突发-宣布英法海底隧道紧急关闭两日。 周六下午首相宣布午夜起英格兰东南以及大伦敦地区进入最为严格的Tier 4 lockdown. 周日英格兰创下单日新增最高纪录近3万6千(没错,即使是周日!)。对比上周日,增长率达到95%。新变异最为肆虐的肯特郡等地增长率超过100%。卫生部长接受电视采访,坦白新变异传染力增加70%,目前已经失控out of control. UK records 35,928 new Covid cases - the highest EVER - as mutant strain causes rise in infections of nearly 95% compared to last Sunday - as death toll increases by 326 taking total number of victims to 67,401 欧洲国家迅速跟进对UK停飞/火车/轮渡。禁令涵盖本国国籍。目的就是为了阻止数以万计的在英国生活的欧洲大陆人回家过节。 英格兰的前两名的国际机场中,希思罗和盖特维克机场均出于最严格管制的Tier 4区域。盖特维克机场所在的西苏塞克郡正是新变种肆虐地区。海底隧道经过的肯特郡是目前增长最为疯狂地区。 然而每天仍然有约六班从英国出发的航班(实际上就是伦敦出发)抵达纽约JFK机场。病毒显然阻止不了广大美籍人民回国过节的心情。 European nations have begun to impose travel bans on the UK after it reported a more-infectious and "out of control" coronavirus variant. Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium are all halting flights. The measures vary and are initially short-term but the French rules also affect Channel freight. An EU meeting on Monday morning will discuss a more co-ordinated response. The new variant has spread quickly in London and south-east England. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday introduced a new tier four level of restrictions for those areas, scrapping a planned relaxation of rules over the Christmas period for millions of people. Top health officials said that there was no evidence the new variant was more deadly, or would react differently to vaccines, but it was proving to be up to 70% more transmissible. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55385768https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9073099/US-looking-carefully-new-virus-variant.htmlhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9072929/UK-records-35-928-new-Covid-cases-mutant-strain-causes-rise-infections.html
France suspended all travel links, including freight lorries, with the UK for 48 hours from midnight on Sunday (23:00 GMT). Thousands of lorries move between the countries every day. In response to France''''s ban, Eurotunnel said it would suspend access to its Folkestone terminal from 22:00 GMT for traffic heading to Calais. People booked to travel on Monday can get a refund. Trains will still run from Calais to Folkestone. The ferry terminal at Dover is now closed for all accompanied traffic leaving the UK until further notice because of the French restrictions. The freight issue has become so pressing that Mr Johnson will chair a COBRA emergency response meeting on the matter on Monday. In Ireland, which has significant passenger traffic with the UK at this time of year, the government announced that flights arriving from the UK would be banned for 48 hours at least from midnight, and "in the interests of public health, people in Britain, regardless of nationality, should not travel to Ireland, by air or sea". Ferry crossings for freight would continue. In Germany, an order from the ministry of transport said planes from the UK would not be allowed to land after midnight on Sunday, although cargo would be an exception. Health Minister Jens Spahn said the UK variant had not yet been detected in Germany. Belgium suspended flights and train arrivals from the UK from midnight on Sunday for at least 24 hours as a "precautionary measure". Italy is blocking all flights from the UK until 6 January. The first case of the UK variant has also been detected in Italy, the health ministry reported on Sunday. The patient is in isolation in Rome. Austria is to ban flights from the UK. Bulgaria has suspended flights to and from the UK from midnight but, unlike the short-term measures in many other nations, its ban lasts until 31 January. Turkey has temporarily banned all flights from the UK as has Switzerland. A European Council meeting will be held at 10:00 GMT on Monday on co-ordinating EU actions. Canada bans flights from Britain amid new coronavirus strain Canada has joined in the bans on flights from Britain in a bid to block a new strain of coronavirus, the Associated Press reports. We will have more on this shortly. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/dec/21/coronavirus-live-news-european-countries-ban-uk-travellers-congress-leaders-agree-900bn-aid-deal
