川普的律师还要打官司。我觉得没用。之前大家都寄希望于最高法院,结果最高法院也被收买了。没有法院或者法官审理这个案子,这个官司要怎么打?林伍德的告乔州州长和秘书的案子已经到最高法院了,看这些腐败的大法官们怎么说吧!还有下周的联邦政府参议院关于选举舞弊案的听证会。事情到底要如何发展就看下周了。 Sydney 的几个舞弊州的案子被驳回了,她还在申诉!
川普自己会去告,应该就不会以立场为由拒绝了。 大约6天前fox 的Maria 采访国家情报总监Radcliffe 有一段话,大约是: Maria: so there is a potential incoming Biden administration agree this about China ? Will they change policy? Radcliff: well.. this election issues, we will see who is in what seats and weather there will be Biden administration.... 这位会在12 月出一份是否有外国势力干涉大选的报告。 败灯不可能的。
川普自己会去告,应该就不会以立场为由拒绝了。 大约6天前fox 的Maria 采访国家情报总监Radcliffe 有一段话,大约是: Maria: so there is a potential incoming Biden administration agree this about China ? Will they change policy? Radcliff: well.. this election issues, we will see who is in what seats and weather there will be Biden administration.... 这位会在12 月出一份是否有外国势力干涉大选的报告。 败灯不可能的。 denis_sis 发表于 2020-12-12 22:52
who is Radcliff? 川普最后会赢?现在可是没人帮他,除了普通老百姓。我认为川普最后会赢是因为支持他的人站出来,他们就是普通的美国人,而不是和党的人或者法官。
FYI Nevada -Trump Electors meeting at the State Capitol, Monday, to vote for @realDonaldTrump. -This will create 2 slates of electors, forcing VP to decide which to accept. Ambiguity of the US code is our ally. -Trump behind effort. Read my and @TheKBTweets pinned threads.
给大家看看,我觉得行不通,因为和党的人大部分都不可信。 The President’s Constitutional Plan. It involves two steps, or two fronts: First the Courts, then the House. -The Trump Campaign, RNC, various state GOP Parties, third party organizations, are filing county, state, and federal lawsuits. A Republic, not a Democracy. The primary objective is to strategically get several ballots invalidated. -However, a secondary objective is to publicly expose “corruption” in these cities to both STATE reps and US House and Senate Leaders. This is crucial. While keeping the 73 million Trump supporters engaged and working behind the scenes. -There seems to be success in this, as two polls show 60% of the US now believe “fraud” occurred and only 49% believe Biden won. These polls have a 37-32 D:R bias. -Keep in mind, MSM “calls” are merely “projections” of how a state voted in the popular vote. Strictly speaking, they means nothing. -Win, or lose in court, the next step is the GOP State Legislatures (SLs) in PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA. A Republican, not a Democracy. -On December 14, 2020, Certified Electors from each state, cast their ballots for the President and VP. What many do not realize is they vote in their home state and their vote is sealed and NOT “counted” until January 6th. Crucial point. Now, the SLs have the Constitutional authority (under Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 and 3 U.S. Code § 2 and § 5) to appoint their own slate of Electors, loyal to President Trump, if they deem their state’s “POPULAR VOTE IS CORRUPTED”. In other words, the State GOP Legislature of Georgia, for example, can “conclude that the popular vote has been corrupted” and appoint a “competing slate” of electors, loyal to President Trump. For example, 20 Biden Electors from PA & 20 for Trump. A Republic, not a Democracy. The precedent for this is the 1876 Election when SC, LA, FL and (1 EV from OR) each sent competing Dem and Repub Electoral votes, sealed, to the archivist in D.C. -Keep in mind, NOTHING is “counted” yet. Another crucial point. On January 6, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution specifies that the “President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” That means that in the case of disputes about competing electoral slates, the President of the Senate—Vice President Pence—would appear to have the ultimate authority to decide which to accept and which to reject. This is supported by 3 U.S. Code § 15. Hence, Trump wins. -This is a de facto check on the Electoral College, which few realize because it only happened in 1876. A Republic, not a Democracy. If at that point, nobody gets to 270, the 12th Amendment stipulates, “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” Currently, Republicans have a state delegation majority with 26 (likely 30 in the new Congress) out of 50. Ergo, Trump wins. -Prez Trump has clearly discussed and been briefed on a strategy to contest the election via Constitutional means, first through the courts and then... .through House, saying at a Sept. 26 rally in—where else—Pennsylvania: “And I don’t want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don’t want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress — does everyone understand that? I think it’s.... 26 to 22 or something because it’s counted one vote per state, so we actually have an advantage. Oh, they’re going to be thrilled to hear that.” NO clearer indication exists that this was his plan all along. -Moreover, Politico reports, “In private, Trump has discussed the possibility of the presidential race being thrown into the House as well, raising the issue with GOP lawmakers, according to Republican sources" such as McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, etc.
