Almost heaven, West VirginiaBlue ridge mountains, Shenandoah riverLife is old there, older than the treesYounger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze
2020 exit poll is not accurate in reflecting a real vote distribution due to a large number of mail-in ballots, which were not included in the exit poll.
2020 exit poll is not accurate in reflecting a real vote distribution due to a large number of mail-in ballots, which were not included in the exit poll. wqguy 发表于 2020-11-14 18:14
你不是让人去google吗?我给你Google一段 “Problems[edit] Like all opinion polls, exit polls by nature do include a margin of error. A famous example of exit poll error occurred in the 1992 UK General Election, when two exit polls predicted a hung parliament. The actual vote revealed that Conservative Party Government under John Major held their position, though with a significantly reduced majority. Investigations into this failure identified a number of causes including differential response rates (the Shy Tory Factor), the use of inadequate demographic data and poor choice of sampling points.[9][10] Because exit polls require a baseline to compare swing against, they are not reliable for one-off votes such as the Scottish independence referendum or the UK EU membership referendum.[5][6] Because exit polls can't reach people who voted by postal ballot or another form of absentee voting, they may be biased towards certain demographics and miss swings that only occur among absentee voters.[7] For example, in the May round of the 2016 Austrian presidential election, exit polls correctly pointed to a narrow lead for Norbert Hofer among those who voted at a polling station.[11] However, the postal votes (which made up about 12% of the total vote)[12] were slightly but definitively in favour of his rival Alexander Van der Bellen, and ultimately gave Van der Bellen victory.”
你不是让人去google吗?我给你Google一段 “Problems[edit] Like all opinion polls, exit polls by nature do include a margin of error. A famous example of exit poll error occurred in the 1992 UK General Election, when two exit polls predicted a hung parliament. The actual vote revealed that Conservative Party Government under John Major held their position, though with a significantly reduced majority. Investigations into this failure identified a number of causes including differential response rates (the Shy Tory Factor), the use of inadequate demographic data and poor choice of sampling points.[9][10] Because exit polls require a baseline to compare swing against, they are not reliable for one-off votes such as the Scottish independence referendum or the UK EU membership referendum.[5][6] Because exit polls can't reach people who voted by postal ballot or another form of absentee voting, they may be biased towards certain demographics and miss swings that only occur among absentee voters.[7] For example, in the May round of the 2016 Austrian presidential election, exit polls correctly pointed to a narrow lead for Norbert Hofer among those who voted at a polling station.[11] However, the postal votes (which made up about 12% of the total vote)[12] were slightly but definitively in favour of his rival Alexander Van der Bellen, and ultimately gave Van der Bellen victory.”