好幼稚啊,以为换个总统美国疫情就会不一样,美国的专家们认为没有什么大不了的,包括拜登的防疫领导小组,告诉大家戴好你的布口罩,勤洗手就可以了。股市倒是跌了。 Dr. Vivek Murthy, who has been tapped by President-elect Joe Biden to be the next U.S. Surgeon General, made similar comments on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “There’s no reason to believe that the vaccines that have been developed will not be effective against [the new U.K. strain] as well,” he said, adding that there’s no evidence of the new variant being more deadly.“The bottom line is if you are at home and you are hearing this news, it does not change what we do in terms of precautions as individuals that can reduce the spread of this virus,” said Murthy, who was also previously surgeon general during the Obama administration. “It turns out that masking, keeping physical distance and washing our hands … these are still the pillars of preventing Covid transmission.” Listen to Scientist, 要不一起回顾一下三月份意大利医疗系统都崩溃的时候,美国scientist怎么说的。 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/wVDPVBZF2Xg
好幼稚啊,以为换个总统美国疫情就会不一样,美国的专家们认为没有什么大不了的,包括拜登的防疫领导小组,告诉大家戴好你的布口罩,勤洗手就可以了。股市倒是跌了。 Dr. Vivek Murthy, who has been tapped by President-elect Joe Biden to be the next U.S. Surgeon General, made similar comments on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “There’s no reason to believe that the vaccines that have been developed will not be effective against [the new U.K. strain] as well,” he said, adding that there’s no evidence of the new variant being more deadly.“The bottom line is if you are at home and you are hearing this news, it does not change what we do in terms of precautions as individuals that can reduce the spread of this virus,” said Murthy, who was also previously surgeon general during the Obama administration. “It turns out that masking, keeping physical distance and washing our hands … these are still the pillars of preventing Covid transmission.” Listen to Scientist, 要不一起回顾一下三月份意大利医疗系统都崩溃的时候,美国scientist怎么说的。 系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/wVDPVBZF2Xg
周六下午首相宣布午夜起英格兰东南以及大伦敦地区进入最为严格的Tier 4 lockdown. 周日英格兰创下单日新增最高纪录近3万6千(没错,即使是周日!)。对比上周日,增长率达到95%。新变异最为肆虐的肯特郡等地增长率超过100%。卫生部长接受电视采访,坦白新变异传染力增加70%,目前已经失控out of control.
UK records 35,928 new Covid cases - the highest EVER - as mutant strain causes rise in infections of nearly 95% compared to last Sunday - as death toll increases by 326 taking total number of victims to 67,401
欧洲国家迅速跟进对UK停飞/火车/轮渡。禁令涵盖本国国籍。目的就是为了阻止数以万计的在英国生活的欧洲大陆人回家过节。 英格兰的前两名的国际机场中,希思罗和盖特维克机场均出于最严格管制的Tier 4区域。盖特维克机场所在的西苏塞克郡正是新变种肆虐地区。海底隧道经过的肯特郡是目前增长最为疯狂地区。
European nations have begun to impose travel bans on the UK after it reported a more-infectious and "out of control" coronavirus variant.
Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium are all halting flights. The measures vary and are initially short-term but the French rules also affect Channel freight.
An EU meeting on Monday morning will discuss a more co-ordinated response.
The new variant has spread quickly in London and south-east England.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday introduced a new tier four level of restrictions for those areas, scrapping a planned relaxation of rules over the Christmas period for millions of people.
