BBC有篇文章说目前疫苗应该有效,但如果病毒继续变异下去,那么现有疫苗可能无效,需要调整。这文章没有区分疫苗种类。 我是外行,希望看到各路专家多分析。 Will the vaccines work against the new variant? Almost certainly yes, or at least for now. All three leading vaccines develop an immune response against the existing spike, which is why the question comes up. Vaccines train the immune system to attack several different parts of the virus, so even though part of the spike has mutated, the vaccines should still work. "But if we let it add more mutations, then you start worrying," said Prof Gupta. "This virus is potentially on a pathway for vaccine escape, it has taken the first couple of steps towards that." Vaccine escape happens when the virus changes so it dodges the full effect of the vaccine and continues to infect people. This may be the most concerning element of what is happening with the virus. This variant is just the latest to show the virus is continuing to adapt as it infects more and more of us. A presentation by Prof David Robertson, from the University of Glasgow on Friday, concluded: "
The virus will probably be able to generate vaccine escape mutants
." That would put us in a position similar to flu, where the vaccines need to be regularly updated. Fortunately the vaccines we have are very easy to tweak.
Children are more likely to catch the mutant strain of Covid: Government advisers say youngsters and adults are 'equally susceptible' to the new variant - but there is no proof it is deadlier SAGE advisers gave a press conference today with Professor Neil Ferguson He said the new variant may be better at infecting children than previous strains Warned the variant isn't targeting children but that it may 'level the playing field' between children and adults
Children are more likely to catch the mutant strain of Covid: Government advisers say youngsters and adults are 'equally susceptible' to the new variant - but there is no proof it is deadlier SAGE advisers gave a press conference today with Professor Neil Ferguson He said the new variant may be better at infecting children than previous strains Warned the variant isn't targeting children but that it may 'level the playing field' between children and adults
BBC有篇文章说目前疫苗应该有效,但如果病毒继续变异下去,那么现有疫苗可能无效,需要调整。这文章没有区分疫苗种类。 我是外行,希望看到各路专家多分析。 Will the vaccines work against the new variant? Almost certainly yes, or at least for now. All three leading vaccines develop an immune response against the existing spike, which is why the question comes up. Vaccines train the immune system to attack several different parts of the virus, so even though part of the spike has mutated, the vaccines should still work. "But if we let it add more mutations, then you start worrying," said Prof Gupta. "This virus is potentially on a pathway for vaccine escape, it has taken the first couple of steps towards that." Vaccine escape happens when the virus changes so it dodges the full effect of the vaccine and continues to infect people. This may be the most concerning element of what is happening with the virus. This variant is just the latest to show the virus is continuing to adapt as it infects more and more of us. A presentation by Prof David Robertson, from the University of Glasgow on Friday, concluded: "
The virus will probably be able to generate vaccine escape mutants
." That would put us in a position similar to flu, where the vaccines need to be regularly updated. Fortunately the vaccines we have are very easy to tweak.
