网上收到的, 在一亩三分地: "打IRS international tax 电话267-941-1000 (not toll free)去问怎么办,让IRS人告诉你应该怎么做,第一次犯错,可以写封不是故意犯错,第一次犯错可以要求免除罚款,可以上网搜搜免掉罚款的合理原因。“ The IRS’s first-time abatement penalty waiver (FTA), although introduced 12 years ago, is infrequently used by qualifying taxpayers. An FTA can be obtained for a failure-to-file, failure-to-pay, or failure-to-deposit penalty. A taxpayer may claim an FTA for only a single tax period. To qualify, taxpayers must not have been assessed any other penalties of a “significant amount” on the same type of tax return within the past three years and must be in compliance with all filing and payment requirements. IRS personnel use a decision-support software tool called the Reasonable Cause Assistant (RCA) to help determine whether a taxpayer is eligible for an FTA. However, the RCA has been criticized for yielding a high percentage of incorrect determinations of FTA eligibility that IRS personnel generally do not correct. Through persistence, a practitioner can often persuade the IRS to reverse an initial incorrect determination that a taxpayer does not qualify for an FTA. 快去找比较好的税务律师, 帮你忙。 这时候就不要省钱了。
楼主,你这个可以找tax attorney帮你回复IRS申请免除罚款 26 U.S.C. § 6039F 2) Reasonable cause exception Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any failure to report a foreign gift if the United States person shows that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect.
网上收到的, 在一亩三分地: "打IRS international tax 电话267-941-1000 (not toll free)去问怎么办,让IRS人告诉你应该怎么做,第一次犯错,可以写封不是故意犯错,第一次犯错可以要求免除罚款,可以上网搜搜免掉罚款的合理原因。“ The IRS’s first-time abatement penalty waiver (FTA), although introduced 12 years ago, is infrequently used by qualifying taxpayers. An FTA can be obtained for a failure-to-file, failure-to-pay, or failure-to-deposit penalty. A taxpayer may claim an FTA for only a single tax period. To qualify, taxpayers must not have been assessed any other penalties of a “significant amount” on the same type of tax return within the past three years and must be in compliance with all filing and payment requirements. IRS personnel use a decision-support software tool called the Reasonable Cause Assistant (RCA) to help determine whether a taxpayer is eligible for an FTA. However, the RCA has been criticized for yielding a high percentage of incorrect determinations of FTA eligibility that IRS personnel generally do not correct. Through persistence, a practitioner can often persuade the IRS to reverse an initial incorrect determination that a taxpayer does not qualify for an FTA. 快去找比较好的税务律师, 帮你忙。 这时候就不要省钱了。 robindog 发表于 2020-11-29 01:48
楼主,你这个可以找tax attorney帮你回复IRS申请免除罚款 26 U.S.C. § 6039F 2) Reasonable cause exception Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any failure to report a foreign gift if the United States person shows that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. seventen 发表于 2020-11-29 02:20
楼主,你这个可以找tax attorney帮你回复IRS申请免除罚款 26 U.S.C. § 6039F 2) Reasonable cause exception Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any failure to report a foreign gift if the United States person shows that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect. seventen 发表于 2020-11-29 02:20
层主说的是这条吗? 看意思, 同一个人汇不超过10万就不用申报的。 国内每人限额5万怎么也超过不了10万的样子 For gifts or bequests from a nonresident alien or foreign estate, you are required to report the receipt of such gifts or bequests only if the aggregate amount received from that nonresident alien or foreign estate exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year. If the gifts or bequests exceed $100,000, you must separately identify each gift in excess of $5,000.
按道理是不需要报的,irs是网上说的是同一个人汇超过10万,但是说实话,看条例不敢打保票 For gifts or bequests from a nonresident alien or foreign estate, you are required to report the receipt of such gifts or bequests only if the aggregate amount received from that nonresident alien or foreign estate exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year. If the gifts or bequests exceed $100,000, you must separately identify each gift in excess of $5,000.
今天刚收到的信,但是notie date是十一月二号,只有三十天的回复时间,后天就要due了
🔥 最新回帖
天哪 还好看到这个
亲。IRS 这不要要求补税。是因为没有上报外国礼物的罚款。
这种罚款不是和你欠税有关, 而是没有按时申报。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
楼主29万是分成几个人分别汇给你的 还是说国内的钱就是在你自己名下的?
谢谢,我说呢,那么多移民美国的投资移民的钱怎么汇入美国? 只要如实申报就可以了,为了防止反洗钱,为什么美国的银行不自动提取数据上报美国的反洗钱中心呢?
这里的问题是, 当初你们在file 3520 form 的时候, 有没有attach 一封 解释的信件, 来解释一下,为什么没有及时把正确的数额报上去?
