纽约4月份已经崩溃了, 插管的病人65岁以下的死亡率76%,65岁以上死亡率97%。 还有一个呼吸机拖两个人的奇怪操作。 “Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. ” 白人被收进医院的可能性最低,不过死在医院和死在家也没啥区别,死在医院多个镇定剂 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7177629/#!po=1.38889 underdoc 发表于 2020-12-25 09:53
这里有个黑人的complain: https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/24/us/black-doctor-susan-moore-covid-19/index.html A Black physician died of Covid-19 weeks after she described a White doctor dismissing her pain and concerns about her treatment as she lay in an Indiana hospital. She was later discharged from IU North, but returned to a different hospital less than 12 hours later, she wrote on her Facebook page. "I put forth and I maintain if I was White, I wouldn't have to go through that," Moore said.
这里有个黑人的complain: https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/24/us/black-doctor-susan-moore-covid-19/index.html A Black physician died of Covid-19 weeks after she described a White doctor dismissing her pain and concerns about her treatment as she lay in an Indiana hospital. She was later discharged from IU North, but returned to a different hospital less than 12 hours later, she wrote on her Facebook page. "I put forth and I maintain if I was White, I wouldn't have to go through that," Moore said. trilene 发表于 2020-12-25 11:22
华裔的年龄大,所以mortality rate的多一些?Chinese patients were the oldest among Asians, with a median age of 53 years (IQR 38-64), and they were among the oldest of all racial and ethnic groups. This disparity in mortality among Chinese patients persisted even after adjusting for age, other demographics, and comorbidities (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.035, 2.011], p=0.03)
华裔的年龄大,所以mortality rate的多一些?Chinese patients were the oldest among Asians, with a median age of 53 years (IQR 38-64), and they were among the oldest of all racial and ethnic groups. This disparity in mortality among Chinese patients persisted even after adjusting for age, other demographics, and comorbidities (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.035, 2.011], p=0.03) cutie 发表于 2020-12-25 14:19
华裔的年龄大,所以mortality rate的多一些?Chinese patients were the oldest among Asians, with a median age of 53 years (IQR 38-64), and they were among the oldest of all racial and ethnic groups. This disparity in mortality among Chinese patients persisted even after adjusting for age, other demographics, and comorbidities (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.035, 2.011], p=0.03) cutie 发表于 2020-12-25 14:19
“We conducted a retrospective analysis of 85,328 patients tested for COVID-19 at New York City’s public hospital system between March 1 and May 31, 2020” 这是纽约三月到五月的数据,讨论了各种原因: “Asian Americans, especially those of South Asian and Chinese descent, have several key clinical risk factors in common with Blacks and Hispanics. Asians experience overweight and obesity at lower BMI values than individuals of other racial groups, resulting in a higher prevalence of these conditions than expected.21 Additionally, South Asians have high rates of diabetes and hypertension that are comparable to those observed among Black and Hispanic individuals, and they have a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. These factors are known to put individuals at elevated risk of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death, and they are highly prevalent among many Asian Americans.22,23 Many Asian Americans experience social factors that are known to increase the risk of exposure for COVID-19, including living in multi-generational housing, jobs as frontline or essential workers, lack of paid sick leave, and limited access to linguistically and culturally appropriate healthcare.24,25Furthermore, the social conditions that drive racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes and hypertension among Black and Hispanic Americans, including poverty, limited access to healthcare, limited English language proficiency, and other upstream determinants of health, are similar in the largely immigrant Asian patient population at NYC H+H. The high rate of infection observed among South Asians may be due to factors that increase the likelihood of exposure (e.g., jobs in essential services) or impede the ability to isolate if infected (e.g., crowded housing, lack of paid sick leave) that are well-established as risk factors among other groups of color in the U.S. A recent analysis of community-level factors associated with racial and ethnic COVID-19 disparities found that “household size and food service occupation are strongly associated with the risk of COVID-19 infection” and that these factors “may be contributing to the higher number of COVID-19 cases in Black and Latino communities.”26 These factors are also common among New Yorkers of Asian descent, particularly among those who are recent immigrants, which may partially explain the high rate of infection we observed among South Asians. This same analysis also found that the proportion of foreign-born non-citizens was positively associated with the number of COVID-19 cases in a community, which may also explain higher rates of COVID-19 among Asian New Yorkers as well as among Hispanic New Yorkers, many of whom are also recent immigrants. Furthermore, Asian Americans are most likely of all racial groups to live in larger, multi-generational households, further driving their risk of COVID-19 exposure and infection.”
