你们左媒CNN的新闻你们自己人都不信了?CNN自己都说,川普生怕拜登抢了他的功劳,催FDA催得比谁都急。 FDA chief meets with Meadows again as Trump remains frustrated with pace of vaccine approval CNN) Embattled Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn met with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for second day in a row on Wednesday as President Donald Trump remains frustrated no Covid-19 vaccine has been granted US emergency approval yet. The previously unscheduled meeting comes as Trump and White House officials have grown increasingly upset with the FDA chief over the what they believe is a delayed approval of the coronavirus vaccine. Agitation among administration officials grew overnight, after the United Kingdom became the first country to approve the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for use. A source familiar with internal coronavirus conversations said officials believe Hahn has had ample time to approve the vaccine. One person familiar with the President''''s thinking said part of his agitation is he wants to get as many people vaccinated as possible before he leaves office in order to get maximum bragging rights over this vaccine process. "He wants to put out as many vaccines as possible between now and January," the person said. "He doesn''''t want (President-elect Joe) Biden to get any credit for it." Speaking to reporters during the White House press briefing on Wednesday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Hahn''''s meeting with Meadows was "par for the course." "What I will say about Dr. Hahn is it is par for the course for the chief of staff to meet with him as we''''re trying to save American lives with the vaccine in record time," she said. The FDA did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment. An FDA official expressed annoyance that the White House didn''''t seem to understand that there was a process. "Let me be clear -- our career scientists have to make the decision and they will take the time that''''s needed to make the right call on this important decision," Hahn said in the statement. Pfizer applied for the emergency use authorization November 20. Emergency use authorization from the FDA is not the same as full approval but allows products to be used under particular circumstances before all the evidence is available for approval, according to previous CNN reporting. The FDA has previously said it has scheduled a meeting of its outside advisory panel to discuss Pfizer and BioNTech''''s application for emergency use authorization for a coronavirus vaccine for December 10. Meadows and Hahn met for the first time Monday, after Meadows summoned him to the White House. Hahn requested their meeting happen over the phone, one source said, but was told by the White House that the chief of staff preferred to meet in person. CNN''''s Maegan Vazquez contributed to this report. https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/02/politics/trump-hahn-fda-vaccine-mark-meadows/index.html
光看一群带任务的SB在这里胡扯还真以为美国人都快被病毒杀光了。 事实是, COVID 死亡率已经从3-4月时的4%降到0.88%, 这个死亡率比一般流感略高。如果你不是85以上高龄易感人群,以前得过流感没死成,那你得了新冠死亡概率也不高。 The researchers found that the age-specific infection fatality rate was extremely low among children and young adults, measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25. However, the rate progressively increased with age, growing from 0.4% at 55 to around 15% at 85. 更重要的是,现在不但已经有了好几家公司出了疫苗,而且疫苗接下来几个星期就要分发到人了 SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- As the number of coronavirus cases continued to surge across California on Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that the state is set to receive 327,000 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in December.
光看一群带任务的SB在这里胡扯还真以为美国人都快被病毒杀光了。 事实是, COVID 死亡率已经从3-4月时的4%降到0.88%, 这个死亡率比一般流感略高。如果你不是85以上高龄易感人群,以前得过流感没死成,那你得了新冠死亡概率也不高。 The researchers found that the age-specific infection fatality rate was extremely low among children and young adults, measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25. However, the rate progressively increased with age, growing from 0.4% at 55 to around 15% at 85. 更重要的是,现在不但已经有了好几家公司出了疫苗,而且疫苗接下来几个星期就要分发到人了 SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- As the number of coronavirus cases continued to surge across California on Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that the state is set to receive 327,000 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in December. babyG 发表于 2020-12-02 19:28
🔥 最新回帖
trump的态度一直是就是个大号感冒 正好可以印钱了
I am so sick of him.
六月投降? 我觉得 Trump 对这个事从来就是无所谓的态度.
就像你家小宝宝一直在跟你抱怨他的一个玩具有点儿坏了. 几天说了好几次, 而你只是觉得烦.
🛋️ 沙发板凳
该做的都做了,包括带头不戴口罩,说病毒就是个flu, 自己一家人感染了还跑出来说年轻了 20岁。
你们左媒CNN的新闻你们自己人都不信了?CNN自己都说,川普生怕拜登抢了他的功劳,催FDA催得比谁都急。 FDA chief meets with Meadows again as Trump remains frustrated with pace of vaccine approval
CNN) Embattled Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn met with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows for second day in a row on Wednesday as President Donald Trump remains frustrated no Covid-19 vaccine has been granted US emergency approval yet.
The previously unscheduled meeting comes as Trump and White House officials have grown increasingly upset with the FDA chief over the what they believe is a delayed approval of the coronavirus vaccine. Agitation among administration officials grew overnight, after the United Kingdom became the first country to approve the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for use. A source familiar with internal coronavirus conversations said officials believe Hahn has had ample time to approve the vaccine. One person familiar with the President''''s thinking said part of his agitation is he wants to get as many people vaccinated as possible before he leaves office in order to get maximum bragging rights over this vaccine process.
"He wants to put out as many vaccines as possible between now and January," the person said. "He doesn''''t want (President-elect Joe) Biden to get any credit for it." Speaking to reporters during the White House press briefing on Wednesday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Hahn''''s meeting with Meadows was "par for the course."