所以实际情况 可能没有媒体说的这么吓人
英国+申根区本来就在14天travel ban 单子里面啊
我不清楚,刚到UK,UK全国Lock down1个月,在酒店蹲了2周没出门,然后呆了几周离开,London 4级lockdown。
从London和我在的city来看,基本跟加州差不多,室外50%口罩,室内100%,然后口罩各种样子都有,大部分都不是n95。 lockdown所有餐厅和mall都不堂吃,最多外卖。lockdown之后,同居者可以一起堂食。超市的人流跟正常没区别。 大街小巷人不多,London最好的几个商业区,比如coffin garden全是空的。
公司有一堆测试的Kits,感觉不舒服就测测。 UK同事看到我测试没事之后,才敢靠近。毕竟我来自号称全世界最惨的LA。
我觉得之前UK同事看LA的感觉,跟我们今天看UK一样。 BTW,巴西2个同事,前几天确诊。。。
美国坐白宫那位那么蠢, 三月禁欧令刚开始就排英国, 说小老弟 “群免” 是doing a great job
啥逃走 都是回家过节的
BBC有篇文章说目前疫苗应该有效,但如果病毒继续变异下去,那么现有疫苗可能无效,需要调整。这文章没有区分疫苗种类。 我是外行,希望看到各路专家多分析。 Will the vaccines work against the new variant? Almost certainly yes, or at least for now. All three leading vaccines develop an immune response against the existing spike, which is why the question comes up. Vaccines train the immune system to attack several different parts of the virus, so even though part of the spike has mutated, the vaccines should still work. "But if we let it add more mutations, then you start worrying," said Prof Gupta. "This virus is potentially on a pathway for vaccine escape, it has taken the first couple of steps towards that." Vaccine escape happens when the virus changes so it dodges the full effect of the vaccine and continues to infect people. This may be the most concerning element of what is happening with the virus. This variant is just the latest to show the virus is continuing to adapt as it infects more and more of us. A presentation by Prof David Robertson, from the University of Glasgow on Friday, concluded: "
政府还是很担心的,也是和WHO一直在交流分享数据。上周五科学家们把最终分析数据交给政府,政府周六就宣布封城。其实之间新闻也已经有报导了,肯特郡发现变异病毒,11月开始全国Lockdown,肯特TIER1, 12月初Lockdown结束, 肯特反而成了TIER3, 就说明肯特有问题。 我看本地论坛, 伦敦和东南封城,好多人在抱怨为了圣诞大餐买了好多吃的,现在不让聚了要浪费了。 大家就过个安安静静的圣诞吧。
哎 说的很是 Boris最傻的地方在于刚好周六宣布 大部分人吃的都是上周买的。。。也退不了了。。。慢慢吃吧。。。还好我没买啥。。。
肯特爆炸的势头真是挺吓人的 也不知道怎么回事。。。之前一直很好。。。
没压着啊 早就报道了 但是那时候没人关注 现在肯特爆了 慌了
一方面骂美国不关门, 一方面骂中国关门
九月变异了一次现在又变异了一次。九月我 变异的文章早就出来了,现在大规模传播的早就不再是武汉当时那个了。
hahaha so true
没有最严重只有更严重。现在已经很严重了,希望不要来一个+70%的新变异。很多地方icu快见底,需要flatten curve
川普自己一家早就打了疫苗 ,现在忙着叫川粉们捐款敛财,为自己即将失业和会否入狱的situation 做准备,屁民的事儿他才没心思管 。前天看了一个报道,说刚开始Pandemic的时候cdc所有的rules都要经伊万卡过目和改正,想一想你做了一辈子的科学研究,然后现在要report to a handbag designer ... 30万人的生命,不是无缘无故啊 想当初国内封城我每天骂天朝草菅人命,现在才知道,什么是草菅人命……
Not even a designer...a design thief.
加拿大现在也不让美国人进啊,只有一些essential travel可以
air travel never stopped, regardless essential or non essential
窝。。。 去滑雪的栽了 瑞士那么贵/。。。
哈哈,看到a handbag designer我笑喷了。你给她的title已经很好了。我前两天跟朋友说,Jared和Ivanka这两口子,一个是卖房子的,一个是卖鞋子的。。。
Ivanka不是出了名的copy cat吗,叫她handbag designer太抬举她了
果然英国专家开始一点一点倒豆子了 昨天就有吹风说要给中学生打疫苗 今天就这个消息了
其实政治家们跟专家们这次应该串起来说,这拨变异的跟当年的西班牙流感第二波一样专挑年轻人小孩下手,又准又狠。这回这帮“自由X”们就会老实多了。前面只说老人和有基础病的危险,这帮“自由X”们就who cares 了。
这就说明过几年还需要再打疫苗,那疫苗股还能继续往上涨。 再留一留,希望有奇迹
坐标西雅图。新闻说,我们州今天从英国来的航班cancel了。 接下来几天的英国来的航班要不要cancel,州长正在evaluate。