-This would explain Sen. McConnell’s resolute backing of President Trump. It is clear, McConnell, who is shrewd and believes in raw power, knows POTUS is on solid Constitutional ground. With our help, he will hold the GOP Caucus in line.- In a contested 2020 election, like the Election of 1876, the Republican Senate and Democratic House would disagree on which electors to accept. This is called a “disputation.” A Republic, not a Democracy.Under the Constitution, there exists no mechanism to resolve a dispute in which the two houses of Congress cannot agree upon a certified set of electors, and there is no Constitutional role for the courts, including the Supreme Court. This is another crucial point. -Hence, Trump’s Sept. 26th references to FIRST the COURTS, then the HOUSE (see above). -The House and Senate GOP (McCarthy & McConnell) shall argue under the language of the 12th amendment, the President of the Senate—Vice President Mike Pence—has the sole discretion....to break a deadlock between the Senate and the House, and to either accept or dismiss disputed electors. -Republicans will point to the historical pedigree of the VP’s position, observing that the GOP made the same argument during the election of 1876.Given the language of the Twelfth Amendment, whatever its ambiguity and potential policy objections, there is no other possible single authority to identify for this purpose besides the President of the Senate to act as the arbiter of any disputes and break deadlocks.In fact, within Pence's powers, he could either accept the competing slates of electors submitted, or dismiss them as disputed, and not have them counted. A reduced total still delivers Trump a victory BECAUSE IT DEPRIVES BIDEN OF 270. This is another crucial point.If 270 is not reached, then under the 12th amend, “the House of Representatives shall "choose immediately", in this scenario, reelecting President Trump to a second term because, as stated above, the GOP controls the House Delegation majority. A Republic, not a Democracy.gSo, what we need to do is KEEP CALLING, EMAILING, ORGANIZAING, MARCHING, and FORCING the GOP at the State and Federal levels to appoint a Republican slate of electors for Prez Trump and SUPPORT HIM 1000%. End.In case anyone is wondering about @realDonaldTrump's plan re competing slates, he just claimed victory in PA again. By doing this, he's telegraphing to State GOP leaders, in his opinion "the popular vote is corrupted" and they must act. I'm trying 2b objective in my analysis.Addendum Trump’s Constitutional Plan (See above): -Dec. 14 the Electoral College votes, but on January 6, is when it is “counted”. -If one member of the House and one Senator dispute or "object" an electoral vote, or a state slate, both houses withdraw to debate the issue.Now, 3 U.S.C. § 6 says "if there is "controversy" re an election, then the governor must, "as soon as practicable after such determination," communicate, "under the seal of the State...a certificate of such determination in form and manner as the same shall have been made."This suggests that, if a governor is ignoring controversy, or a contested election result and not issuing a determination, and communicating it properly, s/he is breaking federal law. -I believe this too is where objections re "certified" state electors will arise on Jan 6.
