按道理是不需要报的,irs是网上说的是同一个人汇超过10万,但是说实话,看条例不敢打保票 For gifts or bequests from a nonresident alien or foreign estate, you are required to report the receipt of such gifts or bequests only if the aggregate amount received from that nonresident alien or foreign estate exceeds $100,000 during the taxable year. If the gifts or bequests exceed $100,000, you must separately identify each gift in excess of $5,000. jiaying52 发表于 2020-11-29 14:17
https://freemantaxlaw.com/foreign-inheritance-and-gifts/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaL6hZ1H6RlwE1wSdsaToyr1JsX_bfpWDCopiY3smD52GM9iT5H0mwcaAuTPEALw_wcB Form 3520 If you are a U.S. person who received foreign gifts of money or other property, you may need to report these gifts on Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts. Form 3520 is an information return, not a tax return, because foreign gifts are not subject to income tax. However, there are significant penalties for failure to file Form 3520 when it is required. The IRS requires taxpayers to file IRS Form 3520 if they receive: Gifts or inheritances valued at more than $100,000 from a nonresident alien individual or foreign estate (including foreign persons related to that nonresident alien individual or foreign estate); or Gifts valued at more than $13,258 (adjusted annually for inflation) from foreign corporations or foreign partnerships (including foreign persons related to the foreign corporations or foreign partnerships). Penalties for Failure to File Form 3520 You may be subject to a penalty equal to 5%, but not to exceed 25%, of the amount of the foreign gift or bequest for each month for which failure to report continues. You may also be subject to a penalty if you file IRS Form 3520 but it is incomplete or inaccurate.
你根本就不懂IRS的心思。 有太多申报项目的罚款比欠税罚款厉害多了。比如说查一下FATCA吧。
不一定, 如果是汇款人是related person, 比如收款人的父母, 兄弟姐妹, 外公外婆之类的。 其中一人汇6万,另一个汇7万, 总计超过了10万, 还是要报的。
Form 3520 If you are a U.S. person who received foreign gifts of money or other property, you may need to report these gifts on Form 3520, Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts. Form 3520 is an information return, not a tax return, because foreign gifts are not subject to income tax. However, there are significant penalties for failure to file Form 3520 when it is required. The IRS requires taxpayers to file IRS Form 3520 if they receive: Gifts or inheritances valued at more than $100,000 from a nonresident alien individual or foreign estate (including foreign persons related to that nonresident alien individual or foreign estate); or Gifts valued at more than $13,258 (adjusted annually for inflation) from foreign corporations or foreign partnerships (including foreign persons related to the foreign corporations or foreign partnerships). Penalties for Failure to File Form 3520 You may be subject to a penalty equal to 5%, but not to exceed 25%, of the amount of the foreign gift or bequest for each month for which failure to report continues. You may also be subject to a penalty if you file IRS Form 3520 but it is incomplete or inaccurate.
每年开张三个半月当一年?别人也做季度公司报税,公司报税收钱还要贵一些。不懂报税师就别瞎算了。要花4小时一个人data entry,太搞笑了。我看你一个门外汉能掰多久。
也不晓得哪个不怕砸招牌的,开着年入百万做cooperation tax的firm还要接CPA200的单
不懂就别纠正别人了,gift recipient根本就不用交税,只是超金额要申报,超时间申报太久导致罚款到了上线,25%gift的钱 最好的办法是写一封信说自己是外国人不知道这个税法,希望irs酌情处理,也可以找有关系的律师
开喷之前看看清楚,喷错人了都不知道 不过也不怪你,骂你的人太多了,要分清楚挺难的。
也不晓得哪个不怕砸招牌的,开着年入百万做cooperation tax的firm还要接CPA200的单 seventen 发表于 2020-11-29 17:54
会计师本身只做最后的review,多数是请来的人填写各种数据。$200是非常少的费用,我自己的个人报税会计师收大约1100-1300 (法拉盛的价格)。我是记得每次会计师稍微调整一下,报税结果就是几百一千的差别。
it's my understanding as well.
不好意思 不小心点了踩 晕
这个建议不可以听。。。 3520可不像first abatement那么简单这是其一。其二,会计师错大了。。原则和具体如何申报躲避最高罚款是天大区别。
我靠这个装b 装的我要吐了,人家层主也就客观称述了一下找个会计师,你能脑补出这么多什么人家bso,人家赚的少,没见过世面,真是叹为观止
提醒一下 有海外金融账号(银行卡,养老金,股票,基金)的一定要注意 一年内任何时候所有账号超过一万美元都要报FBAR 违反的话查出来后果很严重 无意犯错要罚一大笔钱 有意的话账户会被罚光还可能被起诉判刑
中美有tax treaty,并且互换信息,所以什么都逃不过。
早年美国的时候社安号码随便申请。现在都是tax ID。一看就知道你没有绿卡。。。
他们太狠了,抓住主动申报人不放了。 你可以让有律师身份的也有cpa资格的律师写信给税务局解释一下吗? 看看能不能减免一些
这种罚款不是和你欠税有关, 而是没有按时申报。
亲。IRS 这不要要求补税。是因为没有上报外国礼物的罚款。
天哪 还好看到这个