“We conducted a retrospective analysis of 85,328 patients tested for COVID-19 at New York City’s public hospital system between March 1 and May 31, 2020” 这是纽约三月到五月的数据,讨论了各种原因: “Asian Americans, especially those of South Asian and Chinese descent, have several key clinical risk factors in common with Blacks and Hispanics. Asians experience overweight and obesity at lower BMI values than individuals of other racial groups, resulting in a higher prevalence of these conditions than expected.21 Additionally, South Asians have high rates of diabetes and hypertension that are comparable to those observed among Black and Hispanic individuals, and they have a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. These factors are known to put individuals at elevated risk of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death, and they are highly prevalent among many Asian Americans.22,23 Many Asian Americans experience social factors that are known to increase the risk of exposure for COVID-19, including living in multi-generational housing, jobs as frontline or essential workers, lack of paid sick leave, and limited access to linguistically and culturally appropriate healthcare.24,25Furthermore, the social conditions that drive racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes and hypertension among Black and Hispanic Americans, including poverty, limited access to healthcare, limited English language proficiency, and other upstream determinants of health, are similar in the largely immigrant Asian patient population at NYC H+H. The high rate of infection observed among South Asians may be due to factors that increase the likelihood of exposure (e.g., jobs in essential services) or impede the ability to isolate if infected (e.g., crowded housing, lack of paid sick leave) that are well-established as risk factors among other groups of color in the U.S. A recent analysis of community-level factors associated with racial and ethnic COVID-19 disparities found that “household size and food service occupation are strongly associated with the risk of COVID-19 infection” and that these factors “may be contributing to the higher number of COVID-19 cases in Black and Latino communities.”26 These factors are also common among New Yorkers of Asian descent, particularly among those who are recent immigrants, which may partially explain the high rate of infection we observed among South Asians. This same analysis also found that the proportion of foreign-born non-citizens was positively associated with the number of COVID-19 cases in a community, which may also explain higher rates of COVID-19 among Asian New Yorkers as well as among Hispanic New Yorkers, many of whom are also recent immigrants. Furthermore, Asian Americans are most likely of all racial groups to live in larger, multi-generational households, further driving their risk of COVID-19 exposure and infection.”
你可以去读原文,不是说华人胖,是在相同BMI下华人更受到肥胖的影响;后来也说了在3-5月的纽约华人可能因为歧视或别的原因晚去医院之类…… Our finding that Chinese Americans had the highest mortality rate of all racial/ethnic groups and were nearly 1.5 more times likely to die than Whites (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.04, 2.01]) is concerning. This elevated burden was revealed only when the overall Asian race category was disaggregated into ethnic subgroups, as the overall Asian race group did not have a significantly higher likelihood of death than Whites (OR 1.15, 95% CI [0.93, 1.43], p=0.21). Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020, Chinese and other Asian Americans have experienced increased xenophobia, discrimination, and harassment: one quarter of Asian New Yorkers surveyed reported witnessing or experiencing harassment, violence, or racism related to COVID-19, and more than half of Chinese American adults and their children across the U.S. reported being targeted by COVID-19 related racial discrimination either in person or online, which was associated with poorer mental health.34,35,36Furthermore, this increase in harassment and racism may be leading to reluctance to and/or fear of leaving one’s home for care or testing, which may be exacerbating Chinese patients’ known reluctance to seek timely care, thereby leading to more severe illness that may be more difficult to treat successfully.36,37 Additionally, treatment patterns may have been influenced by early data on worse outcomes among Blacks and Hispanics and the “model minority” myth that Asians are typically healthier than other racial groups.38 Our findings underscore the urgency of additional research into the factors leading to higher mortality among Chinese Americans.
你可以去读原文,不是说华人胖,是在相同BMI下华人更受到肥胖的影响;后来也说了在3-5月的纽约华人可能因为歧视或别的原因晚去医院之类…… Our finding that Chinese Americans had the highest mortality rate of all racial/ethnic groups and were nearly 1.5 more times likely to die than Whites (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.04, 2.01]) is concerning. This elevated burden was revealed only when the overall Asian race category was disaggregated into ethnic subgroups, as the overall Asian race group did not have a significantly higher likelihood of death than Whites (OR 1.15, 95% CI [0.93, 1.43], p=0.21). Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020, Chinese and other Asian Americans have experienced increased xenophobia, discrimination, and harassment: one quarter of Asian New Yorkers surveyed reported witnessing or experiencing harassment, violence, or racism related to COVID-19, and more than half of Chinese American adults and their children across the U.S. reported being targeted by COVID-19 related racial discrimination either in person or online, which was associated with poorer mental health.34,35,36Furthermore, this increase in harassment and racism may be leading to reluctance to and/or fear of leaving one’s home for care or testing, which may be exacerbating Chinese patients’ known reluctance to seek timely care, thereby leading to more severe illness that may be more difficult to treat successfully.36,37 Additionally, treatment patterns may have been influenced by early data on worse outcomes among Blacks and Hispanics and the “model minority” myth that Asians are typically healthier than other racial groups.38 Our findings underscore the urgency of additional research into the factors leading to higher mortality among Chinese Americans. Apple06 发表于 2020-12-25 17:14
panel b,c 拉平了comorbidity, insurance和socioeconomic status
这就是health disparity。
A Black physician died of Covid-19 weeks after she described a White doctor dismissing her pain and concerns about her treatment as she lay in an Indiana hospital.