你咋不摘抄这一段呢 The numbers on this page are preliminary estimates from exit polls conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. These surveys interviewed voters outside of polling places or early voting sites, or by phone (to account for mail-in voters). Results from interviews with 15,590 voters are shown below.
民主党有对有错的地方,共和党也是一样。中立总比太左太右好。在我眼里共和党在为了保护Trump下也做了一些我反对的太极端化的错误,但同时民主党维护BLM的riots和非法移民的一些立场也太左了。 共和党和民主党的政治行动和口号大家都知道,但也要看看老百姓在事实生活中是怎么做的。 The Top 5 States People Moved To: Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana 民主党最强的老本(加州和纽约)人口在大大外流。 虽然民主党加税给福利,但总的来说那边的老百姓觉得日子还是其他州好过,往德州和florida搬家。 房地产和收税是很大的原因。加州和纽约的穷富差别也是最大的,这把房地产搞的非常贵,导致那么多无家可归的人口。 而相比来说共和党的中部却相对来说穷富差别比较小,也没什么大homeless的问题。 因此在经济角度上,我觉得共和党比民主党好一些。 但这也不是说共和党的经济计划没有问题。 比如2017年减税是错的(当时经济好,再减税没什么效率),当时应该减开销和还债。 现在我担心民主党上来后要加税。 我同意现在是应该给福利支持老百姓,但加税那是再要错了(在经济困难时加税是火上浇油了)。 我劝大家不要盯着什么党派,什么立场,而是从一个中立的起点开始分析什么计划更符合道理和道德。 Trump胡说八道是害人,但有些好听的话也是会害人的。
民主党有对有错的地方,共和党也是一样。中立总比太左太右好。在我眼里共和党在为了保护Trump下也做了一些我反对的太极端化的错误,但同时民主党维护BLM的riots和非法移民的一些立场也太左了。 共和党和民主党的政治行动和口号大家都知道,但也要看看老百姓在事实生活中是怎么做的。 The Top 5 States People Moved To: Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana 民主党最强的老本(加州和纽约)人口在大大外流。 虽然民主党加税给福利,但总的来说那边的老百姓觉得日子还是其他州好过,往德州和florida搬家。 房地产和收税是很大的原因。加州和纽约的穷富差别也是最大的,这把房地产搞的非常贵,导致那么多无家可归的人口。 而相比来说共和党的中部却相对来说穷富差别比较小,也没什么大homeless的问题。 因此在经济角度上,我觉得共和党比民主党好一些。 但这也不是说共和党的经济计划没有问题。 比如2017年减税是错的(当时经济好,再减税没什么效率),当时应该减开销和还债。 现在我担心民主党上来后要加税。 我同意现在是应该给福利支持老百姓,但加税那是再要错了(在经济困难时加税是火上浇油了)。 我劝大家不要盯着什么党派,什么立场,而是从一个中立的起点开始分析什么计划更符合道理和道德。 Trump胡说八道是害人,但有些好听的话也是会害人的。 drugdealer 发表于 2020-11-15 13:10
The Top 5 States People Moved To - 这些州就会慢慢变蓝。人口结构改变后就会一党专制的可能性越来越大。 Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana
The Top 5 States People Moved To - 这些州就会慢慢变蓝。人口结构改变后就会一党专制的可能性越来越大。 Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana
urban = slum?笑而不语
Income <50k Trump 44 Biden 55 Income >100k Trump 57 Biden 42
Full time job Trump 51 Biden 47 No full time job Trump 42 Biden 57
现在还跟着gop 的是:白人至上者(其实这些人大学都没上过),阴谋论者,还有眼里只盯着那点税收的人。
这个不是poll,是exit poll,即实际投票数据,你如果不懂两者的区别的,可以去google一下
对 这两个州都是超过60%的人选了川总 遍地trailer park的鬼地方
West Virginia 是美国最红的地方吧?
这个地方 是美国的瑞士吧, 最美啊!!
Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue ridge mountains, Shenandoah river Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze
可以把美国建设的比瑞士都发达一万倍以上, 而且可以容纳 20 - 40 亿人口都没问题.
GOP 代表了英国19世纪 自由资本主义的老路吧?
民主党的思想比较北欧化和德国化. 比较开放吧.
你要搞明白,蓝州如加州,也就几个中心城市是蓝的,收入高的也在郊区。蓝的发黑的蓝州城市都是shithole。 红州也是城市是蓝的发黑shithole。周围是红的
旧金山 唐人街地区是 红还是蓝啊?
白马是马 但和普通马完全不一样 它准确性高很多 完全代表选举结果
再说你想表达什么观点?现在exit poll结果是富人更支持GOP不正是媒体每天灌输的吗?
民主党支持者逻辑混乱的很 一部分天天说富州都是蓝的 说明支持民主党的富有 另一部分天天说GOP是富人党 请问GOP的红州不是在你们眼中的shithole state吗?哪里可能有富人?鱼和熊掌不可兼得
"这个不是poll,是exit poll,即实际投票数据,你如果不懂两者的区别的,可以去google一下" 上面这句话是谁说的?刚说完就自己打自己的脸。
“白马是马 但和普通马完全不一样 ”
2020 exit poll is not accurate in reflecting a real vote distribution due to a large number of mail-in ballots, which were not included in the exit poll.
有全职工作,收入较高的,红的占多数 那么,红州的收入都很高了? 看看人均GDP 最低的是那几个州
人家说了 "这个不是poll,是exit poll,即实际投票数据,你如果不懂两者的区别的,可以去google一下"
这个楼主最早在boston卖机票,精神有些问题,最后混不下去去了东南亚,连上海都回不了。 这算注定贫穷吗?
这exit poll显然是最后的比率 每个数值都吻合最后的投票比例
你这是抬杠 exit poll名义上叫poll 但结果完全体现投票 和普通poll完全不一样的性质 你连这也反驳 可见已辩无可辩了
哦?这就是典型民主党辩论方式 不断挪动goal post 所以你觉得穷人都是支持GOP的 exit poll完全错了 对吗?
笑死 移動goal post的人是你吧 給你複習一下首帖:“GOP应该反省,为啥越穷的州越红”
郊区一样很蓝,只不过没有市中心那么蓝。 全美收入最高的那些town都蓝得很。一般来说,郊区比较差的那些地方偏红。农村是深红。
川粉真是嘴硬啊!知道有多少人看见pollster绕着走吗? 你能保证回答问题的人,代表投票的人群吗? 知道selection bias吗? 真是秀智商啊!