For example, the GA, AZ, and PA results, will likely disputed by the Senate (R) because the govs of those states are AWOL, ignoring pleases for audits. Thus, their states' results will be challenged as "unlawfully certified". -This will be resisted by the Dem House.Now, under the Electoral Count Act of 1877, it is unclear if the House accepts a slate and the Senate rejects it, how to move beyond an impasse. What is clear is that tradition holds “The President of the Senate” is the tie breaker. Ergo, Trump wins.Therefore, if disputes are raised over MI, PA, GA, and AZ, for example, and the House (D) & Senate (R) are tied, and Pence decides to side with the GOP and throw out the slates (which he would), neither Biden or Trump, could get to 270. -The election results are rendered moot.If that occurs, the 12th Amendment CLEARLY says the “US House” delegations would “immediately” choose the president, while the Senate picks the VP. -The GOP controls 26 of 50 US House delegations. The House would reelect Trump. -The Senate reelects Pence.As I said earlier: we have a contested election. We are headed toward a Constitutional crisis. But @POTUS has a Constitutional plan, rooted in federalism, to be reelected. Pray, if you pray, and if you don't...maybe you should start.
这些自媒体要这样做就随便它,相信会有一大批新的平台出来淘汰掉现在这些无法无天的social media,这个是自然规律。
明天期待好消息,高法的法官们应该捍卫宪法。我希望是9:0。 太明显了。如果罗伯特继续搞怪,我希望以后他被换下去。
可是宾州的案子为什么dismissed ?
川普自己推特如是说,我倒认为17 州起诉法律意义更大。宾州的情况可以并入。
貌似是因为PA的case跟TX的属于重复case,所以TX的意义更重大,它开头了,现在那么多其他州跟上。Jay Sekulow说了,越多州加入,越能打赢高院的这个诉讼。
页面是不大好用。gab ?第一次听说,去看看。
其实交战双方都是高手,这个案子如果最高法院接受了,川普胜算把握在90%,除非出现某位保守派大法官突然变节的情况。 大选争议折腾了一个多月了,大家会产生一种错觉,以为会一直拖下去。其实恰恰相反,这种争议会随着最高法的判决忽然了结。来得快,去的也快。Deep State不过损失一个拜登,四年后再战 Quote Tweet WinViz @winviz1 · 14m 关心时政,分辨风向很重要。 这两天,忽然冒出铺天盖地的3个热点: 1. 对亨特拜登的税务调查和拜登家族的贪腐调查 2. 中国女间谍芳芳把民主党政治新星Eric Swalwell拖下水 3. 德州发起的最高法诉讼,让本已希望渺茫的川普看到了翻盘的希望 我有一种感觉:Deep State和美国主流媒体已经在准备放弃拜登了
都被渗透了。。刚看到一则消息,说加拿大土豆放任6。5 万解放军入镜,我记得中共在加拿大买了些地。这位到底要干什么。
Sydney 的几个舞弊州的案子被驳回了,她还在申诉!
你TM真逗。现在美国文革,民主党,BLM和antics对应的是造反派,打砸抢,清除”四旧”, 如果川普是毛,那邦人连续屁也不敢放一个。
哈哈又走到了起点?原来说州议会、参议会,州法院都是走个过场,尽快提交到最高法院就万事大吉了,现在被最高院打脸了,又重拾希望了,越走越抽抽了,川粉们给自己造了一个希望又给了另外一个希望。。 智商堪忧啊
大约6天前fox 的Maria 采访国家情报总监Radcliffe 有一段话,大约是: Maria: so there is a potential incoming Biden administration agree this about China ? Will they change policy? Radcliff: well.. this election issues, we will see who is in what seats and weather there will be Biden administration.... 这位会在12 月出一份是否有外国势力干涉大选的报告。
我不认为 ABC 是,先看诉状修改如何吧
who is Radcliff? 川普最后会赢?现在可是没人帮他,除了普通老百姓。我认为川普最后会赢是因为支持他的人站出来,他们就是普通的美国人,而不是和党的人或者法官。
-Trump Electors meeting at the State Capitol, Monday, to vote for @realDonaldTrump.