She was later discharged from IU North, but returned to a different hospital less than 12 hours later, she wrote on her Facebook page. "I put forth and I maintain if I was White, I wouldn't have to go through that," Moore said.
这段说明按整体族裔,白人死亡率是最高的(33.6%)。亚裔25.5%。亚裔中的中国人的确是最高的(35.7%) 文中也分析了原因,其中主要原因是中国的入院病人年龄是最大的,而且很多是第一次住院的新病人。大部分从事的工作也是高风险(我估计就是餐馆,超市之类)。所以文章的主旨是分析问题,找出可以改善的方法。
这个是传闻还是有出处吗?你说的这些就是那个去世的黑人女医生抱怨的点,她强调这就是歧视。 如果是大外宣那种贬低海外华人的不真实报道就算了。昨天被国内报道民运人士的那个气的喘不上气来。
不是说了,除了年龄还有其他因素,比如自身的职业,对医疗机构不熟悉。难道长着一张亚洲脸,医院接收还会专门区分是中国人还是马来西亚人? 就算你说的死亡率高代表被针对,那为啥排第二的是白人? 他们也受到了超过黑人和西班牙裔歧视?
This disparity in mortality among Chinese patients persisted even after adjusting for age, other demographics, and comorbidities (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.035, 2.011], p=0.03)
不是很大。仔细看按年龄组对比其实跟白人差不多。这篇文章华人crude mortality5%。认识一百个人死五个,这个数字相当可怕。 就算现在累积的数字,洛杉矶亚裔感染死亡率5%,也是各族裔最高。
其实这就是美国社会的缩影啊。资源充足的时候大家都彬彬有礼一团和气,你好我好大家好,亚裔是model minority值得羡慕,就算有歧视也是隐形的不敢公开。资源匮乏的时候本性出来了,亚裔是第一个被拔管的,都懒得掩饰歧视了。
看figure 1的最后一组数据,确实华裔死亡率最高,discussion里面也说了死亡率(mortality rate)所有族裔最高,是白人的1.5倍
这是纽约三月到五月的数据,讨论了各种原因: “Asian Americans, especially those of South Asian and Chinese descent, have several key clinical risk factors in common with Blacks and Hispanics. Asians experience overweight and obesity at lower BMI values than individuals of other racial groups, resulting in a higher prevalence of these conditions than expected.21 Additionally, South Asians have high rates of diabetes and hypertension that are comparable to those observed among Black and Hispanic individuals, and they have a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. These factors are known to put individuals at elevated risk of COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and death, and they are highly prevalent among many Asian Americans.22,23 Many Asian Americans experience social factors that are known to increase the risk of exposure for COVID-19, including living in multi-generational housing, jobs as frontline or essential workers, lack of paid sick leave, and limited access to linguistically and culturally appropriate healthcare.24,25Furthermore, the social conditions that drive racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes and hypertension among Black and Hispanic Americans, including poverty, limited access to healthcare, limited English language proficiency, and other upstream determinants of health, are similar in the largely immigrant Asian patient population at NYC H+H. The high rate of infection observed among South Asians may be due to factors that increase the likelihood of exposure (e.g., jobs in essential services) or impede the ability to isolate if infected (e.g., crowded housing, lack of paid sick leave) that are well-established as risk factors among other groups of color in the U.S. A recent analysis of community-level factors associated with racial and ethnic COVID-19 disparities found that “household size and food service occupation are strongly associated with the risk of COVID-19 infection” and that these factors “may be contributing to the higher number of COVID-19 cases in Black and Latino communities.”26 These factors are also common among New Yorkers of Asian descent, particularly among those who are recent immigrants, which may partially explain the high rate of infection we observed among South Asians. This same analysis also found that the proportion of foreign-born non-citizens was positively associated with the number of COVID-19 cases in a community, which may also explain higher rates of COVID-19 among Asian New Yorkers as well as among Hispanic New Yorkers, many of whom are also recent immigrants. Furthermore, Asian Americans are most likely of all racial groups to live in larger, multi-generational households, further driving their risk of COVID-19 exposure and infection.”
华人感染率是正常的,但是感染死亡率非常高。 那么问题就是基因吗?治疗手段效用吗?还是治疗有歧视呢?