网上收到的, 在一亩三分地:
"打IRS international tax 电话267-941-1000 (not toll free)去问怎么办,让IRS人告诉你应该怎么做,第一次犯错,可以写封不是故意犯错,第一次犯错可以要求免除罚款,可以上网搜搜免掉罚款的合理原因。“
The IRS’s first-time abatement penalty waiver (FTA), although introduced 12 years ago, is infrequently used by qualifying taxpayers. An FTA can be obtained for a failure-to-file, failure-to-pay, or failure-to-deposit penalty. A taxpayer may claim an FTA for only a single tax period. To qualify, taxpayers must not have been assessed any other penalties of a “significant amount” on the same type of tax return within the past three years and must be in compliance with all filing and payment requirements. IRS personnel use a decision-support software tool called the Reasonable Cause Assistant (RCA) to help determine whether a taxpayer is eligible for an FTA. However, the RCA has been criticized for yielding a high percentage of incorrect determinations of FTA eligibility that IRS personnel generally do not correct. Through persistence, a practitioner can often persuade the IRS to reverse an initial incorrect determination that a taxpayer does not qualify for an FTA.
快去找比较好的税务律师, 帮你忙。 这时候就不要省钱了。
查不到就没事 查到了就是大事
楼主,你这个可以找tax attorney帮你回复IRS申请免除罚款
26 U.S.C. § 6039F
2) Reasonable cause exception Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any failure to report a foreign gift if the United States person shows that the failure is due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect.
谢谢,已经在咨询了,好像第一次申请免除罚金不适用于我这个。 就是因为没有解释为什么迟到了,才产生的这些罚款,目前我们打算写信说明确实不知道的实情。
正解 这个要argue 的
印象中federal tax是三年追溯期。过了三年就不用报了吧?大概这就是为什么irs没提2015汇款?
层主每年只花200块给CPA?建议你改用turbo tax吧。200块CPA的service不比turbo强。帮你省不少钱呢
一年10万. lifetime是1000万。低于10万不算在lifetime的limit里。
找一个好的有经验全通的保税师不容易,当你找到了,比turbo tax好太多太多了。你自己琢磨啥意思吧。我两年财产积累就要100万了,所以不会用turbo tax的。如果你报税非常高,就应该听我劝,我找的这个付费比较低,所以很多年没换了。如果没啥税,可以继续用turbo tax.
这就是胡说了。懂税法吗?川普的750就是左媒的一个plot居然还真有人信,并不代表他的tax liability. 先去看看他创造了多少就业,交了多少公司税。warren buffet还说他只交10几的个人税呢一个劲说税收政策不公平。
不是irs欺软怕硬,是没有资源跟富人的律师团队打官司。他们钻税法漏洞,用各种loop hole避税。irs没有足够的人力收集证据,上法庭也是输。只好找那些有些财产,case简单的软柿子捏一捏。
Buffet交那么点税,一样证明了复杂的税法对富人有利,但很容易欺负普通人。这是富人和普通人的区别,和党派政治无关。 提一下川普,反应就这么大?也没说他交750违法了啊。
账户上有个statement, 上面有什么时候你欠费多少和什么时候给你退税多少。你所有与税务局往来的金额情况都在这个statement上。
China town 差不多是这个价格吧?有企业的会有自己的会计师不用200块的哈哈。
楼主这种才是这真正需要做tax research和IRS解释的,就算是实习生,对外一个小时也charge $100+ 你那种不算报税,软件上跑一下数据而已。
是的,这种非citizen给的gift根本不收税 但楼主也不用太紧张,虽然我不知道你的具体情况,但你准备好你能准备的所有材料,找个有经验的税务律师,胜算还可以
现在报税师哪个不是软件上跑?他们招一些data entry的文员,把你给的都填好了,最后资深报税师调出来,和去年比较一下,很多数字电脑都帮他算好了,review一下几分钟的事情,要的是他的经验,看哪里可以调节,哪些form可以用,用各种方法计算,哪种方法省更多税。turbotax 太死了,我好多年前试过,好奇会差多少,因为turbo tax没发出去前是免费算的,然后对比一下,无语,结果就是我再也没用过turbo tax了。
说的不错,报税要知道其所以然,对复杂业务,收费和不收费的软件出的结果不一样。 不是说把数往系统里一输,系统自动出结果,简单的可以这么做没问题。假如比较负杂的业务的话,里面道道太多了,可以这么报,也可以那么报,要做几个plan ,然后对比结果,结合收费情况,选择一个最佳结果,是需要人工调整的。 一般人都不愿意这么花时间这么做plan比较,费时间,不如简简单单把客户打发了,剩下时间多做几个,多收几个费用。
不同的tax plan区别确实很大,但如果你到了报税的时候再去找,其实已经太晚了,真正的tax plan是提前做的
层主说的是这条吗? 看意思, 同一个人汇不超过10万就不用申报的。 国内每人限额5万怎么也超过不了10万的样子 For gifts or bequests from a nonresident alien or foreign estate, you are required to report the receipt of such gifts or bequests only if the aggregate amount received from that nonresident alien or foreign estate exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year. If the gifts or bequests exceed $100,000, you must separately identify each gift in excess of $5,000.
gift啦,楼主贴的表上写了是section 6039F,也写了是foreign gift
For gifts or bequests from a nonresident alien or foreign estate, you are required to report the receipt of such gifts or bequests only if the aggregate amount received from that nonresident alien or foreign estate exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year. If the gifts or bequests exceed $100,000, you must separately identify each gift in excess of $5,000.
Gift的话找律师找找证据去商量下就好了。原则上penalty一般是在due tax的上的。没有欠税的前提下没有file不应该是大问题。