"What I will say about Dr. Hahn is it is par for the course for the chief of staff to meet with him as we''''re trying to save American lives with the vaccine in record time," she said. The FDA did not immediately respond to a CNN request for comment. An FDA official expressed annoyance that the White House didn''''t seem to understand that there was a process. "Let me be clear -- our career scientists have to make the decision and they will take the time that''''s needed to make the right call on this important decision," Hahn said in the statement. Pfizer applied for the emergency use authorization November 20. Emergency use authorization from the FDA is not the same as full approval but allows products to be used under particular circumstances before all the evidence is available for approval, according to previous CNN reporting. The FDA has previously said it has scheduled a meeting of its outside advisory panel to discuss Pfizer and BioNTech''''s application for emergency use authorization for a coronavirus vaccine for December 10. Meadows and Hahn met for the first time Monday, after Meadows summoned him to the White House. Hahn requested their meeting happen over the phone, one source said, but was told by the White House that the chief of staff preferred to meet in person. CNN''''s Maegan Vazquez contributed to this report.
哇,真是牛总统,一边说 frustrated,一边不戴口罩开会,打 golf,然后从早到晚玩推特污蔑民主制度。
事实是, COVID 死亡率已经从3-4月时的4%降到0.88%, 这个死亡率比一般流感略高。如果你不是85以上高龄易感人群,以前得过流感没死成,那你得了新冠死亡概率也不高。
The researchers found that the age-specific infection fatality rate was extremely low among children and young adults, measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25. However, the rate progressively increased with age, growing from 0.4% at 55 to around 15% at 85.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- As the number of coronavirus cases continued to surge across California on Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that the state is set to receive 327,000 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in December.
FDA CDA 本来就是在工作的,他说句 frustrated 就是他的功劳了?
这么厉害的疫情,他有没有出来对人民交代?有没有 ramp up 任何抗疫?有没有鼓励美国全民戴口罩做好防备?有没有去灾区访问?有没有感谢所有医务人员的牺牲?他自己最喜欢的与人民沟通的推特上,一句都没有!!!
就那么一句屁话 frustrated, 竟然也有人当圣旨来拜了。
好啊,从最坏很容易就变好。所以拜登以后工作比较容易啊。床铺有点傻。 越来越觉得运气真的重要。拜登不用大量竞选,位置轻易到手。他可能是最不花时间就当上了总统的吧。上位后不用做啥,死亡人数就降低了。
转:11月20日Biden78岁生日。Birthday Party照开,有人戴口罩吗?一群虚伪愚蠢猪党。亚特兰大市长红衣女自己戳破新冠病毒谎言……竟然把录像发到推特.......室内,不需口罩不需保持距离…… https://twitter.com/keishabottoms/status/1329826261812776960?s=28
总之, 在这里逛的感觉就是, 一群费拉对蛮族讲, 哎呀呀你们一定要怕死呀, 要尊重科学呀, 要带口罩的呀, 不带会死的呀, 你看看都死了20多万了呀。
白宫发言人麦肯纳尼(Kayleigh McEnany)将未来会在美国国内投用的新冠疫苗冠名为“特朗普疫苗”(Trump vaccine),此举使该词冲上社交媒体推特(Twitter)热搜榜。
麦肯纳尼表示,到今年年底,美国将生产4,000万剂疫苗,这一伟大成就归于“有一位商人担任总统”,因此这是“特朗普疫苗”。 在发布结束后“特朗普疫苗”便成为推特热词,截至发稿已有超过2万条推文与该词有关。
还有比他更不要脸的吗,呃,好像真有,川粉。。。。 川打滚就要滚蛋了,周围的川粉怎么滚啊。。。。
Pompeo and his wife are hosting multiple holiday parties (one on the 8th floor of the State Dept with more than 900 invitees & food & drinks). At the same time, Pompeo’s subordinates are warned against meetings for “non-mission critical events.”
川粉就是习惯这种文革式的对领袖的崇拜, 不喊几声 “皇上英明” 浑身不舒坦
死亡率 :死亡人数/总人数口
美国排名世界第八, 排在美国前面的都是秘鲁, 阿根廷, 马其顿什么的
本来疫苗可以选前公布的, 但, 你知道的!
你更逗,那两家大选一过就公布三期数据,还立马file for approval,人家英国连夜通过了,你不问CDC / FDA 都在干啥,懒 总统 ?
没错。 就是没有这个病毒, 美国每天还是有八千多人死。
把人关家里 ?那很可能心理问题, 吸毒, 自杀死的人更多。
骂州长骂市长也没用,美国人自己造的,记得四月份就有地儿游行抗议要复工不要lockdown, 接着后来六月份全国BLM,然后然后,感觉全民就都放开了。记得大选前记者采访在座的一屋子 民众,支持川普支持拜登的一半一半,但是问到防疫还要不要lockdown,全屋子都是不要。
费拉门抱怨美国蛮族,不肯跟他们一样听政府的话, 为了一个0.3%死亡率(而且死的大多早已重病)的流行病而关家戴口罩。
要知道, 美国人如果天性也如此费拉怕死, 那美国也早已被某个暴力集团领导了。 你不能要求美国是一个自由发达的国家, 同时人民又费拉听话。
老实说,Lockdown 是个人就不会喜欢。即便是推Lockdown的人也是想先短期做一下,两周到四周,把传播控制下来,然后戴口罩,保持社交距离,勤洗手,少聚会,这样控制住大规模传播,慢慢等疫苗,也不至于冲击医疗系统,死这么多人。这个做法真的没错。
Two promising vaccines head to FDA review, setting scientific speed records https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/11/30/moderna-covid-vaccine-fda-approval/
If Trump had intervened FDA review, he would be described not to respect science, right?