家里路由器重启了一下, 居然有意想不到的后果 (多年前做的另一个神器,放心还是一样完全免费无广告)

楼主 (北美华人网)
(注: 那个注册的功能早就不 work 了,没空修,大家就当 deal 网站用就好)
多年前为了自己找 Deal 方便,写了个简单的爬虫加上一个还算是有点意思的算法,然后做了个网页版的程序 (http://spdeals.net ) 放在地下室的一台服务器上跑。平时会自动将超级 Deal 推送到我的手机端或者邮箱里面。好多年没管了,反正好像一直正常运行。这几天也没注意,可能是我那个老迈的 Airport Extreme 自己断电重启,设置出了问题,把这台服务器的端口给封了。网站上面给的又是个我不常用的 email 地址。结果今天偶然打开邮箱,发现了数封 email:

原来我以为没人用的这个网站居然这么多年后还有人在用着 ...
说起这个找 deal 的算法,我在网站上也写了:

Why we are better than most other deal sites?
This is a project motivated by Slickdeals.net. As you might know, Slickdeals.net forum is one of the most fantastic and real-time source of best online deals. Active users quickly post deals when they see a new one or thumbs up/down other SDer''s deal thread. So we built an algorithm to figure out which are the best deals among SD''s hot deals forum.
This algorithm is based on several factors including the deal rating based on thumbs up/down from SD users, the deal post time, the last post time, the thumbs up/down and number of replies in unit time. We used a complex weighting system from these above factors to deduct a score of each thread and update this score in real time. Then we set a threshould to only show you the deals which are above this certain threshold.
Using this algorism, after rigorous testing, we are able to present you the best deals online even faster than SD''s own Frontpage and Popular deal sections. So if you are able to check our site frequently, you should be able to score the hottest deals.

有需要到拿去用,顺手贴几个最近买的 deal:

(另外如果你想看最 Super 的 deal, 可以直接点开这个链接: http://superpopulardeals.com/bestdeals/1)
猫砂rebate不错 谢谢楼主