Amazon gift cards are alphanumeric and are very secure. I have never heard amazon cards being stolen remotely. Same goes with AirBnB cards. I have heard theives cycling through certain groups master/visa giftcards remotely and as soon as they are bought/activated, they remotely detect the actived card numbers and drain them quickly. US bank issued master cards are the worst regardless where you bought them as the card numbers are very very alike. I do not know much about apple giftcards as I have never bought one. The worst I have experienced were the shell giftcards. I once bought $800 worth of shell giftcards from a home depot on the east coast and were stolen by some folks in CA 2 days later and I didn''''t realize it until 3 weeks later. The shell giftcard issuer sent me replacement cards which are more secure (with PINS), yes all $800 worth of cards. Its again the season of all the giftcards. Be careful.
Amazon gift cards are alphanumeric and are very secure. I have never heard amazon cards being stolen remotely. Same goes with AirBnB cards. I have heard theives cycling through certain groups master/visa giftcards remotely and as soon as they are bought/activated, they remotely detect the actived card numbers and drain them quickly. US bank issued master cards are the worst regardless where you bought them as the card numbers are very very alike. I do not know much about apple giftcards as I have never bought one. The worst I have experienced were the shell giftcards. I once bought $800 worth of shell giftcards from a home depot on the east coast and were stolen by some folks in CA 2 days later and I didn''''t realize it until 3 weeks later. The shell giftcard issuer sent me replacement cards which are more secure (with PINS), yes all $800 worth of cards. Its again the season of all the giftcards. Be careful.
Well my guess is hacked apple giftcard is not a known problem to apple, yet and it is a shame that apple choose to ignore their loyal customers. Shell giftcards are well known to shell and I happened to have kept all the cards and receipts. When dealing with giftcard theft, you should probably contact the card issuer (apple) and the vendor (target) and credit card issuer. The best credit card issuer is AMEX.
thats certainly possible but there would have been tons of publicity as a whole lot more cards would have been hacked. So no, likely a small time crook''s work.
thats certainly possible but there would have been tons of publicity as a whole lot more cards would have been hacked. So no, likely a small time crook''s work. yolandos 发表于 2020-12-18 12:58
狗了一下,有人说是因为order被cancel了,但是系统有问题没有被更新,所以既没有发邮件,同时也还在hold你的balance。看到的被disable的都是没有收到邮件的。这样的话客服根本解决不了,需要有工程师fix the system并update your account. 你order被cancel很可能和你是在target买的gc有关系
狗了一下,有人说是因为order被cancel了,但是系统有问题没有被更新,所以既没有发邮件,同时也还在hold你的balance。看到的被disable的都是没有收到邮件的。这样的话客服根本解决不了,需要有工程师fix the system并update your account. 你order被cancel很可能和你是在target买的gc有关系 钱不够花 发表于 2020-12-18 15:06
我就想着在网上再定一次。结果发现自己苹果帐户里的600刀余额has been disabled.要我联系苹果客服。我就开始无止境被hold的遭遇,昨天打了2个多小时,没有解决,转了6给人,最后一个帮我处理说今日给我电话,今天接到电话又处理了3个小时,还是没有任何进展,转了好多各种各样的部门,和很多senior advisor一遍遍核对我的信息。好在那个昨晚那个客服一直陪着我,和我一起跟他们同事同时进行对话。但是她的权限也就那样了,也不能看到更多信息。 她最后和我说有消息再打给我。今天又没有下文了。我看苹果论坛里面很多人和我一样,订单被取消后balance无法使用。大家问题都没有被解决,这个问题从11月初就开始了。有人和我一样吗? 是不是我运气太“好”了,年底来个大礼包
大家看重点啊。看重点是苹果积分被冻结了 我现在已经肯定被冻结原因就是使用了靶子店的礼物卡,因为苹果论坛里只要是冻结的人都是用了他们的礼物卡。有的人还用了1300,1500不等。
所以我觉得还是Amazon 👌 说东西没了/物品坏了 毫不废话 马上返钱....