看来你还是不知道什么是exit poll
exit poll是根据最后投票结果调整的 你可以去看看史上所有exit poll 每个都是完全吻合最后投票结果
混淆概念?是你们民主党说投川普的都是红州穷人 然后现在又说富人都投川普?蓝州的富人投不投?都是减税 只有红州富人投吗?哪里富人多?红州富人还是蓝州富人?现在总结果是富人投给川普的多的 我能不能下结论说蓝州富人不如红州多?
“Problems[edit] Like all opinion polls, exit polls by nature do include a margin of error. A famous example of exit poll error occurred in the 1992 UK General Election, when two exit polls predicted a hung parliament. The actual vote revealed that Conservative Party Government under John Major held their position, though with a significantly reduced majority. Investigations into this failure identified a number of causes including differential response rates (the Shy Tory Factor), the use of inadequate demographic data and poor choice of sampling points.[9][10] Because exit polls require a baseline to compare swing against, they are not reliable for one-off votes such as the Scottish independence referendum or the UK EU membership referendum.[5][6] Because exit polls can't reach people who voted by postal ballot or another form of absentee voting, they may be biased towards certain demographics and miss swings that only occur among absentee voters.[7] For example, in the May round of the 2016 Austrian presidential election, exit polls correctly pointed to a narrow lead for Norbert Hofer among those who voted at a polling station.[11] However, the postal votes (which made up about 12% of the total vote)[12] were slightly but definitively in favour of his rival Alexander Van der Bellen, and ultimately gave Van der Bellen victory.”
“exit poll是根据最后投票结果调整的 ”??? 我无语了。这就你的反映实际选举结果?
大量兰州的富人红票投了川。按照年收入10万以上选民,投川的占大多数。这些10万以上选民显然不在WV,而是在CA. 川没赢兰州是一回事,兰州富人支持川是另一回事,不矛盾。
lol 这脸打的
这次大选3号晚上的时候,NYT的exit poll的结果是Trump赢NC和FL,输掉GA。那个时候NC和FL还是蓝的, GA还是红的。
你可以拿个例说exit poll不是每次都准,但是对于那个投G和D的收入划分,看看那次exit poll的结果和结果是否吻合,你就可以选择是不是相信它了
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 华川粉就是这种自尊的
是的,你说东他说西。 反对民主党=川粉=低学历低收入红脖。 你说收入不低,她又说不带这么比的
又来了,那为什么poll都说投trump的学历低了?不懂selection bias了吗?
The numbers on this page are preliminary estimates from exit polls conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool. These surveys interviewed voters outside of polling places or early voting sites, or by phone (to account for mail-in voters). Results from interviews with 15,590 voters are shown below.
有意思 5万到10万的也列出来啊 这些人不是人啊
link里面去年的income 5w-10w trump 42 biden 57 10w-20w trump 58 biden 41 >20w trump 44 biden 44
估计没有算吃福利的。另外流浪汉的票被要去投了民主党,但是统计收入的时候却没有算。想想底特律多少吃福利的?可是算进收入统计了吗? 跟民主党,只能穷的越来越多吃福利
The Top 5 States People Moved To: Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana
民主党最强的老本(加州和纽约)人口在大大外流。 虽然民主党加税给福利,但总的来说那边的老百姓觉得日子还是其他州好过,往德州和florida搬家。 房地产和收税是很大的原因。加州和纽约的穷富差别也是最大的,这把房地产搞的非常贵,导致那么多无家可归的人口。 而相比来说共和党的中部却相对来说穷富差别比较小,也没什么大homeless的问题。
因此在经济角度上,我觉得共和党比民主党好一些。 但这也不是说共和党的经济计划没有问题。 比如2017年减税是错的(当时经济好,再减税没什么效率),当时应该减开销和还债。 现在我担心民主党上来后要加税。 我同意现在是应该给福利支持老百姓,但加税那是再要错了(在经济困难时加税是火上浇油了)。
我劝大家不要盯着什么党派,什么立场,而是从一个中立的起点开始分析什么计划更符合道理和道德。 Trump胡说八道是害人,但有些好听的话也是会害人的。
The Top 5 States People Moved To - 这些州就会慢慢变蓝。人口结构改变后就会一党专制的可能性越来越大。 Florida Texas Arizona North Carolina Georgia The Top 5 States People Left: New York California Illinois New Jersey Louisiana
有可能, 但也不要忘了有会变红的可能性。 他们离开加州和纽约主要是想找到更好的生活,这其实是他们有倾向共和党的行为。如果他们在德州和Florida找到希望的生活,他们就会变红,如果发现这边生活不好也反过来更蓝。
这次大选我投票Biden, 但对国会的位子投票共和党。我反对Trump这种反科学和独权主义的行为,但同时我也不要导致反过来太左的blue wave。 因此这次大选的结果是比我符合我的中立立场的。