Quoting this link: https://www.airtreks.com/ready/how-much-does-an-rtw-trip-cost/#:~:text=For%20the%20sake%20of%20argument,road%20than%20staying%20at%20home. ``` Here’s how much a round the world trip will cost* The general consensus from travelers who’ve done these trips is that a year on the road costs somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000. However, that is just the middle of the bell curve. If you prefer to live in the lap of luxury, flying in business class and staying at the Four Seasons, you’re going to have to pay a lot more than that. But if you’re a lowly backpacker, you could potentially travel the world for a year on $6,000 (it has been done!) For the sake of argument, let’s average a comfortable RTW year-long trip at $24,000. If you break that down monthly, a Round the World trip will cost one person around $2,000 per month, taking everything into consideration. For many people it’s cheaper to be on the road than staying at home. *This shouldn’t be taken as a hard and fast number, since variables for your particular traveling style are numerous. Keep in mind that the longer the trip, the less you spend on a daily basis simply because you don’t need to fill each day with activities or spending expensive time in airports. This is the reason why we’ve said that longer trips can actually be cheaper on a relative basis. If you want some further hard numbers on how much a round the world trip cost, there’s a selection of travel bloggers who have posted their numbers online for all to compare and to evaluate. The travel blog Jack and Jill Travel has compiled some of the best. The blog RTW Expenses put together a yearlong tally of their personal costs for a RTW trip. And finally, AirTreks producer Gil Gildner wrote an extensive account of his 40 day, 6-destination trip around the world along with how much it cost per day. ```
是啊,有穷游有富游,有决心的人有钱无钱随时都能游! 关键老了有体力精力游吗?
穷人:我想住海边,无敌景色,新鲜空气 富人:我苦苦辛劳一生都买不起那样的房子,请问您如何办到?
Re这个。 我妈一老同学,50年代大学生体制外退休(没多少退休金),退休后多年跟旅行团全世界基本玩遍。 曾跟我妈说孩子在国外吃穿不用担心,最后留5万作为安葬费,其余打算全花掉。前几年身体不好那年没出游,当年就去世了。 我很佩服。
``` Here’s how much a round the world trip will cost* The general consensus from travelers who’ve done these trips is that a year on the road costs somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000.
However, that is just the middle of the bell curve. If you prefer to live in the lap of luxury, flying in business class and staying at the Four Seasons, you’re going to have to pay a lot more than that. But if you’re a lowly backpacker, you could potentially travel the world for a year on $6,000 (it has been done!) For the sake of argument, let’s average a comfortable RTW year-long trip at $24,000. If you break that down monthly, a Round the World trip will cost one person around $2,000 per month, taking everything into consideration. For many people it’s cheaper to be on the road than staying at home.
*This shouldn’t be taken as a hard and fast number, since variables for your particular traveling style are numerous.
Keep in mind that the longer the trip, the less you spend on a daily basis simply because you don’t need to fill each day with activities or spending expensive time in airports. This is the reason why we’ve said that longer trips can actually be cheaper on a relative basis.
If you want some further hard numbers on how much a round the world trip cost, there’s a selection of travel bloggers who have posted their numbers online for all to compare and to evaluate. The travel blog Jack and Jill Travel has compiled some of the best. The blog RTW Expenses put together a yearlong tally of their personal costs for a RTW trip.
And finally, AirTreks producer Gil Gildner wrote an extensive account of his 40 day, 6-destination trip around the world along with how much it cost per day. ```
现在都wfh 了,当然是去欧洲找个小镇住几个月才好啊。
一条具备远洋sailing能力的船:大约50万~60万美元。当然如果奢侈一点$70~100万。 每年船的的配件,维修,船保险,油料,水,。。。总共5万美元。 上岸旅游,食物,生活费,医疗保险每人3~4万。两个人6万左右。
住一两个月就没必要住在旅游景点上吧。欧洲交通那么方便。再说wfh 是拿工资的,欧洲再贵能怎样。 旅游其实并不耗钱。大部分人主要有家有口走不开。
还有很搞笑的是放话老了飞必头等舱住必Ritz Carlton, 怎么可能啊一辈子都节俭的人。。。。。。
为什么啊,我们都是每年带孩子春假和秋季这一个星期出个国,占个两头周日周末有个9-10天。从孩子一年级起就这样。Daycare 的时候更加是选择淡季出国去。不过不能有好不容易买个机票,要多玩几个地方的想法,否则要累死的。真的到了暑假我们到不太爱出去了,太热。
也不想去, 也不敢去印度!!
我只想在 英国, 美国, 加拿大, 澳大利亚 之间看看.
旅游的话, 只去 伦敦, 旧金山, 墨尔本等就可以了吧!!
so true. la jolla cove一堆homeless
我们没假,每年暑假是赶deadline最关键的时候,1月又有一个deadline,然后两个人的假期又很难刚好配合上。一年能凑出2次 1周的长假就不错了,还要用其中一次回国看父母,回国也是每地只能呆3天,别提多累了
Mid Range: $30,000 -- $60, 000 贵的地方可以住久一点,3星左右的旅馆,或者airbnb。部分饭自己做。
Luxury: $60,000 + 可以坐飞机的first class,around world ticket 算下来不过$15,000左右,去15个地方, 4星以上的旅馆。吃饭是你爱怎么吃就怎么吃。
里面包括travel insurance,它是根据你的年龄大小来决定的。比如你是60 - 64岁,保险是$138,比住在美国便宜多了。实际上有很多美国人在外旅游,比自己在美国住还便宜。
赞干货! 退休后最好是打时间差,计划时错开当地旺季最合算。我算过5,6万两个人大约可以玩三个月的,头等加四五星酒店。