-This will create 2 slates of electors, forcing VP to decide which to accept. Ambiguity of the US code is our ally.
-Trump behind effort.
Read my and @TheKBTweets pinned threads.
历史上好像有这种先例,参议院-副总统 决定用哪份。彭斯任期到1/20/2021。不过也不敢保证共和党会保老川
Trump behind effort 他就是公开叛乱了。
🐖的策略是: 选前造舆论,让人觉得大多数邮寄都是🐖的票,这样赢了,也没人质疑。 选后通过媒体,让人觉得是你不服输而已。 控制法院州长,加上小部分的议员,让你官司绝对没办法打赢。 控制各个部门,让你无法取证。你没办法取证,自然就没证据了。
然而,几个事情出乎了🐖的预料。 川的票太多,🐖灌票明显。所以,留下了把柄。 封锁媒体,但川顺利的通过听证会突破了媒体。而且过度封锁,所以很多人都知道了舞弊的事情。 控制各个部门,让你无法取证,结果还是让川的团队取到了视频这种证据。
It involves two steps, or two fronts: First the Courts, then the House.
-The Trump Campaign, RNC, various state GOP Parties, third party organizations, are filing county, state, and federal lawsuits.
A Republic, not a Democracy.
The primary objective is to strategically get several ballots invalidated.
-However, a secondary objective is to publicly expose “corruption” in these cities to both STATE reps and US House and Senate Leaders. This is crucial.
While keeping the 73 million Trump supporters engaged and working behind the scenes.
-There seems to be success in this, as two polls show 60% of the US now believe “fraud” occurred and only 49% believe Biden won. These polls have a 37-32 D:R bias. -Keep in mind, MSM “calls” are merely “projections” of how a state voted in the popular vote. Strictly speaking, they means nothing.
-Win, or lose in court, the next step is the GOP State Legislatures (SLs) in PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA.
A Republican, not a Democracy. -On December 14, 2020, Certified Electors from each state, cast their ballots for the President and VP. What many do not realize is they vote in their home state and their vote is sealed and NOT “counted” until January 6th. Crucial point. Now, the SLs have the Constitutional authority (under Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 and 3 U.S. Code § 2 and § 5) to appoint their own slate of Electors, loyal to President Trump, if they deem their state’s “POPULAR VOTE IS CORRUPTED”.
In other words, the State GOP Legislature of Georgia, for example, can “conclude that the popular vote has been corrupted” and appoint a “competing slate” of electors, loyal to President Trump. For example, 20 Biden Electors from PA & 20 for Trump.
A Republic, not a Democracy. The precedent for this is the 1876 Election when SC, LA, FL and (1 EV from OR) each sent competing Dem and Repub Electoral votes, sealed, to the archivist in D.C.
-Keep in mind, NOTHING is “counted” yet. Another crucial point. On January 6, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution specifies that the “President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.” That means that in the case of disputes about competing electoral slates, the President of the Senate—Vice President Pence—would appear to have the ultimate authority to decide which to accept and which to reject. This is supported by 3 U.S. Code § 15. Hence, Trump wins. -This is a de facto check on the Electoral College, which few realize because it only happened in 1876.
A Republic, not a Democracy.
If at that point, nobody gets to 270, the 12th Amendment stipulates, “the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote.” Currently, Republicans have a state delegation majority with 26 (likely 30 in the new Congress) out of 50. Ergo, Trump wins.
-Prez Trump has clearly discussed and been briefed on a strategy to contest the election via Constitutional means, first through the courts and then...
.through House, saying at a Sept. 26 rally in—where else—Pennsylvania: “And I don’t want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don’t want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress — does everyone understand that? I think it’s....
26 to 22 or something because it’s counted one vote per state, so we actually have an advantage. Oh, they’re going to be thrilled to hear that.”