Top health officials said that there was no evidence the new variant was more deadly, or would react differently to vaccines, but it was proving to be up to 70% more transmissible.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55385768 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9073099/US-looking-carefully-new-virus-variant.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9072929/UK-records-35-928-new-Covid-cases-mutant-strain-causes-rise-infections.html
🔥 最新回帖
一直有的 我周围妈妈很多 真的没办法还得从国内来姥姥帮忙带娃
🛋️ 沙发板凳
美国就把非美国护照/绿卡的ban了 美籍/绿卡的核酸证明都不需要,下飞机就没人管了。。。
你们这个travel ban就是纸糊的
In Germany, an order from the ministry of transport said planes from the UK would not be allowed to land after midnight on Sunday, although cargo would be an exception. Health Minister Jens Spahn said the UK variant had not yet been detected in Germany. Belgium suspended flights and train arrivals from the UK from midnight on Sunday for at least 24 hours as a "precautionary measure". Italy is blocking all flights from the UK until 6 January. The first case of the UK variant has also been detected in Italy, the health ministry reported on Sunday. The patient is in isolation in Rome. Austria is to ban flights from the UK. Bulgaria has suspended flights to and from the UK from midnight but, unlike the short-term measures in many other nations, its ban lasts until 31 January. Turkey has temporarily banned all flights from the UK as has Switzerland. A European Council meeting will be held at 10:00 GMT on Monday on co-ordinating EU actions.
Canada bans flights from Britain amid new coronavirus strain Canada has joined in the bans on flights from Britain in a bid to block a new strain of coronavirus, the Associated Press reports. We will have more on this shortly. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/dec/21/coronavirus-live-news-european-countries-ban-uk-travellers-congress-leaders-agree-900bn-aid-deal
这种特殊情况,就该学中国,管你是不是美国公民,进美国就必须强行检查。 不然这个travel ban 就是纸糊的 就目前这情况,这英国新毒株几天内不进入美国才奇怪了
现在的都不是游客 都是美籍/绿卡 都是回去过年的 多日不见 走亲访友 全家聚会 其乐融融
不是美籍/绿卡的现在是不能从英国直飞美国的 还在travel ban里面 不过欧美,尤其是英美的亲戚朋友双国籍家庭简直不要太太太太多了。尤其是东北,新英格兰的。。。 英国人,谁家没个澳大利亚新西兰加拿大美国cousin的。。。。 爱尔兰吓尿了,现在直接全ban,特地强调啥国籍都别给我进来 233
俺那个魁北克同事 娶了法国太太 两个人拿了英国国籍 今年圣诞估计要老老实实家里蹲了 ban的就是这种多国籍家庭
只ban外国护照 不ban自己人 从国家精神角度考虑是对的。。。 但是降落了不管牢 反而宣传travel ban给了当地人false安全感... 所以从这个角度travel ban是双刃剑 只有新西兰澳大利亚这种ban才是真正有效的
我反对political ban. 应该是有数据依据的ban.
哪怕学法国 要求乘客上飞机前核酸检测也能筛掉一大波 也能disencourage到处浪的
关键是绿卡公民进来之后不管。以这个病毒的传播速度,travel ban有啥用?
本来未必飞啊,现在全世界都Ban除了美国,那肯定要从美国借个道是不是。他们欧洲好多双重国籍的吧,伦敦飞美国在再去最终目的地巴黎,不是很方便? 还是说欧洲早就把美国Ban了?
白宫里那具挺尸还忙着折腾这个呢,哪有一丝心思放在抗疫上, 疫情最危难之时摊上这么个2B总统也是美国人的命
Listen to Scientist, 要不一起回顾一下三月份意大利医疗系统都崩溃的时候,美国scientist怎么说的。
现在英国人是不可以直飞美国的 只要美国国籍绿卡or他们配偶子女这样的可以 都是回来过节的
昨天电视上解释说是病毒身上的突起里面一个小变化 但是这样就更容易亲和受体细胞了 所以很厉害 这个变异在英国和南非都平行的发生了 (相互独立) 几个月前就检测到了但是越演越烈 其实是不是UK home brew也不知道 其他国家也很早检测到过 没有UK这么严重
指望他们 算了吧。。。安了。。。
英国也是 来的啥都不管 就说必须在家隔离多少天 呵呵
新西兰。澳大利亚 芬兰 以色列也是下飞机强制隔离 澳大利亚也是有weekly cap新西兰是必须订到隔离点slot才让你登机 不过人家国家人少 没有华人这么严重的滞留 现在澳大利亚外面还有三万个排队的
或者学学其他国家上飞机前强制阴性测试也可以啊 至少可以打击很多不必要出游的积极性
这帮人少到处乱窜 早就消停了
变异病毒从九月开始流传,现在各国肯定都有。 欧洲最先实行travel ban的法国,连货机和货车都ban, 其实也是政治考量。 英国脱欧谈判和法国就渔业权一直谈不拢, 法国早就喊着要制裁英国,不过找个由头而已。
也可能就是UK这边有一个到几个super spreader event而已。南非那个不是还说在年轻人身上更严重吗?关键时刻,Czboy也不知道死哪去了 https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1374779/covid-strain-latest-new-coronavirus-variant-south-africa-young-adults
是不是UK政府就想找个借口在国内继续lock down,结果国际社会都当真了?Boris现在骑虎难下?
