最后那个图是年轻人有组织的一个mob行为 他们聚集在一起冲击哈罗德 反covid的人在背后组织的闹事活动 这些反covid 措施的人在英国就是脱欧党+dailymail这个群体鼓动,在澳大利亚就是sky news, 在美国就是 FOX. 这些媒体背后老板都高度重合的。可恨至极。 Hundreds of young people try to enter Harrods in chaotic scenes as police make four arrests for brawl and Covid rule violations as huge crowds gather in Covent Garden A huge crowd of young people gathered outside the Harrods luxury department store in Knightsbridge, LondonChaotic scenes ensued as the large group attempted to enter Harrods and gathered in the streets.Four arrests were made after Metropolitan Police were called to the scene and the crowd has since dispersed
最后那个图是年轻人有组织的一个mob行为 他们聚集在一起冲击哈罗德 反covid的人在背后组织的闹事活动 这些反covid 措施的人在英国就是脱欧党+dailymail这个群体鼓动,在澳大利亚就是sky news, 在美国就是 FOX. 这些媒体背后老板都高度重合的。可恨至极。 Hundreds of young people try to enter Harrods in chaotic scenes as police make four arrests for brawl and Covid rule violations as huge crowds gather in Covent Garden A huge crowd of young people gathered outside the Harrods luxury department store in Knightsbridge, LondonChaotic scenes ensued as the large group attempted to enter Harrods and gathered in the streets.Four arrests were made after Metropolitan Police were called to the scene and the crowd has since dispersed
大多数人没戴口罩,社交距离更别提 官方采访不戴口罩的人,他们表示疫苗要来了所以安全了 12月6日(周日),英国卫生部表示,被NHS称为英国历史上最大规模的疫苗接种推广计划将于12月8日(周二)正式开启:届时,一线医护人员、80岁以上的老人和护理院工作人员将优先接种新冠疫苗。
大家都不用上班的, 又没有地方去健身
室外 欧美人不习惯戴
各大购物中心, 宜家人多的吓人
健身房, 酒吧都关了
不去购物, 你说去干啥??
想出去吃不用说支持零售业 要支持可以只给钱 扔下钱就跑
是的啊,一方面是想出去吃,另一方面也是想支持一下本地经济啊,吃完了小费给足,再逛逛独立小店买点东西, 店家开门做生意的,也不是开门伸手要钱的,为什么要扔下钱跑呢?
Hundreds of young people try to enter Harrods in chaotic scenes as police make four arrests for brawl and Covid rule violations as huge crowds gather in Covent Garden A huge crowd of young people gathered outside the Harrods luxury department store in Knightsbridge, London Chaotic scenes ensued as the large group attempted to enter Harrods and gathered in the streets. Four arrests were made after Metropolitan Police were called to the scene and the crowd has since dispersed
我没保存链接,随手关掉了。感谢楼里oceanseven同学发了图片出处 还有这个相关的,你凑合看着: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9021981/Hundreds-young-people-try-enter-Harrods-chaotic-scenes-police-make-four-arrests.html
不过,英国解封的步子是不是迈得太快了啊,餐馆这就开放了?? 法国还要等到圣诞假期后两周,即一月二十日再决定开不开。。。法国重开各种非essential商业以来一周,每日新增又下不去了,日均一万,餐馆还没开呢。搞不好圣诞期间就第三波。
现在说走tier system 我觉得步子太大了 所以家里躲躲
我天天出门购物, 人山人海的
我从3月到现在, 天天出门, 天天柏林外面的城铁地铁,购物中心都是人山人海的 一点事没有