Its not just usps, fedex also make mistakes in my neighborhood. Actually I don't have problem with usps delivery, but our fedex package gets stolen cuz the driver don't bother to ring the bell. This year has been pretty bad due to pandemic and leftist zero bail policies. There is basically no punishment for mail theft. Criminal go out at 2,3 am, circling neighborhood looking for easy steal. So be sure to collect your mail before evening urthur 发表于 2020-12-10 00:13
And what? Doesn''''''''t mean anything if the police is so overwhelmed that they can''''''''t reinforce it fast enough. There are criminals who have gone on multiple mail thefts and other types of thefts/larceny since being released by judges, and bragging about how they can continue undeterred because of policies like zero bail. In a sense you are lucky that just your mail got stolen because police will investigate these as fed crimes, and you can do credit freezing People whose catalytic converters are hauled away from their prius in the middle of night (cost more than 3000 to replace) have only their insurance companies to cry to, IF they are lucky enough to have bought comprehensive You know there is one liberal extremist on one of our local forums who would straight up tell you that you are a racist for reporting and talking about these crimes, and that you deserve being stolen for not safe guarding your own mail box
现在的mail theft真的很嚣张,看法例算crime可以判up to one year,为什么还有这么多偷信的 Jicama 发表于 2020-12-10 01:20
A lot of jurisdictions are releasinf criminals of less serious crimes because they don''t want to overcrowd the prison and cause covid spreading in prisons, So one the criminal population suddenly increased, and two there is not effective deterrent right now to stop the thieves
这个属于脑袋有包吧?我破坏什么了 trump上台又不是我造成的
站在川普一边的是千万万草根,你又是站在哪边? 既然你选择了与巨富腐败BLM为伍,选择了破坏,那对邮件这些破事应该欣喜若狂才是,何必精分?
杨戬超帅啊 迷恋了他大半年
是的是的 他很好看的
和某沪剧顶级演员是青梅竹马 结果因为不明原因被强拆了
edit:原来是卖房成功 你们这些欢乐的小伙伴们啊……
我也丢过一次 除了社安号都在里面
谢谢 谢谢 不过警察告诉我 偷usps投递的信和包裹 都是联邦罪 哪怕是从我门口而不是信箱拿的
我太笨 硬是没理解你要说啥
And what? Doesn''''''''t mean anything if the police is so overwhelmed that they can''''''''t reinforce it fast enough. There are criminals who have gone on multiple mail thefts and other types of thefts/larceny since being released by judges, and bragging about how they can continue undeterred because of policies like zero bail.
In a sense you are lucky that just your mail got stolen because police will investigate these as fed crimes, and you can do credit freezing People whose catalytic converters are hauled away from their prius in the middle of night (cost more than 3000 to replace) have only their insurance companies to cry to, IF they are lucky enough to have bought comprehensive
You know there is one liberal extremist on one of our local forums who would straight up tell you that you are a racist for reporting and talking about these crimes, and that you deserve being stolen for not safe guarding your own mail box
A lot of jurisdictions are releasinf criminals of less serious crimes because they don''t want to overcrowd the prison and cause covid spreading in prisons, So one the criminal population suddenly increased, and two there is not effective deterrent right now to stop the thieves
谢谢建议 找机会用员工福利去咨询一下律师
除了三家机构的credit freeze, 还要关注IRS, Social Security, 官网注册账号,每年review
谨慎起见,我决定还是要看看credit report, 虽然都freeze了
我一同事开特斯拉 窗户总是被砸 他在窗户上留了个条 “车内无财物” 还是照样被砸
我听到了 也想知道他都去哪里玩了 他可以准确无误的告诉你哪个电影院不能去 那个in and out burger不安全
但我不知道我做了什么引起了小偷的兴趣。。。我从来不锦衣夜行 但我家的周围确实挺奇怪的 周边房价死贵 流浪汉也很多
流浪汉本身不大会是小偷 但是说明我们这边贫富不均到了一个可怕的程度了
比如放一张假的可以track location的信用卡在邮箱里 是不是可以帮助发现贼的老巢?
谢谢 你说的对 后续谁知道贼又有什么新花样 这是一套成熟的产业链
这个有点可怕 这是要怎么做到的呢?
通常这样的操作先要转个一分钱 通过了才允许大额转账的吧?
我家的一个账户一次被一下子转走6000 银行完全没发现 就是万恶的BOA。
嗯好 记住了。。。 谢谢分享的jms
这次被盗让我充分体会到了2-step verification的重要性
警察不太管或者管不过来的。 我们这里nextdoor 会有人post些有人偷包裹,或者夜里试每个车有没有锁,或者砸车窗的。 警察很少能抓到。抓到的时候也是碰巧。
今天和同事聊了聊 他去年也被盗了 小偷在home depot申请了一个贷款
是的是的 不太指望抓到 偷车的更是让人头痛的了
我有个app好像叫citizen 最近也是附近偷包的notification频发
borrower 好像必须在 title 上
"只好锁了信用,每次用时临时解一下" 请问一下,这个具体怎么操作的?
去你自己州的unemployment申请网站上赶紧的先把自己的名字给sign up一个account(虽然你不需要真的填写失业申请),但是记得先把自己的坑填上!你先注册了自己名字,别人就没法用你的名字了,只能找还没注册的人来冒名顶替了。(想想这逻辑很感人吧!)大家有空记得最好去州申请失业救济的网站注册一下自己的account。