问题是最近没什么super spreader event的机会啊 爆发最厉害的是肯特那边一个超级大购物中心的镇子 我看就是Christmas shopping的锅
意大利人在英国的就登记了的几十万 没登记的加一起近百万。。。
新变种真的是跟南非的那个一样,都是“more severe in young people”,各国可不得坐不住了?死青壮年跟淘汰老弱病残可不是一回事。
我的理解是 导致和受体亲和力大增的变异只需要一个RNA上面的碱基突变 这个突变UK和南非互相独立发生了 同时UK和南非的变异都还有自己的其他的变异点。。。 UK这个似乎一共有15个 现在还不知道南非的青壮年死亡是哪个变异点导致的
现在欧洲和加拿大就是这么封的 就是封回家过节的 把自己人挡住 都老实呆在原地别乱跑 就以色列允许本国国民回来 但是直接关进酒店隔离
伦敦人民表示欢迎断航 实际上伦敦非差区的地方本来一直是疫情的风暴中的风眼 不严重 但是坐火车的坐飞机的都要来伦敦换车 现在这帮人不来了 终于消停了!
像土共学习?no no no...
土工还是弱鸡 人家以色列直接用上军队看着隔离宾馆 欧洲这些国家都没血性了 连个口罩都管不了 看看人家以色列
大部分人都觉得这不过是一个小屁孩耸人听闻的言论吧,直到疫情爆发之后,阿兰德几乎被称为了神童,他视频的点击率也超过了800万,阿南德与其他所谓的“大师”最不同的一点就是他不会什么通灵,他也不是金星、水星、火星人的转世。他的预言完全是基于“吠陀占星术”,也就是说是根据他对天体位置的理解计算出来的,他曾经预测说全球疫情会在7、8月份之后得到缓解,但是,人类将在2020年12月21日遭遇更严峻的灾难而这场灾难将会一直持续到2021年3月,眼看12月份马上就要到了,今天咱们就来聊聊, 这些预言以及神秘的“吠陀占星术”。
如果 一开始大家都这么果断,也许现在情况不会这么糟。
还有法国真是挺不地道的,整 个疫情期间,货物的流动都是没断的,现在他们居然不让货车过境,过份了。
他们就当自己是根葱 大不了走海运 他们自己的奶酪蔬菜不卖反正也是烂在仓库里
这招其实是几百年前威尼斯帝国搞出来的 现在欧洲不少港口还有当年的隔离点建筑遗迹呢
还有个笑话 据说西班牙和法国的渔船这几天在海峡上英国水体疯狂捞 在英国卸货 lorry都准备好了 立刻拉到大陆那边上圣诞节餐桌 他们要吃海鲜的 现在好了 隧道一关 LOL 全部臭掉。。。
怎么老是这种2b逻辑. 中国没有把自己人挡在外面, 只是要求极其严格的检测和隔离. 我同意政策上应该再人性化一点 比如可以在机场引入检测等等, 但是它确实没有封境!
美国人要回来过节, 当然可以, 但是政府能不能干点事啊? 要求双阴, 下飞机隔离就这么难吗!!!