Amazon gift cards are alphanumeric and are very secure. I have never heard amazon cards being stolen remotely. Same goes with AirBnB cards. I have heard theives cycling through certain groups master/visa giftcards remotely and as soon as they are bought/activated, they remotely detect the actived card numbers and drain them quickly. US bank issued master cards are the worst regardless where you bought them as the card numbers are very very alike.
I do not know much about apple giftcards as I have never bought one. The worst I have experienced were the shell giftcards. I once bought $800 worth of shell giftcards from a home depot on the east coast and were stolen by some folks in CA 2 days later and I didn''''t realize it until 3 weeks later. The shell giftcard issuer sent me replacement cards which are more secure (with PINS), yes all $800 worth of cards. Its again the season of all the giftcards. Be careful.
你可以拿到补偿的礼物卡真是是运气好,我开始打电话给苹果,他们说他们不理卡是不是被盗。自己承受吧。 好在靶子店还算人道,给我新的卡,让我当场充值成功才走。
Well my guess is hacked apple giftcard is not a known problem to apple, yet and it is a shame that apple choose to ignore their loyal customers. Shell giftcards are well known to shell and I happened to have kept all the cards and receipts.
When dealing with giftcard theft, you should probably contact the card issuer (apple) and the vendor (target) and credit card issuer. The best credit card issuer is AMEX.
当时我也想拿这个卡买iPhone 12 pro,看网上review被盗扯皮的事特多,就没敢买。 楼主这个已经充值的钱不能用,肯定是苹果的问题
什么?我以为被盗的都是没有马上存的 马上存在账户里为什么也没用,这怎么盗用啊
从来不敢买target gc送人,都是去whole foods店里买Amazon的,然后还附上小票,万一出问题自己去找吧
去年我给小孩买过一个ipad pro画画用 后来她把屏敲碎了 我用apple care+去local店里换了一个
今年又敲碎了 然后店都不开门了 但是服务很好 先把新的寄到家里 同时给你一个盒子寄回去
我的印象里客服还是很周到的 可能节日里太忙?
我黑五跳的GameStop的东西一直没寄到 客服也找不到
相对比 Walmart直接爽气退钱
希望lzmm早日找到客服 解决问题 (我的印象里他们email回复的速度还挺快的)
楼主这个和Google pay不是一回事,target和 apple都是大公司,那个卡既然卖,楼主买了,没有任何问题。Google pay refer那个,还有以前板上很多refer,还有什么subscribe一个月然后退订,有的遇到不良商家退订就麻烦了
内鬼吧?No way to guess/try amazon giftcard numbers with alphanumeric combinations.
或者有个zero day什么的
thats certainly possible but there would have been tons of publicity as a whole lot more cards would have been hacked. So no, likely a small time crook''s work.
在apple community forum看到的。
为这种事当内鬼有点不值当 但who knows
我的礼物卡在店里和网上都买了。所以我觉得和网站买的没有关系。和target的总体的卡有关系 我的balance也在,也可以看到。但就是下单时候才知道能不能用。要不你下单试试,最后结账时候如果balance是灰色的就是不能用了。你试试看然后告诉我呀
我也是 每年都一堆事故
我要过了年才买东西,但是试了一下,可以apply balance.
如果不被盗还是很好的deal,买了$800的apple gift card,拿到$160的target card,正好用它买个打折的google nest3 thermostat
它家要么是IT太烂 要么就是故意不改 这都好几年了 问题依旧 从没听说过亚麻的GC被盗
你是选择pick up吧?我选的邮寄到家。要三个星期。我估计早一点也不会有事。时间段就是在12初有问题了
是的呀,要redeem账号里,我看上次有人说用gift card直接付款有限制,所以都redeem进去了,不等年后了,直接下单,选pick up了,最近包裹也老出问题,丢了俩了,这年头搞点deal也这么费劲。
我当时要是选pick up就好了,可是我根本不知道还有这个。