Talk to a doctor or pharmacist before using drugs with young kids. 2. Key facts Lidocaine gets to work quickly to numb pain. It''s generally a safe medicine and side effects are rare. If your baby is teething, check the instructions carefully before giving them lidocaine. Not all treatments are suitable for young children. Be careful having hot food and drinks after using lidocaine. The numbing effect means you could burn your mouth. There are a number of brand names, including Bonjela, Anbesol, Iglu, Calgel and Covonia. 3. Who can and can''t use lidocaine for mouth and throat Most adults and young people over the age of 16 years can use lidocaine for mouth and throat. There are also lidocaine products that are suitable for children and babies. Teething treatments are for babies from the age of 5 months or 6 months, depending on the brand. Always check the packaging and instructions before giving lidocaine to a baby. Lidocaine products can look very similar. Some are only suitable for people over the age of 16 years. This is because they contain choline salicylate (an ingredient related to aspirin). Important Do not give medicines containing choline salicylate to children under 16 years. It''s linked to a rare condition called Reye''s syndrome, which can be fatal. Lidocaine treatments are not suitable for some people. To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you or your child are: allergic to lidocaine or any other medicine very sensitive ("hypersensitive") to any of the ingredients Some lidocaine treatments for mouth and throat may contain very small amounts of alcohol. If this is a problem for you, check with a pharmacist.
给1岁的宝宝推荐网上的药 你是认真的吗????楼主你知道这么小的孩子绝对不能乱吃药的!什么西瓜霜粉都来了!中药更是不能乱吃啊!你别再折腾自己的孩子了好吗????赶紧送他去医院吧!!!!再拖出了更严重的问题怕你要后悔一辈子!
Re. 不要乱用老人或网友推荐的任何药物。娃太小,一定要看医生,遵医嘱。如果你不相信一个医生的话,就换另一个医生,但不能随便给娃乱用药,以免出问题后悔莫及。
我真是服了这个家长 有病不看病 医生说的话全都不听 疫苗也不打 也不给孩子刷牙 就知道满世界发帖 到底是求助还是求关注? child service真的需要关注一下这个家!
这种情况急诊恐怕要等上六个小时, 我觉得应该先test for covid
COVID testing完全不受罪啊,就是棉签在鼻孔里擦一下,不疼不痒,基本没感觉,不是那种伸到很里面的。
楼主,烧了五天还不抓紧解决问题?得新冠都没那么恐怖啊。少看点中文文章,日子就正常了。带好口罩去children’s hospital 急诊吧。
Talk to a doctor or pharmacist before using drugs with young kids.
2. Key facts Lidocaine gets to work quickly to numb pain. It''s generally a safe medicine and side effects are rare. If your baby is teething, check the instructions carefully before giving them lidocaine. Not all treatments are suitable for young children. Be careful having hot food and drinks after using lidocaine. The numbing effect means you could burn your mouth. There are a number of brand names, including Bonjela, Anbesol, Iglu, Calgel and Covonia.
3. Who can and can''t use lidocaine for mouth and throat Most adults and young people over the age of 16 years can use lidocaine for mouth and throat. There are also lidocaine products that are suitable for children and babies. Teething treatments are for babies from the age of 5 months or 6 months, depending on the brand. Always check the packaging and instructions before giving lidocaine to a baby. Lidocaine products can look very similar. Some are only suitable for people over the age of 16 years. This is because they contain choline salicylate (an ingredient related to aspirin).
Important Do not give medicines containing choline salicylate to children under 16 years. It''s linked to a rare condition called Reye''s syndrome, which can be fatal. Lidocaine treatments are not suitable for some people. To make sure this medicine is safe for you, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you or your child are: allergic to lidocaine or any other medicine very sensitive ("hypersensitive") to any of the ingredients Some lidocaine treatments for mouth and throat may contain very small amounts of alcohol. If this is a problem for you, check with a pharmacist.
我也觉得 才一岁 怎么就黄成这样