NO clearer indication exists that this was his plan all along. -Moreover, Politico reports, “In private, Trump has discussed the possibility of the presidential race being thrown into the House as well, raising the issue with GOP lawmakers, according to Republican sources" such as McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, etc.
A Republic, not a Democracy.Under the Constitution, there exists no mechanism to resolve a dispute in which the two houses of Congress cannot agree upon a certified set of electors, and there is no Constitutional role for the courts, including the Supreme Court. This is another crucial point. -Hence, Trump’s Sept. 26th references to FIRST the COURTS, then the HOUSE (see above).
-The House and Senate GOP (McCarthy & McConnell) shall argue under the language of the 12th amendment, the President of the Senate—Vice President Mike Pence—has the sole discretion....to break a deadlock between the Senate and the House, and to either accept or dismiss disputed electors.
-Republicans will point to the historical pedigree of the VP’s position, observing that the GOP made the same argument during the election of 1876.Given the language of the Twelfth Amendment, whatever its ambiguity and potential policy objections, there is no other possible single authority to identify for this purpose besides the President of the Senate to act as the arbiter of any disputes and break deadlocks.In fact, within Pence's powers, he could either accept the competing slates of electors submitted, or dismiss them as disputed, and not have them counted. A reduced total still delivers Trump a victory BECAUSE IT DEPRIVES BIDEN OF 270. This is another crucial point.If 270 is not reached, then under the 12th amend, “the House of Representatives shall "choose immediately", in this scenario, reelecting President Trump to a second term because, as stated above, the GOP controls the House Delegation majority.
A Republic, not a Democracy.gSo, what we need to do is KEEP CALLING, EMAILING, ORGANIZAING, MARCHING, and FORCING the GOP at the State and Federal levels to appoint a Republican slate of electors for Prez Trump and SUPPORT HIM 1000%.
End.In case anyone is wondering about @realDonaldTrump's plan re competing slates, he just claimed victory in PA again.
By doing this, he's telegraphing to State GOP leaders, in his opinion "the popular vote is corrupted" and they must act.
I'm trying 2b objective in my analysis.Addendum Trump’s Constitutional Plan (See above):
-Dec. 14 the Electoral College votes, but on January 6, is when it is “counted”. -If one member of the House and one Senator dispute or "object" an electoral vote, or a state slate, both houses withdraw to debate the issue.Now, 3 U.S.C. § 6 says "if there is "controversy" re an election, then the governor must, "as soon as practicable after such determination," communicate, "under the seal of the State...a certificate of such determination in form and manner as the same shall have been made."This suggests that, if a governor is ignoring controversy, or a contested election result and not issuing a determination, and communicating it properly, s/he is breaking federal law.
-I believe this too is where objections re "certified" state electors will arise on Jan 6.
-This will be resisted by the Dem House.Now, under the Electoral Count Act of 1877, it is unclear if the House accepts a slate and the Senate rejects it, how to move beyond an impasse. What is clear is that tradition holds “The President of the Senate” is the tie breaker. Ergo, Trump wins.Therefore, if disputes are raised over MI, PA, GA, and AZ, for example, and the House (D) & Senate (R) are tied, and Pence decides to side with the GOP and throw out the slates (which he would), neither Biden or Trump, could get to 270.
-The election results are rendered moot.If that occurs, the 12th Amendment CLEARLY says the “US House” delegations would “immediately” choose the president, while the Senate picks the VP. -The GOP controls 26 of 50 US House delegations.
The House would reelect Trump.
-The Senate reelects Pence.As I said earlier: we have a contested election.
We are headed toward a Constitutional crisis.
But @POTUS has a Constitutional plan, rooted in federalism, to be reelected.
Pray, if you pray, and if you don't...maybe you should start.
先在国会开听证会,让众多人知道舞弊这件事情的真相,尤其是更多的议员的认可。这样,🐖的反扑速度就会延缓 在最短的时间通过非常规手段,强行对所有签字进行验证,所有机器进行分析。拿到足够的证据,公之于众。