日抛的确实可能比两周抛的更可能引起眼干 Replaced either monthly or bi-weekly, these contact lenses are thicker than daily disposables. The thicker composition makes them more durable and long-lasting, and they are usually more resistant to drying out. However, they must be disinfected regularly in order to ensure healthy wearing
现在还有不用日抛的吗?mm这个是生活必需品啊,怎么能省钱呢?买瓶la mer就半年日跑了。;) 1-DAY ACUVUE MOIST 或者Acuvue Oasys daily, 看你喜欢湿润一点的还是薄一点的。
你的保险可以cover 你的隐形眼镜吗? 我是11月去配的DAY ACUVUE MOIST 。 有活动的, 配一年的量,返给你300 的visa prepaid card。 一年的隐形貌似价格是600 不到。我自己不是每天戴隐形,所以感觉这一年的量可以用好几年。。。。
VSP 保险是公司买的 很便宜 配眼镜折扣蛮多的
Replaced either monthly or bi-weekly, these contact lenses are thicker than daily disposables. The thicker composition makes them more durable and long-lasting, and they are usually more resistant to drying out. However, they must be disinfected regularly in order to ensure healthy wearing
日抛 保险后400刀左右吧 保险费另算