这个大家只能先猜测,不过保守智库的分析是 https://taxfoundation.org/joe-biden-tax-plan-2020/ Key Findings President-elect Joe Biden, according to the tax plan he released before the election, would enact a number of policies that would raise taxes on individuals with income above $400,000, including raising individual income, capital gains, and payroll taxes. Biden would also raise taxes on corporations by raising the corporate income tax rate and imposing a corporate minimum book tax. Biden’s plan would raise tax revenue by $3.3 trillion over the next decade on a conventional basis. When accounting for macroeconomic feedback effects, the plan would collect about $2.8 trillion the next decade. This is lower than we originally estimated due to the revenue effects of the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn and new tax credit proposals introduced by the Biden campaign. According to the Tax Foundation’s General Equilibrium Model, the Biden tax plan would reduce GDP by 1.62 percent over the long term. On a conventional basis, the Biden tax plan by 2030 would lead to about 7.7 percent less after-tax income for the top 1 percent of taxpayers and about a 1.9 percent decline in after-tax income for all taxpayers on average. 我个人不负责任瞎猜,大部分华人用户算上中产(20万到40万),税后收入大概会减少3%到5%
主要的原因是对AMT(Alternative Minimum Tax)条款的修改。但是不幸在高税州,被他的税改精确打击下SALT的deduction少了很多。
奥巴马在台上的时候加了税(additional medicare tax和net investment income tax)来fund Obamacare, Trump没有取消。拜登上台肯定要加税的,而且一定会先拿靠W2的人开刀。
TRUMP的税收减免不管有没有优惠到你, 这个减免都会在2021年开始加回来。(把人当成朝三暮四的猴子,还把这个所谓的减税宣传成功劳)。 所以,不管BIDEN 加不加税,2021年开始,家庭收入在7万以上的都要开始多交税。
全美median income才六万多,你想说全国大多数人都是吃福利的?
什么叫开刀… 要怪只能怪Trump,公司减税那么多,大窟窿以后都要填的
Key Findings President-elect Joe Biden, according to the tax plan he released before the election, would enact a number of policies that would raise taxes on individuals with income above $400,000, including raising individual income, capital gains, and payroll taxes. Biden would also raise taxes on corporations by raising the corporate income tax rate and imposing a corporate minimum book tax. Biden’s plan would raise tax revenue by $3.3 trillion over the next decade on a conventional basis. When accounting for macroeconomic feedback effects, the plan would collect about $2.8 trillion the next decade. This is lower than we originally estimated due to the revenue effects of the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn and new tax credit proposals introduced by the Biden campaign. According to the Tax Foundation’s General Equilibrium Model, the Biden tax plan would reduce GDP by 1.62 percent over the long term. On a conventional basis, the Biden tax plan by 2030 would lead to about 7.7 percent less after-tax income for the top 1 percent of taxpayers and about a 1.9 percent decline in after-tax income for all taxpayers on average.