有个东西是我和另一个同事一起做的,姑且叫这个同事A吧。这个东西是A的老板B的组主要负责的,我有点在年底帮个忙的性质。今天我,我的老板,A, A的老板B开了会,开会主要目的是B想了解一下我们做的这个东西的进展,给我们跟大老板C汇报做准备。B对进展挺满意的,说让我们做个summary到时候给大老板做C汇报的时候用。我本来想着开完会联系一下同事A一起讨论做个summary。结果开完会同事A直接IM我,问我能不能做这个summary, he would be happy to take the lead to speak about our process blabla。总之他的如意算盘就是leg work我做,跟大老板C露脸讲话的事儿他来做。我都惊呆了,竟有如此厚颜无耻之人!…… 我跟这个同事A平级,都属于大老板C的大组,但是不同小组。大家说我该怎么回复这个同事A?
有个东西是我和另一个同事一起做的,姑且叫这个同事A吧。这个东西是A的老板B的组主要负责的,我有点在年底帮个忙的性质。今天我,我的老板,A, A的老板B开了会,开会主要目的是B想了解一下我们做的这个东西的进展,给我们跟大老板C汇报做准备。B对进展挺满意的,说让我们做个summary到时候给大老板做C汇报的时候用。我本来想着开完会联系一下同事A一起讨论做个summary。结果开完会同事A直接IM我,问我能不能做这个summary, he would be happy to take the lead to speak about our process blabla。总之他的如意算盘就是leg work我做,跟大老板C露脸讲话的事儿他来做。我都惊呆了,竟有如此厚颜无耻之人!…… 我跟这个同事A评级,都属于大老板C的大组,但是不同小组。大家说我该怎么回复这个同事A? 小翅膀 发表于 2020-12-09 17:35
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''s the priority of this task"... etc.
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''s the priority of this task"... etc. mouseketeer 发表于 2020-12-09 17:41
看你俩谁做的多了,如果人家做得多,让给他这一次也没什么。要是你做得多,你回他: Thank you, you don't have to, I've prepared for the report, you are welcome to add more in case I miss something.
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''''''s the priority of this task"... etc. mouseketeer 发表于 2020-12-09 17:41
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''s the priority of this task"... etc. mouseketeer 发表于 2020-12-09 17:41
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''s the priority of this task"... etc. mouseketeer 发表于 2020-12-09 17:41
这个高赞回答认真的吗?这也太生硬了,不但在A那里不落好,还给两个老板留下处事不力不好合作的印象,一点小事就要escalate。这个任务的scope和priority不是都很清楚了吗,老板才不想手把手教你怎么分工,老板只想要最终的呈现 如果像lz说的本身是A的项目,lz搭把手帮忙,那么A的提议其实比较合理,lz的visibility来源应该在于一开始自愿或者被分配帮忙的时候,和最后A讲的时候给你的credit。如果A不是会厚脸皮独吞credit的小人(如果第一次合作不要一上来就assume对方是这种人),那么大可不必这么territorial,职场是长跑,各方面人际关系搞好才能走得远。如果lz想找点存在感,那么完全可以回A的短信提议你俩单独开会to hammer out the details,开会讨论的时候可以把一些任务推回给A,比如你可以提议你自己出哪些原始数据,哪些东西would be better for him to take on for better flow之类冠冕堂皇的理由。两个老板那里你可以在跟A set up meeting之后回邮件cc A,说谢谢大家的宝贵建议,你和A会have a follow up meeting today and work out a draft by xx time for review,这样显得你有leadership和take initiative。最关键的是所有这些交流都要显得友好和cooperative
这个高赞回答认真的吗?这也太生硬了,不但在A那里不落好,还给两个老板留下处事不力不好合作的印象,一点小事就要escalate。这个任务的scope和priority不是都很清楚了吗,老板才不想手把手教你怎么分工,老板只想要最终的呈现 如果像lz说的本身是A的项目,lz搭把手帮忙,那么A的提议其实比较合理,lz的visibility来源应该在于一开始自愿或者被分配帮忙的时候,和最后A讲的时候给你的credit。如果A不是会厚脸皮独吞credit的小人(如果第一次合作不要一上来就assume对方是这种人),那么大可不必这么territorial,职场是长跑,各方面人际关系搞好才能走得远。如果lz想找点存在感,那么完全可以回A的短信提议你俩单独开会to hammer out the details,开会讨论的时候可以把一些任务推回给A,比如你可以提议你自己出哪些原始数据,哪些东西would be better for him to take on for better flow之类冠冕堂皇的理由。两个老板那里你可以在跟A set up meeting之后回邮件cc A,说谢谢大家的宝贵建议,你和A会have a follow up meeting today and work out a draft by xx time for review,这样显得你有leadership和take initiative。最关键的是所有这些交流都要显得友好和cooperative Night_Cat 发表于 2020-12-09 22:56
Forward his email to your boss and his boss and ask for opinions. Remember to cite his original quote. You may copy him as including him in the loop. Don''''''''t say anything subjective, emotional, or judgmental. Only calmly ask questions like "what shall be included in the job", "what''''s the priority of this task"... etc.
就说你觉得一起汇报比较好, 给些理由~
I'd like to make sure that everyone is on the same pg.
huh? 有这么白痴的建议还有人点赞?
如果像lz说的本身是A的项目,lz搭把手帮忙,那么A的提议其实比较合理,lz的visibility来源应该在于一开始自愿或者被分配帮忙的时候,和最后A讲的时候给你的credit。如果A不是会厚脸皮独吞credit的小人(如果第一次合作不要一上来就assume对方是这种人),那么大可不必这么territorial,职场是长跑,各方面人际关系搞好才能走得远。如果lz想找点存在感,那么完全可以回A的短信提议你俩单独开会to hammer out the details,开会讨论的时候可以把一些任务推回给A,比如你可以提议你自己出哪些原始数据,哪些东西would be better for him to take on for better flow之类冠冕堂皇的理由。两个老板那里你可以在跟A set up meeting之后回邮件cc A,说谢谢大家的宝贵建议,你和A会have a follow up meeting today and work out a draft by xx time for review,这样显得你有leadership和take initiative。最关键的是所有这些交流都要显得友好和cooperative
这种帮助别人的事情如果我有bandwidth的话也很乐意参与,但是对我个人的好处我是从长计议的;其一跟A和A组搞好关系,将来熟人多好办事,其二学到A组的技术,其三了解A组的流程。这三点将来都可以帮你拉跨组的合作项目,或者从大局方面propose一些对技术或流程的改进方案或者新的应用领域,当然这些你propose的新项目你也更容易顺理成章take lead。你的credit应该主要来源于这些你自己take lead的项目,而不是在别人lead的项目里毫厘必争地抢
如果楼主不愿意帮忙写总结,可以表示那是你的project,you know the best
哦天啊 职场白痴。。。