yeah. Chase is charging the annual fee. The retention offer is to offset the 300 travel credit which is mostly useless due to the pandemic. But I heard you can you the $300 towards grocery purchase so win win for the consumers.
You are wrong on this one. Nothing to do with your saving account size or the size of your man/women hood. All have to do with your spending habit and credit worthiness. Chase has already spent tons of marketing money to make you their customer, they are smart to spend a bit more to retain you. As I said you should do that to your Citi cards as well. You likely will be pleasantly surprised.
整个过程不超过5分钟,这个客服电话也很好打,很快就有人接听。Good luck~~
之前没有每家都去要,只要过american express,客服很不高兴,浪费了很多时间,结果一点retention offer没要到,还把卡关了。
哇 真的可以吗 有mm试过sapphire preferred吗
不需要剧本,开门见山说因为疫情旅游少了感觉这张卡没有很好地利用,有没有retention offer。客服查了一下很爽快就offer了$250,我很愉快接受了。看了一下通话时间,3分钟
$550 ANNUAL FEE†† $75 for each authorized user**
mark. 今年四月份收了年费的还能要credit吗?
同老客户,saving,checking都在他家,freedom用了超过十年,当年打电话去,完全不挽留,特别拽的就把我csr给关了,导致俺损失了几w的credit line,也失去了唯一一张没有ftf的外币卡,更没薅到GE的羊毛,后来他家还改规则说48个月内不能再拿cs系列的开卡福利!本来钱存chase也一点利息没有,觉得他家现在越来越烂,考虑把钱全部转走关户算了,哼!
我的年费要2月份才出来,请问我是现在要retention offer还是2月份要? 多谢。
我也是2016年10月就有这张卡了。打电话的时候,她说卡可以降级到了无年费的卡,我说我不想降级,我还想持有这张卡。最后给了150。你再打电话试试。不要说retention offer, 就说看见报纸上说有这个offer。
找找reward point 里有没有"pay you self back"
Pay yourself back是需要自己付点数的。
yeah. Chase is charging the annual fee. The retention offer is to offset the 300 travel credit which is mostly useless due to the pandemic. But I heard you can you the $300 towards grocery purchase so win win for the consumers.
和travel credit没关系。另外要的。
用啊,$300 credit, $60door cash,现在要回来$150。还准备申请ink business,转成点一起用。
我没要到,说系统里没有这个offer,不知道是不是得等renewal fee交了才可以有
多谢LZ通报,我的卡是2月份的月费,刚打电话,他们居然也给了150刀,我没说要关卡,就问我的账号有没有RETENTION OFFER,他们就给了150。本来犹豫明年要不要关卡,这下一定不关了。希望明年也有300刀用于买菜如果旅游不能恢复的话。 其实这张卡对旅游真的很用。有次我飞机天气取消,被困在纽约,住宿吃饭都报销了,我怕不报住到新泽西,也花了两百刀,当时太多飞机被取消,纽约好一点的酒店都要近四百了。后来报销很顺利。好像当次每人能报500。
我也会用300+150,会费回来了。那个DOOR DSAH好像只有前两年有吧。 这个还可以用买东西FINAL SALE应该可以退,就是要运费。
我也是2月的年费,刚打电话说没有retention。但是客服说,12月起你就可以用下一个cycle的$300 travel/grocery credit了,你可以先用着,用完了明年1月再给我们电话看看有没有retention你再考虑要不要关
不会,我今年的300刀已经grocery 报销了,现在还有这个retention offer
You are wrong on this one. Nothing to do with your saving account size or the size of your man/women hood. All have to do with your spending habit and credit worthiness. Chase has already spent tons of marketing money to make you their customer, they are smart to spend a bit more to retain you. As I said you should do that to your Citi cards as well. You likely will be pleasantly surprised.
年初travel拿到$300 travel credit的可以打电话吗?
可以。every card holder is eligible. worst they could say is No and it only cost you 2 minutes.
Hang up and try again. Tell them you are seriously considering closing the account.
They simply tell me to downgrade to the no annual fee card.
CSR疫情期间有新添特别福利,每年$300 travel credit可以继续用在超市和加油站,到6/30/2021为止~ 这$300是电话都不用打就可以报销的。楼主打电话要到的$250貌似是在$300之外额外的credit