有谁已经sick of identity politics

楼主 (北美华人网)
我个人支持帮助social economic disadvantage的人,不管是哪个种族。 但是民主党的字典里,天天都是black, latino, asian, gay, lesbian, straight, christian, muslim, jews。。。不管什么事,毫无例外的要扯到上面来。。。 Martin Luther King: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~From the “I have a dream” speech
而且民主党政客一直在制造对立 bottom 50% vs top 1%。。。但美国真正需要解决的是 bottom 99% vs top 0.01%

我个人支持帮助social economic disadvantage的人,不管是哪个种族。 但是民主党的字典里,天天都是black, latino, asian, gay, lesbian, straight, christian, muslim, jews。。。不管什么事,毫无例外的要扯到上面来。。。 Martin Luther King: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~From the “I have a dream” speech
而且民主党政客一直在制造对立 bottom 50% vs top 1%。。。但美国真正需要解决的是 bottom 99% vs top 0.01%

yougotit 发表于 2020-12-16 11:29

不提的话: 以后好莱坞从来不用亚裔的演员。
原因是:I don't see color,
我个人支持帮助social economic disadvantage的人,不管是哪个种族。 但是民主党的字典里,天天都是black, latino, asian, gay, lesbian, straight, christian, muslim, jews。。。不管什么事,毫无例外的要扯到上面来。。。 Martin Luther King: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~From the “I have a dream” speech
而且民主党政客一直在制造对立 bottom 50% vs top 1%。。。但美国真正需要解决的是 bottom 99% vs top 0.01%

yougotit 发表于 2020-12-16 11:29

你川皇不就是identity politics 玩得如火纯青的一主儿吗, 不仅能pit whites against minorities, 还能pit minorities against each other!
你川皇不就是identity politics 玩得如火纯青的一主儿吗, 不仅能pit whites against minorities, 还能pit minorities against each other!
VozProgresiva 发表于 2020-12-16 11:32

回复 4楼yougotit的帖子
我个人支持帮助social economic disadvantage的人,不管是哪个种族。 但是民主党的字典里,天天都是black, latino, asian, gay, lesbian, straight, christian, muslim, jews。。。不管什么事,毫无例外的要扯到上面来。。。 Martin Luther King: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~From the “I have a dream” speech
而且民主党政客一直在制造对立 bottom 50% vs top 1%。。。但美国真正需要解决的是 bottom 99% vs top 0.01%

yougotit 发表于 2020-12-16 11:29

这个有点像老毛说的,阶级斗争,一抓就灵。 美国也是,某党发现,种族问题,一抓就灵。 某人说,“不选我你就不是黑人”,然后就抓到选票了。