The direct report is very rude and unprofessional. The whole point of group meetings is to open up communication and put everything on the table for all to discussed. What this person is doing is asking for a private moment with the manager. If I were the manager I would ignore and continue.
The direct report is very rude and unprofessional. The whole point of group meetings is to open up communication and put everything on the table for all to discussed. What this person is doing is asking for a private moment with the manager. If I were the manager I would ignore and continue. artdong 发表于 2020-12-02 15:18
呃?下属没要求私下聊啊,他只要求group 一起have a moment 慢点来啊……是烦了点,但是group meeting 难道不能提建议不能说出自己看法?如果不能, manager 需要告诉他we need to stick to our task list
楼主叙述不是太清楚,我觉得还好吧,美国人就是很直接,不同意你的意见,想继续讨论,这时候你可以说,I understand you have a different view, we can discuss offline, let's move on so we can complete our agenda. 或者类似。你的老板也在场还是你会后跟老板说,老板觉得无所谓?
可能性很多。 你一贯的威信不够或者平时小组里边自由讨论气氛很好。就你的反应来说,是前者。 你的反对的理由不充分或者有FLAW。 你反对态度不够坚决, TOO SOFT。 你反对的之后对WHAT TO DO NEXT 没有明确说明。 你的下属不会看眼神。 如果大头在的话,你的下属想趁机挣表现。 不过假如你就是那个小头目的话,为这句话上心,没必要。有点玻璃心吧。
楼主叙述不是太清楚,我觉得还好吧,美国人就是很直接,不同意你的意见,想继续讨论,这时候你可以说,I understand you have a different view, we can discuss offline, let's move on so we can complete our agenda. 或者类似。你的老板也在场还是你会后跟老板说,老板觉得无所谓? 小金猪 发表于 2020-12-02 15:33
The direct report is very rude and unprofessional. The whole point of group meetings is to open up communication and put everything on the table for all to discussed. What this person is doing is asking for a private moment with the manager. If I were the manager I would ignore and continue. artdong 发表于 2020-12-02 15:18
没觉得offensive啊,翻译成中文就是,啊等等,这些priorities互相打架。屁大点事,还能记这么清楚写这么多。觉得他烦直接说we can discuss later
The direct report is very rude and unprofessional.
The whole point of group meetings is to open up communication and put everything on the table for all to discussed. What this person is doing is asking for a private moment with the manager. If I were the manager I would ignore and continue.
虽然你写的人物关系乱七八糟,我看的是,你是那个mananger,你属下说priorities 互相打架能等一下吗,你觉得被冒犯去打小报告给你上级,你上级没觉得是事。于是你的玻璃心觉得受到了双重侮辱。讲真你下属虽然烦但没有不合适,倒是你小题大做一点屁事搞这么复杂。不累吗
呃?下属没要求私下聊啊,他只要求group 一起have a moment 慢点来啊……是烦了点,但是group meeting 难道不能提建议不能说出自己看法?如果不能, manager 需要告诉他we need to stick to our task list
我也觉得你是manager,对你的direct 这种话不爽。心大一点儿吧,别想了。
是你不愿意继续沟通了,用权威要求下属在这件事情上从此shut up还是别的什么。如果你真的不想在这件事情上纠缠,也做了决定,以后也会对出现的问题负责,那么私下沟通的时候把态度摆明即可。如果作为一个manager,连下属正常的沟通都“玻璃心”的话,我会觉得不适合做manager。
意思就是,这个问题先不下结论,会后我和你manager继续讨论,因为我认为有competing priority的issue没有被说服。
同常 can we have a moment, 是指私下会议。
你反对态度不够坚决, TOO SOFT。
你反对的之后对WHAT TO DO NEXT 没有明确说明。
建议back to basics, 想想他为什么反对,有没有道理,怎么get alignment。
还是这个report总是这么说话? 最后楼主忍不了了? 这个信息很重要。如果这个report总这样,我觉得我是manager也会难受。积累到一定程度会report给skip manager.