大嘴能吹,川粉跪地膜拜 Fact check Trump has made several versions of this claim in the past but there is a lack of evidence that Trump helped or hired people to help on the days following the terrorist attack. Richard Alles, who was the New York Fire Department battalion chief during the Sept. 11 attack, has repeatedly said that he does not remember Trump having a presence at ground zero.
大嘴能吹,川粉跪地膜拜 Fact check Trump has made several versions of this claim in the past but there is a lack of evidence that Trump helped or hired people to help on the days following the terrorist attack. Richard Alles, who was the New York Fire Department battalion chief during the Sept. 11 attack, has repeatedly said that he does not remember Trump having a presence at ground zero. fitzroy 发表于 2020-12-22 22:32
大嘴能吹,川粉跪地膜拜 Fact check Trump has made several versions of this claim in the past but there is a lack of evidence that Trump helped or hired people to help on the days following the terrorist attack. Richard Alles, who was the New York Fire Department battalion chief during the Sept. 11 attack, has repeatedly said that he does not remember Trump having a presence at ground zero. fitzroy 发表于 2020-12-22 22:32
大嘴能吹,川粉跪地膜拜 Fact check Trump has made several versions of this claim in the past but there is a lack of evidence that Trump helped or hired people to help on the days following the terrorist attack. Richard Alles, who was the New York Fire Department battalion chief during the Sept. 11 attack, has repeatedly said that he does not remember Trump having a presence at ground zero. fitzroy 发表于 2020-12-22 22:32
所以我觉得God reward了他很好的孩子和孙子辈
Fact check Trump has made several versions of this claim in the past but there is a lack of evidence that Trump helped or hired people to help on the days following the terrorist attack. Richard Alles, who was the New York Fire Department battalion chief during the Sept. 11 attack, has repeatedly said that he does not remember Trump having a presence at ground zero.
这位CHIEF 好牛逼! 发生这么大的灾难他不想着救人却在强烈记忆TOWER附近有没有川普啊!在40万平方米的地方发现一个人有没有出现过可真的不容易!!! 知道你是川黑,不过这样的新闻发出来只能让人觉得你黑川很低级!!!!
fact check的网站也是靠收黑钱盈利的,以为自己给自己贴个fact check的标就说的是fact了?真是搞笑。现在作假都是做全套的。还有人引用fact check网站说trump是欺骗选民最厉害的总统,说什么他的竞选承诺都是lie,简直是搞笑。trump是有史以来最忠于竞选承诺的总统,是老实人trump,就是因为他太诚实的执行竞选承诺,才被这些假fact check网站黑。网站黑心,选民又不是个个都是傻子。你们这些五毛回到你们谎话连篇的墙内去,少在这儿骗人。
不过有一点要表扬这些5毛。 虽然找来的黑料各种逻辑不通,但是这搜索速度刚刚的。
虽然但是。。。 fake news的录音说的是911这样的事情就是前车之鉴,并没说再搞一个。说他们想搞臭他川可以,想把他塑造成一个delusional的神经病没问题,但是说他们搞恐袭这就是造谣了。
期待有911解密的那一天。感觉只有一般人不敢想的,没有deep state不敢做,不能做的。