这还不容易理解 。医疗没崩。
Our finding that Chinese Americans had the highest mortality rate of all racial/ethnic groups and were nearly 1.5 more times likely to die than Whites (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.04, 2.01]) is concerning. This elevated burden was revealed only when the overall Asian race category was disaggregated into ethnic subgroups, as the overall Asian race group did not have a significantly higher likelihood of death than Whites (OR 1.15, 95% CI [0.93, 1.43], p=0.21). Since the emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020, Chinese and other Asian Americans have experienced increased xenophobia, discrimination, and harassment: one quarter of Asian New Yorkers surveyed reported witnessing or experiencing harassment, violence, or racism related to COVID-19, and more than half of Chinese American adults and their children across the U.S. reported being targeted by COVID-19 related racial discrimination either in person or online, which was associated with poorer mental health.34,35,36Furthermore, this increase in harassment and racism may be leading to reluctance to and/or fear of leaving one’s home for care or testing, which may be exacerbating Chinese patients’ known reluctance to seek timely care, thereby leading to more severe illness that may be more difficult to treat successfully.36,37 Additionally, treatment patterns may have been influenced by early data on worse outcomes among Blacks and Hispanics and the “model minority” myth that Asians are typically healthier than other racial groups.38 Our findings underscore the urgency of additional research into the factors leading to higher mortality among Chinese Americans.
不信。韩国人,马来,泰国,越南什么的,大比例是中国人基因,很多人祖上就是真正的中国人。中国人因病毒死亡率跟这几个国家比差异这么大,非常FISHY. 而且,中国大陆人也不是没有感染数据,武汉,江浙,上海,香港数据都一把把的。
数据说话,我希望在明年赶快有全国性的数据出来。那么多人整天要发Nature science,我觉得这个研究也会上Nature science。如果我们这里医院同意大家接触这样的数据,我愿意主动当义工。
谁告诉你被放弃治疗的? 我只看到党媒写文章说他被放弃.
实际上他的治疗情况, 只有他和医生知道. 医疗记录不会对记者公开. 党媒只能是杜撰的.
这段话可以确定你在中国. 你不知道美国医疗保险不一样, 大家去的医院不一样.
从盖楼的ID看, 大差不差.
我知道,我想呼吁医学院各位中国同胞有条件的,行动起来。我觉得在美国这个真相是能发现的。武汉那个数据确实没人信,那就用美国的数据。 我希望有公共的数据给我们用最好,病人具体情况可以隐藏起来,现在的技术这是一盘小菜
我还真不在中国,让你失望了。这个数据已经Adjust了保险了,还这样! 而且为啥就直接Assume老人一定没保险?我相信有保险的华人也有年老的时候吧? 我们的问题就是问题不落到自己身上就当这问题不存在,或者直接贬低遭难的一方。这个帖子的人气连隔壁lululemon 买买买的帖子都差点比不过,这说明点问题吧。虽然我也给那个帖子回了很多😅
这跟医者仁心没有关系。第一,现在COVID病房肯定是没有家人陪护的。以前有孝顺儿女贴身照顾,遇事随时帮忙翻译。现在要护士每问一个问题都用到翻译我感觉有难度。第二,看到我们现任总统大人的治疗之后,还觉得经济条件不会影响医疗是不是有点太天真了。我相信所有的医护都在竭尽全力地救护病人,但是保险不同医疗条件不同也是客观事实。第三,这纯粹是我的个人感觉。我觉得华裔的老人家长寿有一部分原因是家族的support system非常好,也就是有很孝顺的子女长期护理。并不是说华裔比其他族裔的老人体质要好。可是很不幸COVID是一种传染病,在医院家人无法陪护,在家很可能全家人都在suffer。所以华裔的这种优势没办法发挥。我觉得按地区收入语言来调查,比笼统地恐慌性地说华人死亡率高来得更有意义。
看不懂这个图 为什么这3个category里每个category的总数都超过100%?难道是以每个族裔总人数为基数?全美华人25%的华裔是positive 而在这25%得病的华人里 有52.6%的华人住院 有35.7%的华人死亡?死亡那一组有stratify年龄吗?还有就是这个计算里面把华人特别的分出来 25%的华人positive 其实基数相比其他族裔就不大, 所以算出的死亡率才会觉得大吧
有些人就觉得因为收入相对高点,所以比同族裔得其它人优越,可笑。 都进重症监护了,还在做梦。
楼主说的意思很难理解吗。 她说的死亡率分子,分母都是某特定族裔的人数。 这么简单个事,你值得你一大堆问号发问,也是醉了。
made some points
1) "缺乏维生素D对新冠死亡率的correlation蛮大的",有link吗? 2)美国其他州和在亚洲的Asian也缺乏Vitamin D啊,为什么纽约Asian的死亡率这么高?说明有人为(歧视)因素啊。